Bill Maher Turns Table On Hollywood Stars Who Trashed Kyle Rittenhouse: “Liberals hated Rittenhouse but they endlessly produce movies with that exact

Ah yes, there it is. Not really a point, just an authoritative claim without any argument or evidence. Pretty typical for you.

So, since you managed to get two lines into your book report, let's continue.

Why don't kids in other countries shoot up schools, despite watching the same movies and shows? You insist there is a a connection. Why only here?

And, go
What other countries do children see an average of 200,000 acts of violence on screen by the time they are 18?
So, it's Hollywood's fault that Republicans can't tell fact from fiction?

That was not the point of the op. No one said anything like that. There is a thread topic and your post is nothing but flame and off topic.

You are an asshole.
What other countries do children see an average of 200,000 acts of violence on screen by the time they are 18?
What other countries don't? Take all of Europe...they watch the same shows and play the same video games we do.

It's your book report, you tell us.

Why don't they also have an epidemic of school shootings?

You sure are having a hard time with this simple question that, with a minimum of brain effort, you would have seen coming.. Maybe you should have thought more about it before starting a thread.
And yet Hollywood producers, directors, and actors aren't running around with guns looking for trouble at riots.

It's almost as if they can separate compelling fiction from reality.
Ah...he was out there with a fire extinguisher putting out fires set by the rioters and they attacked him for doing so. Did you not watch the trial, Fort? Oh that's right...why let the facts get in the way of a compelling narrative...right?
What other countries don't? Take all of Europe...they watch the same shows and play the same video games we do.

It's your book report, you tell us.

Why don't they also have an epidemic of school shootings?

You sure are having a hard time with this simple question that, with a minimum of brain effort, you would have seen coming.. Maybe you should have thought more about it before starting a thread.
So, you had to evade answering this as well. The notion that you presented that other countries have children seeing an average of 200,000 acts of violence on screen by the time they are 18 turns out to be a fallacy. This culture rot and extreme conditioning from lefties in Hollywood is obviously unique to the USA.
So, you had to evade answering this as well. The notion that you presented that other countries have children seeing an average of 200,000 acts of violence on screen by the time they are 18 turns out to be a fallacy. This culture rot and extreme conditioning from lefties in Hollywood is obviously unique to the USA.
Yes, you certainly have evaded the key questions while presenting your book report.

You said that the violent images matter, then can't seem to eke out the actual effects from your brain that you insist exist.

You say this has caused our school shooting epidemic, but then cant explain why other countries don't have the same problem.

Sorry dummy, I am not your mommy and am not going to bail you out.

So, again:

Why don't other countries have this problem, despite watching the same movies and TV shows?

And, go
Take all of Europe...they watch the same shows and play the same video games we do.
Having access to the same media that we do does not equate to consuming the same amount of it or allowing children to witness 200,000 acts of violence on screen by the time they are 18.
Having access to the same media that we do does not equate to consuming the same amount of it or allowing children to witness 200,000 acts of violence on screen by the time they are 18.
So now you are implying children in other countries watch less TV, fewer movies, and watch stuff on the internet WAY WAY WAY less, considering the tiny percentage of school shootings they have compared to us.

But, once again, you have no evidence or argument to support your contrived claim that arises because you have hit a brick wall.

You are getting an F on your book report, so far. Lies you make up on the spot while giving your book report will always get you a bad grade.
So now you are implying children in other countries watch less TV, fewer movies, and watch stuff on the internet WAY WAY WAY less...
Wrong. You are the one who tried conflating foreign kids with American kids when you were evading the earlier questions.
Wrong. You are the one who tried conflating foreign kids with American kids when you were evading the earlier questions.
Oops, you confused yourself again.

Its your book report.

So explain to us the source of your information that foreign kids watch much less TV and internet. Also, explain to us the effects of these violent images on children that you claim exist but cannot quite manage to describe..

Then, also explain why other countries don't have the same problem, despite having the same motives and TV shows.

How many pages of whining before it is obvious you pulled this all out of your ass and cannot meet ANY of these simple requests?

I will say, 10.
Meh, I kind of wish someone would bitch-slap Maher on live TV.

The problem here is that most of these movies show good guys with guns shooting bad guys with guns.

Not "Ooops, I went to a demonstration and I shot a scary homeless person and then had to shoot my way through a crowd trying to arrest me."

I would love to see more movies and TV shows show us the consequences of gun violence. Grieving relatives, people dealing with crippling injuries, etc.
Slap Maher on live TV? Did you see what happened to the last person (coughs) Will Smith (coughs) who did that?

I'm suuure that will stop Maher from talking about things you don't like to hear.
Bill Mahr makes a good point, right?

Bill Maher Turns Table On Hollywood Stars Who Trashed Kyle Rittenhouse: “Liberals hated Rittenhouse but they endlessly produce movies with that exact plot”

Basically, Mahr has highlighted that Hollywood is a, "Do as we say, not what we do" institution. Pretty much like all things Lefty.
Slap Maher on live TV? Did you see what happened to the last person (coughs) Will Smith (coughs) who did that?

I'm suuure that will stop Maher from talking about things you don't like to hear.

No, but it would still be fun to watch.

I kind of thought it was awesome when Will Smith bitchslapped Chris Rock.
READ: If Maher instead went after gun owners I would love this. But he is going off campus to talk about something my side does... so today I don't like Maher.

I've never like Maher, even when I agreed with him. Frankly, he's like a five year old who says bad words to get attention.
Bill Mahr makes a good point, right?

Bill Maher Turns Table On Hollywood Stars Who Trashed Kyle Rittenhouse: “Liberals hated Rittenhouse but they endlessly produce movies with that exact plot”

An interesting point. Especially coming from the same people that argue that it is so important to show diversity and representation in films, thus shit caning the "well, it's not important it is just fiction" argument.

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