Bill Maher to tea partiers: The Founding Fathers would’ve hated your guts

Lighten up everybody. That bit was funny.

And... the founding fathers would probably have hated the TEA party, because the tea party is full of really, really unintelligent and overly emotional people with really bad ideas, mad at all the wrongs things and with absolutely no way to fix anything. I really hope the TEA party is joking, because they are a joke.
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Lighten up everybody. That bit was funny.

And... the founding fathers would probably have hated the TEA party, because the tea party is full of really, really unintelligent and overly emotional people with really bad ideas, mad at all the wrongs things and with absolutely no way to fix anything. I really hope the TEA party is joking, because they are a joke.
Perhaps if you didn't get your views of the TEA Party handed to you from bitter, unfunny alleged comedians, you wouldn't be making such asinine statements.
You are welcome to agree with him. That doesn't make you - or him - right. I personally think the Founders would love the dissent of the TEA Partiers. They founded this country on dissent. They loved a good revolution, our Founders. Personally, I think some of them would love the TEAs, others would disagree with the TEAs. Contrary to popular belief (and contrary to Maher's own stupidity) the Founders were individuals. They disagreed among themselves. They fought. They argued. They threatened one another. They were passionate about this country. So are we. In that, we are all the same.
Isn't it foolhearty, at best, to believe that they would enjoy and love revolution and dissent for revolution and dissent's sake? The FF's wanted one thing and one thing only...freedom, specifically OF religion. In other words, they were more interested in believe and worshipping what they wanted and how they wanted or to believe in nothing at all. If it wasn't for religious persecution, you'd probably be living in Europe somewhere, and I'd probably be living in Africa somewhere...provided we would exist at all.

On the plane ride back, I caught of little of Ed Schultz's civility.

I'm fairly certain the Left wants to start a Civil War
The sky isn't falling Glenn Beck...relax.

The Founding Fathers had many interests in forming this country. If religion had been first and foremost, it would have been listed first and mentioned more often. Limited power of the rulers, decentralizing authority and liberty for all in all things were the goals.
The Founding Fathers had many interests in forming this country. If religion had been first and foremost, it would have been listed first and mentioned more often. Limited power of the rulers, decentralizing authority and liberty for all in all things were the goals.

First Amendment - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There it is, listed first. Seems like our founding generation DID, in fact, consider it a rather important liberty. Not their only concern, but clearly a big one.
Specified only first in the Amendments. Restrictions on religion do exist in the main body. Art VI "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." Freedom of religious value and private religion are protected. However, clearly organized religion and public government are separated.
No, as much as I know the left would LOVE to believe our Founding Fathers were a bunch of atheist religion-haters, he was dead wrong on "thought the Bible was mostly bullshit".

You're right in that most of the founding fathers weren't atheists, but a lot of them were deists-which isn't Christian (like Thomas Jefferson), and some of them were Christians like Hamilton and Adams.

I think both sides have a skewed view of the founding fathers-they weren't bible touting Christians like some believe, and they weren't atheists who didn't believe either.
Jefferson used a Bible that he edited, excluding all Jesus's miracles.

His letters to his children state that he believed god created the world, then essentially left it up for us to rule (deism). But Jefferson was easily the most complicated founding father to figure out, for example he was against big government (yet he expanded the country more than any other president-doubling it). He thought all men should be equal-but owned slaves. Then decided some to set some of his slaves free-but not all of them. He's known as writing the Declaration-yet it was edited afterwards by the continental congress.

"Almighty God hath created the mind free...All attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens...are a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our religion...No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship or ministry or shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief, but all men shall be free to profess and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion. I know but one code of morality for men whether acting singly or collectively."

This clearly lays out his thoughts that church and state should be separated-and that the formation of the country (from his perspective) isn't based on religion.
The Founding Fathers had many interests in forming this country. If religion had been first and foremost, it would have been listed first and mentioned more often. Limited power of the rulers, decentralizing authority and liberty for all in all things were the goals.

First Amendment - Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

There it is, listed first. Seems like our founding generation DID, in fact, consider it a rather important liberty. Not their only concern, but clearly a big one.

Note is was an amendment. I certainly did not call it unimportant, in fact, I am very happy about its inclusion.
Lighten up everybody. That bit was funny.

And... the founding fathers would probably have hated the TEA party, because the tea party is full of really, really unintelligent and overly emotional people with really bad ideas, mad at all the wrongs things and with absolutely no way to fix anything. I really hope the TEA party is joking, because they are a joke.
Perhaps if you didn't get your views of the TEA Party handed to you from bitter, unfunny alleged comedians, you wouldn't be making such asinine statements.

Asinine statements? How can you presume to know where I get my views of the TEA party? You can't, so don't.
Lighten up everybody. That bit was funny.

And... the founding fathers would probably have hated the TEA party, because the tea party is full of really, really unintelligent and overly emotional people with really bad ideas, mad at all the wrongs things and with absolutely no way to fix anything. I really hope the TEA party is joking, because they are a joke.
Perhaps if you didn't get your views of the TEA Party handed to you from bitter, unfunny alleged comedians, you wouldn't be making such asinine statements.

Asinine statements? How can you presume to know where I get my views of the TEA party? You can't, so don't.
Surely you don't think...errr, sorry...surely you don't feel those are all your original ideas, do you?
I am discussing you far righties. The lefties remind me of you all the time. I wonder if lefties and righties come from the same genetic pool.
I am discussing you far righties. The lefties remind me of you all the time. I wonder if lefties and righties come from the same genetic pool.
Given that you consider yourself a "mainstream Republican", your judgement is seriously flawed, boy. :lol:
Considering that you don't recognize of what mainstream Republicans consists, I am not worried about that. I do know that your political philosophy is not that of mainstream America.
Considering that you don't recognize of what mainstream Republicans consists, I am not worried about that. I do know that your political philosophy is not that of mainstream America.
Why are you still acting as if your opinion of conservatives matters? You're a leftist.
Maher is a douche. I thought everyone already knew this.

How adorably narcissistic of you to think that because you believe something, it is widely held.

Maher is an american hero in my book. He is a real human being, not conservative or a liberal.

He *gulp* thinks for himself...

He *gulp* does not believe in the bible....

He *double gulp* does not follow those with power blindly....

I think Bill Maher has and continues to be an important person in our society, who has done of lot of good by showing us how to laugh at the absurdities in our political system, allowing us to step outside of what it sold to us by the establishment, and take a more objective look so we can make our own decisions, not those of our family, friends, community, or popular culture in general.
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Considering that you don't recognize of what mainstream Republicans consists, I am not worried about that. I do know that your political philosophy is not that of mainstream America.
Why are you still acting as if your opinion of conservatives matters? You're a leftist.

Nope. Your right wing agenda of reactionary politics makes even the mainstream GOP lefty to you. That simply shows how far to the right you are.
Considering that you don't recognize of what mainstream Republicans consists, I am not worried about that. I do know that your political philosophy is not that of mainstream America.
Why are you still acting as if your opinion of conservatives matters? You're a leftist.

Nope. Your right wing agenda of reactionary politics makes even the mainstream GOP lefty to you. That simply shows how far to the right you are.
Not the mainstream GOP, Jake (although they've been sliding leftward for a couple of decades).

YOU. You're a leftist.

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