Bill Maher to tea partiers: The Founding Fathers would’ve hated your guts

Well you're correct, it's impossible to ascertain what the FF's would've thought of this 'Movement.' But as far as the accuracy of his factual claims in his little rant, I think we can agree they're more or less correct. I also think the average teaperson has a very warped view of who the founding fathers were as people - That I agree with.

No, as much as I know the left would LOVE to believe our Founding Fathers were a bunch of atheist religion-haters, he was dead wrong on "thought the Bible was mostly bullshit".

You're right in that most of the founding fathers weren't atheists, but a lot of them were deists-which isn't Christian (like Thomas Jefferson), and some of them were Christians like Hamilton and Adams.

I think both sides have a skewed view of the founding fathers-they weren't bible touting Christians like some believe, and they weren't atheists who didn't believe either.
Jefferson used a Bible that he edited, excluding all Jesus's miracles.
No, as much as I know the left would LOVE to believe our Founding Fathers were a bunch of atheist religion-haters, he was dead wrong on "thought the Bible was mostly bullshit".

You're right in that most of the founding fathers weren't atheists, but a lot of them were deists-which isn't Christian (like Thomas Jefferson), and some of them were Christians like Hamilton and Adams.

I think both sides have a skewed view of the founding fathers-they weren't bible touting Christians like some believe, and they weren't atheists who didn't believe either.
Jefferson used a Bible that he edited, excluding all Jesus's miracles.

Religion and the Founders concerns all those who are interested in the Constitution and the founding of our government.

Almost all of the founders came from Christian families, including Jefferson, most were baptized, and then it went from there. Ethan Allan, Tom Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin were clearly not Christian. Adams was Unitarian, refusing to believe in the triune God. The Pickneys from South Carolina were Catholics.

All of them with the exception of John Jay, perhaps Patrick Henry, in no way shape fashion or form wanted a union of church and state at the national level: thus the 1st Amendment.
Nope, daveman, you don't define anything for anybody. I mean, you are barely sentient. So when we pick the candidate we want for the party, you will vote for him. Or go elsewhere: who cares?
Nope, daveman, you don't define anything for anybody. I mean, you are barely sentient. So when we pick the candidate we want for the party, you will vote for him. Or go elsewhere: who cares?
I bet if I joined you in supporting Obama, you'd think I was smart. :lol:

You're funny, boy. But you need to realize that liberal Republicans, along with the Democrats, are what screwed up this nation.

Your Poli Sci 101 professor lied to you, kid. You've got a screwed-up notion of what the GOP is all about. It isn't about rubber-stamping Democrat policies, boy.
once again, daveman, you are projecting your far far far right fears on others. Really, tell us what you are afraid of? Majority politics?
The TEA Parties takes its moniker from an historic event. One about taxes. Can you grasp that concept... the similarities between the original event and the current issue?

Now that's not fair. You didn't include the "...unless I find the comparison apt" clause above when you said "I find this whole 'invoking the names' of our national heroes to be ridiculous."

You'll have to forgive people for being confused!

Sorry, but deliberate ignorance is inexcusable, so your confusion is your fault and your problem.

There's a big difference between drawing an analogy to a historical event and "invoking the names of national heroes". No one has to say, "Thomas Jefferson (or George Washington, Ben Franklin, whoever) would think and believe THIS" in order to say, "I feel like we are in the same situation that sparked the Boston Tea Party". I realize that the left would LOVE to block anyone from learning and referring to history, so that they would be free to repeat it at will, but it's just not going to work.
Oh, you just reminded me his new season starts this month.


He's right about the founding fathers.

Oh, cool. When, exactly, did Maher interview the Founding Fathers.... and it's interesting to know that they all agree... because they sure as hell didn't when they were alive.

And.... for the record, I would be saying the same thing if Glen Beck claimed that the Founders (as a group) would support the TEA Parties.

It is no wonder that the country is such a fucking mess. Generally, we have no concept of 'critical thinking'.

You think we have to interview them to understand their pov?

Clearly, you need to, if you think they all had the same point of view.

There's a really good book called John Adams by David McCullough. Historical and factual. There's also an HBO miniseries they show every July 4th.

Learn something.

I love it. "We know their point of view, because there are a whole bunch of people who never met them who claim to know their point of view."

Yes, we all DEFINITELY need to "learn something", so that - like you - we can run around thinking that HBO is now a scholarly historical reference. :lmao:

I could sort of respect this if you had referred us to "The Federalist Papers" or something like that, but HBO?!
And.... before you talk about taxes not going up.... I would refer you to the list of taxes in the new Health Care bill.

They want to take to the streets because FSA contributions are capped (above the current average contribution)? Or maybe they're afraid their favorite tax deductions will be lessened? Intolerable tax increases! :lol:

When did the First Amendment get changed to require people to get YOUR agreement and approval of their grievances before they're allowed to petition the government for redress?

Or, to put it another way, who the fuck asked you?
One thing's for sure - In their day, if they were advocating for the wealthy (eg Madison), they made no bones about the fact that they were advocating for the wealthy.

If I had to venture a guess, I think at minimum they'd be rolling their eyes something fierce at average people tricked into voting against their self interests.

If I had to venture a guess, I think they'd be rolling their eyes at dipshits like you trying to tell other people what "their best interests" are, and assuming they're too goddamned stupid to decide that for themselves.

Here's a thought, you arrogant, elitist jackwagon: maybe they weren't "tricked". Maybe they just don't agree with your worldview. Shockingly enough, people CAN decide honestly that you're full of shit.
When did the First Amendment get changed to require people to get YOUR agreement and approval of their grievances before they're allowed to petition the government for redress?

Or, to put it another way, who the fuck asked you?

Sounds like somebody was getting mileage out of that FSA! :lol:
Why the rhetoric with Palin then. Why not just say "go to the ballot box"? Because it's not as effective and she (and many other pollies) like to ramp up the rhetoric...shrug...

As for not knowing what I'm talking about, you mean like telling people not to speak on behalf of the FF's and then doing exactly that like you just did?

She formed an educated opinion and prefaced it with "I think...", which I hope all of us could distinguish as not attempting to speak on behalf of anyone.

i wish palin's opinion about anything was educated.

The main thing I like about her is that she never says anything YOU would approve of as "educated". It is, after all, the most intelligent position to take: opposite you.
Eh, he just enjoys stirring the pot....he, and others, seem annoyed that they've yet to find that collective button to push and really rile up the TPM.


They keep trolling, throwing bombs, trying to get the attention of a very large segment of the population that doesn't give a damn what they think.
once again, daveman, you are projecting your far far far right fears on others. Really, tell us what you are afraid of? Majority politics?

So...I call you a human being (after you call me barely sentient), and I'M projecting? :cuckoo:

Kid, you're flailing. Badly. Leftists do that a lot: Throw shit randomly to see what sticks.

I am sure some leftists flail as badly as you do.

Once again, you whine when you get what you try to give.

Remember to vote GOP next year.
once again, daveman, you are projecting your far far far right fears on others. Really, tell us what you are afraid of? Majority politics?

So...I call you a human being (after you call me barely sentient), and I'M projecting? :cuckoo:

Kid, you're flailing. Badly. Leftists do that a lot: Throw shit randomly to see what sticks.

I am sure some leftists flail as badly as you do.

Once again, you whine when you get what you try to give.
No time for whining. Too busy laughing at you.

Say, aren't you going to be late for the bus, kid? Or is there no school today?
Remember to vote GOP next year.
I will, unless they run some liberal Republican. They helped us get in this mess. They don't need to be rewarded...they need to be fired. We need conservatives in office.

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