Bill Maher to tea partiers: The Founding Fathers would’ve hated your guts

Isn't it odd, then, how you never seem to criticize anything Obama does? How you ride to the defense of the farthest-left posters here? How you agree with most every Democrat policy?

If that's mainstream Republicanism, the GOP may as well change their name to DNC II.

Several words come to mind, lying stupid piece of shit. Is that a good summation of starkey?
Not bad. I just wonder about his motives, and who he thinks he's fooling.

Trolling is his MO
This my friends is TONING down the rhetoric, the NEW civility..

posted at 10:20 am on January 15, 2011 by Michael van der Galien
Talk show host Bill Maher once again displayed his ignorance for America’s history and founding by telling Tea Partiers that the Founding Fathers would have “hated” their “guts.”
As you’d come to expect from Maher he constantly referred to members of the Tea Party as “teabaggers” – which would probably be an insult coming from virtually everybody else. When Maher uses this word, however, the Tea Party should wear it as a badge of honor.
Next he told Tea Partiers that the Founding Fathers were “nothing like them.” No, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, George Washington and all the others were profoundly different. How?

Here comes Maher:video at site.
Now, I want you teabaggers out there to understand one thing: while you idolize the Founding Fathers and dress up like them, and smell like them, I think it’s pretty clear that the Founding Fathers would have hated your guts. And what’s more, you would’ve hated them. They were everything you despise. They studied science, read Plato, hung out in Paris, and thought the Bible was mostly bullshit.
Video (via Mediaite):

SEE VIDEO( more from the idiot Maher) and read it all with comments.
Bill Maher to tea partiers: The Founding Fathers would?ve hated your guts Hot Air

Oh, you just reminded me his new season starts this month.


He's right about the founding fathers.

Maher is spot usual.
bigreb excellently describes himself and you, daveman.

Thing is Jake I don't lie. Why would I start now? You on the other hand have been called on your lies.

I have been called on for misspeaking buI have bener been caught in a lie because I haven't lie. You have been caught not just by me but others.
You almost get there, then you lie. Yes, I am a mainstream Republican. No, I don't support everything Obama does. What I don't like is that the far right and the far left think they are on some kind of mission to save the rest of us who are doing quite well with being American.

Oh, well: one baby step then a stumble for you daveman.
Isn't it odd, then, how you never seem to criticize anything Obama does? How you ride to the defense of the farthest-left posters here? How you agree with most every Democrat policy?

If that's mainstream Republicanism, the GOP may as well change their name to DNC II.

1, that's a lie, and you know it.

2, I don't agree with every Democrat policy and you can't even come close to that call.

3. I do knock down sickness from the far far right that has infected the party like a disease.

That is why I am so glad Palin has realized she marginalized herself the last ten days with her bad behavior.

Now either she cleans it up, or she pulls down not only herself but her supporters as well.

That's good for the GOP, that's good for the country.

1, that's a lie, and you know it.
Here's an easy test for you jake call truthmatters a liar when shes busted for lying. Or how about rdean?

3. I do knock down sickness from the far far right that has infected the party like a disease.

You can't hide it jake right here in your reply you call the far far right a sickness, yet no mention of the far far left.
Maher's fun to listen to, like Rush, but not to take seriously. They are merely serving their audiences.

Now if the FFs were alive today, Sarah would be in the kitchen, and Williams would be sweeping the pressroom floor.

Folks, let's remember who the FFs were.
This my friends is TONING down the rhetoric, the NEW civility..

posted at 10:20 am on January 15, 2011 by Michael van der Galien
Talk show host Bill Maher once again displayed his ignorance for America’s history and founding by telling Tea Partiers that the Founding Fathers would have “hated” their “guts.”
As you’d come to expect from Maher he constantly referred to members of the Tea Party as “teabaggers” – which would probably be an insult coming from virtually everybody else. When Maher uses this word, however, the Tea Party should wear it as a badge of honor.
Next he told Tea Partiers that the Founding Fathers were “nothing like them.” No, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, George Washington and all the others were profoundly different. How?

Here comes Maher:video at site.
Now, I want you teabaggers out there to understand one thing: while you idolize the Founding Fathers and dress up like them, and smell like them, I think it’s pretty clear that the Founding Fathers would have hated your guts. And what’s more, you would’ve hated them. They were everything you despise. They studied science, read Plato, hung out in Paris, and thought the Bible was mostly bullshit.
Video (via Mediaite):

SEE VIDEO( more from the idiot Maher) and read it all with comments.
Bill Maher to tea partiers: The Founding Fathers would?ve hated your guts Hot Air

Bill is onto something here...but.........


Bill Maher is NOT Democrat.

You almost get there, then you lie. Yes, I am a mainstream Republican. No, I don't support everything Obama does. What I don't like is that the far right and the far left think they are on some kind of mission to save the rest of us who are doing quite well with being American.

Oh, well: one baby step then a stumble for you daveman.
Isn't it odd, then, how you never seem to criticize anything Obama does? How you ride to the defense of the farthest-left posters here? How you agree with most every Democrat policy?

If that's mainstream Republicanism, the GOP may as well change their name to DNC II.

1, that's a lie, and you know it.

2, I don't agree with every Democrat policy and you can't even come close to that call.

3. I do knock down sickness from the far far right that has infected the party like a disease.

That is why I am so glad Palin has realized she marginalized herself the last ten days with her bad behavior.

Now either she cleans it up, or she pulls down not only herself but her supporters as well.

That's good for the GOP, that's good for the country.
Mainstream Republicans don't kiss Obama's ass, boy.
Speaking of Bill Maher... Have any of you seen this new cartoon called B-Rock: The First Term ?? I saw it on YouTube. It was pretty HYSTERICAL... It's about Obama, his smoking habit and this big tough guy he turns into when he can't get hold of his smokes. FUNNY! I though Bill might be behind it. If you haven't seen it, I think it's worth checking out for a good laugh. Oh yeah, and Obama actually finds bin Laden in the show... I'm tellin' you... Real good humor-
Isn't it odd, then, how you never seem to criticize anything Obama does? How you ride to the defense of the farthest-left posters here? How you agree with most every Democrat policy?

If that's mainstream Republicanism, the GOP may as well change their name to DNC II.

1, that's a lie, and you know it.

2, I don't agree with every Democrat policy and you can't even come close to that call.

3. I do knock down sickness from the far far right that has infected the party like a disease.

That is why I am so glad Palin has realized she marginalized herself the last ten days with her bad behavior.

Now either she cleans it up, or she pulls down not only herself but her supporters as well.

That's good for the GOP, that's good for the country.
Mainstream Republicans don't kiss Obama's ass, boy.

Your not a Republican much less mainstream so who cares, son.

Palin is now the fading image of what could have been and now never will.
1, that's a lie, and you know it.

2, I don't agree with every Democrat policy and you can't even come close to that call.

3. I do knock down sickness from the far far right that has infected the party like a disease.

That is why I am so glad Palin has realized she marginalized herself the last ten days with her bad behavior.

Now either she cleans it up, or she pulls down not only herself but her supporters as well.

That's good for the GOP, that's good for the country.
Mainstream Republicans don't kiss Obama's ass, boy.

Your not a Republican much less mainstream so who cares, son.

Palin is now the fading image of what could have been and now never will.
So you're claiming mainstream Republicans DO kiss Obama's ass.
Yet, you haven't exactly said he's wrong.

Unlike Maher, I don't speak on behalf of anyone, living or dead. To do so, in my opinion, would be arrogant, and more than a tad stupid. I would be no better than Maher. I need not prove him wrong. He made the ridiculous claim. Anyone who takes his claim as fact is, frankly, far too stupid to understand the stupidity of his remarks. In short, he made the claim - which is unprovable - and that, to me, speaks enough of his intellect.

Well you're correct, it's impossible to ascertain what the FF's would've thought of this 'Movement.' But as far as the accuracy of his factual claims in his little rant, I think we can agree they're more or less correct. I also think the average teaperson has a very warped view of who the founding fathers were as people - That I agree with.

No, as much as I know the left would LOVE to believe our Founding Fathers were a bunch of atheist religion-haters, he was dead wrong on "thought the Bible was mostly bullshit".
Mainstream Republicans don't kiss Obama's ass, boy.

Your not a Republican much less mainstream so who cares, son.

Palin is now the fading image of what could have been and now never will.
So you're claiming mainstream Republicans DO kiss Obama's ass.

:lol: daveman, your question remains immaterial. You are not Republican so your opinion does not count. The New Hampshire straw poll demonstrates the far right non-GOP movement has failed to take over the party. Either it plays by mainstream GOP rules, or it starts its own party.
Unlike Maher, I don't speak on behalf of anyone, living or dead. To do so, in my opinion, would be arrogant, and more than a tad stupid. I would be no better than Maher. I need not prove him wrong. He made the ridiculous claim. Anyone who takes his claim as fact is, frankly, far too stupid to understand the stupidity of his remarks. In short, he made the claim - which is unprovable - and that, to me, speaks enough of his intellect.

Well you're correct, it's impossible to ascertain what the FF's would've thought of this 'Movement.' But as far as the accuracy of his factual claims in his little rant, I think we can agree they're more or less correct. I also think the average teaperson has a very warped view of who the founding fathers were as people - That I agree with.

No, as much as I know the left would LOVE to believe our Founding Fathers were a bunch of atheist religion-haters, he was dead wrong on "thought the Bible was mostly bullshit".

You're right in that most of the founding fathers weren't atheists, but a lot of them were deists-which isn't Christian (like Thomas Jefferson), and some of them were Christians like Hamilton and Adams.

I think both sides have a skewed view of the founding fathers-they weren't bible touting Christians like some believe, and they weren't atheists who didn't believe either.
Your not a Republican much less mainstream so who cares, son.

Palin is now the fading image of what could have been and now never will.
So you're claiming mainstream Republicans DO kiss Obama's ass.

:lol: daveman, your question remains immaterial. You are not Republican so your opinion does not count. The New Hampshire straw poll demonstrates the far right non-GOP movement has failed to take over the party. Either it plays by mainstream GOP rules, or it starts its own party.'re not going to explain why you, a mainstream Republican, support Obama and most liberal ideals?

You're right about one thing, though. I consider myself a conservative more than a Republican.
I don't have to deny a claim by you that is not true. And you are finally honest: you are not a Republican.
Your not a Republican much less mainstream so who cares, son.

Palin is now the fading image of what could have been and now never will.
So you're claiming mainstream Republicans DO kiss Obama's ass.

:lol: daveman, your question remains immaterial. You are not Republican so your opinion does not count. The New Hampshire straw poll demonstrates the far right non-GOP movement has failed to take over the party. Either it plays by mainstream GOP rules, or it starts its own party.

You ought to factor just one little issue into your mocking, Joke. There aren't enough 'Republicans' to win jack shit. Without the 'far right', y'all get nothing. Either you play by our rules or we don't vote for ya.... and you have far, far more to lose than we do.
You don't have enough folks, CG, to get up a poker party. The GOP needs the independents far more than you. Why? There are far more of them than yours. So either get in line or start your own party.

You folks will blink before we do.
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