Bill Maher Turns Table On Hollywood Stars Who Trashed Kyle Rittenhouse: “Liberals hated Rittenhouse but they endlessly produce movies with that exact

Do lefties endlessly produce these movies? Do you think Mahr has a good point?
Maher's tu quoque point is garbage. Similar garbage would be to call him a hypocrite for complaining about political division, then arguing with political opponents on his show. Equally stupid.

A better point would be to examine the implied claim that their product adds to the violence in society.

But that requires thoughtful analysis. The bill Maher show is a one hour format where people throw things against the wall to see if they stick. I don't expect this analysis from him. If I did, I would be a moron.
Meh, I kind of wish someone would bitch-slap Maher on live TV.

The problem here is that most of these movies show good guys with guns shooting bad guys with guns.

Not "Ooops, I went to a demonstration and I shot a scary homeless person and then had to shoot my way through a crowd trying to arrest me."

I would love to see more movies and TV shows show us the consequences of gun violence. Grieving relatives, people dealing with crippling injuries, etc.
READ: If Maher instead went after gun owners I would love this. But he is going off campus to talk about something my side does... so today I don't like Maher.
Maher's tu quoque point is garbage. Similar garbage would be to call him a hypocrite for complaining about political division, then arguing with political opponents on his show. Equally stupid.

A better point would be to examine the implied claim that their product adds to the violence in society.

But that requires thoughtful analysis. The bill Maher show is a one hour format where people throw things against the wall to see if they stick. I don't expect this analysis from him. If I did, I would be a moron.
I disagree.
I don't think you are properly including people who are mental.
Normal young males would not go out shooting people if they watched 100 violent movies while playing GTA 8 hours a day. Correct.
But normal young males isn't the issue.
Again I bring up psychopaths. Every single mass murderer is a psychopath. All of them.
Psychopaths make up 0.6% of the population. That is 1 psycho for every 167 normal people. That is a LOT of fucking psychopaths.
However, only 1 in 200 psychopaths ever harm a soul.
But nevertheless, they account for an estimated 47% of all murders. Almost half.
Nothing should be off the table in discussing what is causing this new phenomena of young males going on rampages against innocent people.
That doesn't mean I advocate censoring movies. I don't. But it can be another tool for people to look out for if they see their son getting overly interested in violent films/games. That a long with always wanting to be alone, no friends, and walking around in a solemn mood everyday. Maybe... just maybe... that is not a person a relative should run out and buy them a gun.
Every single mass murderer is a psychopath. All of them
While I understand the sentiment, this is not accurate.

Psychopaths are born. Sociopaths are made. These are not all psychopaths. Probably not even most.

And kids in every other country watch the same movies and play the same video games that we do. They have the same inherent rate of psychopathy as we do. This is a physical disorder that is present at birth.

So this entire line is horseshit and is a distraction.
Meh, I kind of wish someone would bitch-slap Maher on live TV.

The problem here is that most of these movies show good guys with guns shooting bad guys with guns.

Not "Ooops, I went to a demonstration and I shot a scary homeless person and then had to shoot my way through a crowd trying to arrest me."

I would love to see more movies and TV shows show us the consequences of gun violence. Grieving relatives, people dealing with crippling injuries, etc.
Bill is one of you Moon Bats. Just not quite as bat shit crazy all the time as you.

One of the rare times he pointed out Libtard bullshit and now you Moon Bats are denying him? LOL!
While I understand the sentiment, this is not accurate.

Psychopaths are born. Sociopaths are made. These are not all psychopaths. Probably not even most.

And kids in every other country watch the same movies and play the same video games that we do.

So this entire line is horseshit and is a distraction.
Ugh... why is every time I mention psychopaths in this topic, someone thinks I am saying violent movies can make someone one?
That is not what I am saying. I am saying it is possible someone who is ALREADY a psychopath can get influenced enough to get pushed just enough by them to commit such acts.
It can be a piece of the puzzle. Not the whole reason.
Social media, in my opinion, can also play a role in pushing a psychopath over the edge.
So can websites like 4chan and subreddits and instagram groups where sick fucks gather and view and display over the top sick videos and discussions.
All I am saying, that is is POSSIBLE a mentally disturbed person can be influenced by these movies along with other violent stimulants.
I am saying it is possible someone who is ALREADY a psychopath can get influenced enough to get pushed just enough by them to commit such acts
Yes, of course. But this isn't the biggest reason for our epidemic of gun violence. Not even close to the top. Psychopathy is a very rare, physical disorder.

And other countries have it in the same incidence rate as we do. They watch the same movies and play the same video games.

So you haven't even begun to talk about the problem. Just a distraction.
Yes, of course. But this isn't the biggest reason for our epidemic of gun violence. Not even close to the top. Psychopathy is a very rare, physical disorder.

And other countries have it in the same incidence rate as we do. They watch the same movies and play the same video games.

So you haven't even begun to talk about the problem. Just a distraction.
Well that is the thing, it isn't near as rare as people think.
.6% of the population is 6 out of 1000 people. So even a small/medium town of 50,000 people would have, on average, 150 psychopaths. But only 1 in 200 activate to murder.
Well that is the thing, it isn't near as rare as people think.
.6% of the population is 6 out of 1000 people. So even a small/medium town of 50,000 people would have, on average, 150 psychopaths. But only 1 in 200 activate to murder.
Yes, but psycopathy is a spectrum disorder. We don't have a binary psycopathy test. We have a list of questions and behavioral observations with thresholds that must be met for different degrees of psycopathy.

While keeping guns out of the hands of psychopaths is a concern, an even larger concern is keeping them out of the hands of violent sociopaths. The pathway to both of these may be the same.

So we are kind of working toward the same goal.
Maher's tu quoque point is garbage. Similar garbage would be to call him a hypocrite for complaining about political division, then arguing with political opponents on his show. Equally stupid.

A better point would be to examine the implied claim that their product adds to the violence in society.

But that requires thoughtful analysis. The bill Maher show is a one hour format where people throw things against the wall to see if they stick. I don't expect this analysis from him. If I did, I would be a moron.
Is Mahr correct in pointing out that lefties are in fact endlessly producing these movies?
Maher's tu quoque point is garbage.
This point?:

"When liberals scream 'do something!' after a mass shooting, why aren't we also dealing with the fact that the average American kid sees 200,000 acts of violence on screens before the age of 18 and that, according to the FBI, one of the warning signs of a potential school shooter is a fascination with violence-filled entertainment?" he asked.
This point?:

"When liberals scream 'do something!' after a mass shooting, why aren't we also dealing with the fact that the average American kid sees 200,000 acts of violence on screens before the age of 18 and that, according to the FBI, one of the warning signs of a potential school shooter is a fascination with violence-filled entertainment?" he asked.

Make a point
Is Mahr correct in pointing g out that lefties are in fact producing these movies? You seem to be evading this question, which indicates that you are aware of what the answer is and the implications that this has.

If you have a point, make it all by your self.
Your refusal to acknowledge that lefties are in fact endlessly producing these movies is a picture worth a thousand words. You cannot post an objective response to the opening post or the article about Bill Mahr if you are unable to even acknowledge that lefties are in fact endlessly producing these movies.
Your refusal to acknowledge that lefties are in fact endlessly producing these movies is a picture worth a thousand words. You cannot post an objective response to the opening post or the article about Bill Mahr if you are unable to even acknowledge that lefties are in fact endlessly producing these movies.
I already granted that on page 1. I am waiting for you to make an actual point, in your own big boy words.

I imagine I will be waiting a long time.
Fort Fun Indiana , how do you think the average American kid seeing 200,000 acts of violence on screens before the age of 18 effects a kid? Do you think it is connected to what the FBI says about one of the warning signs of a potential school shooter is ‘a fascination with violence-filled entertainment?
Fort Fun Indiana , how do you think the average American kid seeing 200,000 acts of violence on screens before the age of 18 effects a kid? Do you think it is connected to what the FBI says about one of the warning signs of a potential school shooter is ‘a fascination with violence-filled entertainment?

Fort Fun Indiana , how do you think the average American kid seeing 200,000 acts of violence on screens before the age of 18 effects a kid? Do you think it is connected to what the FBI says about one of the warning signs of a potential school shooter is ‘a fascination with violence-filled entertainment?
I imagine it affects an American kid rhe same way it affects a foreign kid whi watches all the same movies and TV shows.

Yet we have an epidemic of school shootings, and foreign countries do not.

Not sure what else to tell you. You are just trying to find a way to talk about everything but the things that would make us different and which cause us to have this epidemic, but not other countries.

I think we both know why you are acting this way.

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