Bill Maher Turns Table On Hollywood Stars Who Trashed Kyle Rittenhouse: “Liberals hated Rittenhouse but they endlessly produce movies with that exact

Um, no, you are the one who is insisting big corporations are 'lefties". If they were leftists, they wouldn't be big greedy corporations.
Are you denying that Mahr is correct about lefties endlessly producing these movies?
I discount his claims about acts of violence because kids all around the world watch these movies, and don't turn into mass shooters.
Do you have even a shred of evidence that kids all around the world are actually seeing the same 200,000 acts of violence by age 18 as Americans are? Do you doubt these movies are shaping the minds of kids?
Are you denying that Mahr is correct about lefties endlessly producing these movies?

Sorry, who is "Mahr". I don't know of anyone named Mahr.
Big corporations aren't lefties...

Do you have even a shred of evidence that kids all around the world are actually seeing the same 200,000 acts of violence by age 18 as Americans are? Do you doubt these movies are shaping the minds of kids?

Well, first, I find the 200K number dubious. That would require them to see 30 acts of violence a day, every day from birth to their 18th birthday. This would be something as simple as this being counted as an act of violence. It sounds like one of those bullshit numbers that gets tossed out and no one questions it.

If anything, children's programming has really been toned down since I was a kid.
Guy, there's no limit here. Rittenhouse gunned down three people because he wanted to be a tough guy.

The reality is, I have more information that the jury had. The Jury didn't get to hear about the 14 year old girl Rittenhouse beat up, or how he hung out at a bar with members of the racist Proud Boys, or got to see the video where he saw a black guy running out of a CVS and wished he had his AR so he could shoot him. (Of course, he had no reason to believe the black man running out of the CVS had actually committed a crime.)
You are not qualified to debate anything to do with Rittenhouse when you only have half of the information.
You are not qualified to debate anything to do with Rittenhouse when you only have half of the information.

What key bit of information am I missing, exactly? As stated, I knew things the jury didn't. (And that worked both ways, since they also didn't get to hear about the criminal backgrounds of the victims).
What key bit of information am I missing, exactly?
Exactly. You have no idea because you only learned half of the information. The thing about being ignorant is that you don't even know what you don't know.
Exactly. You have no idea because you only learned half of the information. The thing about being ignorant is that you don't even know what you don't know.

Nope, I have all the information I need. He shot an unarmed man, and then shot his way through a crowd trying to detain him for police.
Wrong. You only have the information that satisfies your bias. You only have the information that you want.

Again, watched this guy shoot his way through a crowd.... that a jury let him go after an inept judge rigged the trial for him doesn't say much.
Meh, I kind of wish someone would bitch-slap Maher on live TV.

The problem here is that most of these movies show good guys with guns shooting bad guys with guns.

Not "Ooops, I went to a demonstration and I shot a scary homeless person and then had to shoot my way through a crowd trying to arrest me."

I would love to see more movies and TV shows show us the consequences of gun violence. Grieving relatives, people dealing with crippling injuries, etc.
You are so fucking ignorant of the facts of that case, that I can't imagine how you think you have the knowledge to comment on it responsibly.

Who fired the FIRST shot in Kenosha? I bet you don't even know, do you?
You are so fucking ignorant of the facts of that case, that I can't imagine how you think you have the knowledge to comment on it responsibly.

Who fired the FIRST shot in Kenosha? I bet you don't even know, do you?

Who fired first?

The cop who shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times.

Next question.

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