Bill Maher Turns Table On Hollywood Stars Who Trashed Kyle Rittenhouse: “Liberals hated Rittenhouse but they endlessly produce movies with that exact

Ten points to you or anyone else who can quote you acknowledging that lefties endlessly produce these movies.
Which would not support any point you are trying and failing to make. Which is why you are stuck on it. Because making your own big boy points is a risky proposition for you, given how hilariously terrible they usually are.
Which would not support any point you are trying and failing to make. Which is why you are stuck on it. Because making your own big boy points is a risky proposition for you, given how hilariously terrible they usually are.
You are having to evade acknowledging that lefties are in fact endlessly producing these movies, and you are having to evade answering what effect it has on shaping kids for them to see an average off 200,000 acts of violence on screen by age 18. You are also having to evade what the fbi has to say about how this is connected to these bad shooters. All this evasion makes YOU a SHINING EXAMPLE of how lefties are turning a blind eye to what is going on. YOU are a part of the problem. Nobody in their right mind can dispute the self evident merit of the point bill mahr has made here. If you do, then you are part of the culture rot in the USA that is responsible for creating all these shooting monsters here.
You are having to evade acknowledging that lefties are in fact endlessly producing these movies, and you are having to evade answering what effect it has on shaping kids for them to see an average off 200,000 acts of violence on screen by age 18. You are also having to evade what the fbi has to say about how this is connected to these bad shooters. This makes YOU a SHINING EXAMPLE of how lefties are turning a blind eye to what is going on. YOU are a part of the problem. Nobody in their right mind can dispute the self evident merit of the point bill mahr has made here. If you do, then you are part of the culture rot in the USA that is responsible for creating all these shooting monsters here.
Oh look

Another hissy fit. But no big boy points of your own.

As per usual.

You tell us how it affects kids. It's your book report, ya dumbass. Your thread. Go look up what psychologists say and report back, like a normal adult without brain damage.
I imagine it affects an American kid rhe same way it affects a foreign kid whi watches all the same movies and TV shows.

Yet we have an epidemic of school shootings, and foreign countries do not.

Not sure what else to tell you. You are just trying to find a way to talk about everything but the things that would make us different and which cause us to have this epidemic, but not other countries.

I think we both know why you are acting this way.
The Arab / Palestinian Kid would have no qualms about smashing the Israeli settlers twin toddlers heads with a rifle butt after shooting the mother with the easily obtained Firearm
The Arab / Palestinian Kid would have no qualms about smashing the Israeli settlers twin toddlers heads with a rifle butt after shooting the mother with the easily obtained Firearm
And the Israeli settlers have no problem rioting and beating the shit out of women and children with the help of Israeli police.

But your racist dog whistle and trolling doesn't add much to the topic.
And the Israeli settlers have no problem rioting and beating the shit out of women and children with the help of Israeli police.

But your racist dog whistle and trolling doesn't add much to the topic.
Rioting while police look on is a thing with you folks , not Israelis
Oh look

Another hissy fit. But no big boy points of your own.

As per usual.

You tell us how it affects kids. It's your book report, ya dumbass. Your thread. Go look up what psychologists say and report back, like a normal adult without brain damage.
It is breathtaking to see how lefties like you deny the connection between kids seeing an average of 200,000 acts of violence on screen by age 18 and the uptick in gun violence. 200,000 acts of violence seen on screen by age 18 is some SERIOUS lefty indoctrination, but you don't see it. You can't make this kind of shit up! Bill mahr just stated the blatantly obvious, and here you are trying to deny it. Shame on you.
The ANTIFA / Black Bloc/ BLM / CPUSA Street rabble will be willing to go toe to toe this Midsommar
It is breathtaking to see how lefties like you deny the connection between kids seeing an average of 200,000 acts of violence on screen by age 18 and the uptick in gun violence.
Ah yes, there it is. Not really a point, just an authoritative claim without any argument or evidence. Pretty typical for you.

So, since you managed to get two lines into your book report, let's continue.

Why don't kids in other countries shoot up schools, despite watching the same movies and shows? You insist there is a a connection. Why only here?

And, go
So Child Soldiers in the Congo & Sierra Leone & Liberia & the Sudan & Niger & Chad ... don’t shoot up schools & kidnap Girls lol
So Child Soldiers in the Congo & Sierra Leone & Liberia & the Sudan & Niger & Chad ... don’t shoot up schools & kidnap Girls lol
Not spontaneously, as lone wolf mass murderers, no. That's a different issue of christians and other various religious nutballs being missed by the reformation.

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