Bill Maher Turns Table On Hollywood Stars Who Trashed Kyle Rittenhouse: “Liberals hated Rittenhouse but they endlessly produce movies with that exact

And kids in every other country watch the same movies and play the same video games that we do.
This quote is from post 25, where the notion that kids from other countries have access to the same content as American kids do was introduced to the thread. Nobody talked about kids from other countries before this, it is yours. If you plan to use the notion to dismiss the point Mahr is making about kids being shaped by viewing an average of 200,000 acts of violence on screen by the time they are 18, you will need to link to which of these other countries has kids who see the same 200,000 acts of violence on screen as American kids do, and that these kids in other countries actually have the the same exposure. Parental control and culture is not the same in every country, so just because the same content is available in other countries, doest mean its being consumed. Link...
This quote is from post 25, where the notion that kids from other countries have access to the same content as American kids do was introduced to the thread. Nobody talked about kids from other countries before this, it is yours. If you plan to use the notion to dismiss the point Mahr is making about kids being shaped by viewing an average of 200,000 acts of violence on screen by the time they are 18, you will need to link to which of these other countries has kids who see the same 200,000 acts of violence on screen as American kids do, and that these kids in other countries actually have the the same exposure. Parental control and culture is not the same in every country, so just because the same content is available in other countries, doest mean its being consumed. Link...

Could you spell the man's name right if you are going to hold him up as a genius?

The Japanese consume more violent movies and videogames than we do... and yet they never have mass shootings... because guns have been illegal to own in Japan since the Meiji Restoration.

Is Mahr correct in pointing out that lefties have been endlessly producing these movies?

Not really. Let's be honest about what Hollywood is. A bunch of soulless corporations, some of which aren't even owned by Americans. They make these movies because they sell, period, full stop.
Not really. Let's be honest about what Hollywood is. A bunch of soulless corporations, some of which aren't even owned by Americans. They make these movies because they sell, period, full stop.
It sounds like you want to deny that lefties are in fact endlessly producing these movies, but then you explain why they are making them. Which is it? Are lefties endlessly producing these movies as Mahr says, or are they not?
The Japanese consume more violent movies and videogames than we do... and yet they never have mass shootings... because guns have been illegal to own in Japan since the Meiji Restoration.
Do you have a link to where Japanese children are exposed to more than the 200,000 acts of violence that American kids see on screen before they even turn 18?

What you just posted shows what American lefties REALLY want, but what you guys always deny. You guys want it to be illegal for Americans to own guns. You pass it off as regulating and background checks, but you just posted what lefties REALLY are after.
Bill Mahr makes a good point, right?

Bill Maher Turns Table On Hollywood Stars Who Trashed Kyle Rittenhouse: “Liberals hated Rittenhouse but they endlessly produce movies with that exact plot”

Yes, that's a good point actually.
Meh, I kind of wish someone would bitch-slap Maher on live TV.

The problem here is that most of these movies show good guys with guns shooting bad guys with guns.

Not "Ooops, I went to a demonstration and I shot a scary homeless person and then had to shoot my way through a crowd trying to arrest me."

I would love to see more movies and TV shows show us the consequences of gun violence. Grieving relatives, people dealing with crippling injuries, etc.

The scary homeless person was a violent rioter burning and looting....who violently attacked Kyle......the other two felons also violently attacked him....again, one of them a serial child molester....
Yes, that's a good point actually.
The lefties on this thread are demonstrating that they do not have any respect for Mahr's point. I suspect that this is because lefties like to shield killer shooters from blame by shifting the blame to the gun. I don't see lefties looking to go after the trigger pullers, they only care about dismantling the constitution.
It sounds like you want to deny that lefties are in fact endlessly producing these movies, but then you explain why they are making them. Which is it? Are lefties endlessly producing these movies as Mahr says, or are they not?

No, big corporations are making them... movies stopped being creative expressions of art decades ago.

Do you have a link to where Japanese children are exposed to more than the 200,000 acts of violence that American kids see on screen before they even turn 18?

I don't do links unless I feel like them.

But shit...

In the battle depicted in Japan's latest violent film, one scene shows a student stuffing a bomb into the mouth of the decapitated head of a classmate and hurling it into a room where three of his surviving fellows are hiding.

In another, a girl in a blood-stained shirt chases down a classmate and ruthlessly cuts her throat with a sickle, ignoring her screams and pleas for her life.

What you just posted shows what American lefties REALLY want, but what you guys always deny. You guys want it to be illegal for Americans to own guns. You pass it off as regulating and background checks, but you just posted what lefties REALLY are after.

Actually, it would be nice if we banned ALL private gun ownership. There is absolutely ZERO good reason for a civilian to own a gun.

That said, I'm a realist. There are already 300 million guns out there. I would settle for vetting who has guns and getting them out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them.

The scary homeless person was a violent rioter burning and looting....who violently attacked Kyle......the other two felons also violently attacked him....again, one of them a serial child molester....
None of which would have been an issue if he kept his flop-sweaty ass in Antioch where it belonged.
The scary homeless person was a violent rioter burning and looting....who violently attacked Kyle......the other two felons also violently attacked him....again, one of them a serial child molester....
JoeB131 doesn't know anything about the Rittenhouse shootings and trial outside of the narrative that was engineered by lefty media, which means we already know all of his replies and arguments before he does. His perspective of the Rittenhouse shootings is not even his, but he doesn't know this. His exposure to the information is limited to what is available in the lefty media, which means he is only conscious of half of what we are exposed to.
@JoeB131 doesn't know anything about the Rittenhouse shootings and trial outside of the narrative that was engineered by lefty media, which means we already know all of his replies and arguments before he does. His perspective of the Rittenhouse shootings is not even his, but he doesn't know this. His exposure to the information is limited to what is available in the lefty media, which means he is only conscious of half of what we are exposed to.

In other words,

"Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"

A jury was willing to turn a blind eye to murder because they were sick of riots... this is not a healthy thing for law and order.
The lefties on this thread are demonstrating that they do not have any respect for Mahr's point. I suspect that this is because lefties like to shield killer shooters from blame by shifting the blame to the gun. I don't see lefties looking to go after the trigger pullers, they only care about dismantling the constitution.

Bill MAHER.. Sweet Evil Jesus, it's spelled MAHER.
No, big corporations are making them... movies stopped being creative expressions of art decades ago.
You did it again. First you say no, then you acknowledge that they are. What is it? Are you afraid to admit that lefties are endlessly producing these movies?
I don't do links unless I feel like them.

But shit...

In the battle depicted in Japan's latest violent film, one scene shows a student stuffing a bomb into the mouth of the decapitated head of a classmate and hurling it into a room where three of his surviving fellows are hiding.

In another, a girl in a blood-stained shirt chases down a classmate and ruthlessly cuts her throat with a sickle, ignoring her screams and pleas for her
I can't find anything in your link that suggests Japanese kids are seeing more violence on screen than American kids do.
Bill MAHER.. Sweet Evil Jesus, it's spelled MAHER.
Looks like you defend your fellow lefty when somebody doesn't spell his name correctly, but you write him off the moment he points out that the lefty-produced 200,000 acts of violence that kids witness on screen by the time they are 18 might shape kids into killers. Mahr has a really good point, but you won't EVER acknowledge it from the confines of the lefty dogma that defines you.
In other words,

"Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"

A jury was willing to turn a blind eye to murder because they were sick of riots... this is not a healthy thing for law and order.
We know the limit of your exposure to information about the Rittenhouse trial and shootings, we know what you believe based on that limited information. When your exposure to news and information is limited to such a narrow perspective, we know what your perspective will be before you do.
You did it again. First you say no, then you acknowledge that they are. What is it? Are you afraid to admit that lefties are endlessly producing these movies?

Um, no, you are the one who is insisting big corporations are 'lefties". If they were leftists, they wouldn't be big greedy corporations.

Looks like you defend your fellow lefty when somebody doesn't spell his name correctly, but you write him off the moment he points out that the lefty-produced 200,000 acts of violence that kids witness on screen by the time they are 18 might shape kids into killers. Mahr has a really good point, but you won't EVER acknowledge it from the confines of the lefty dogma that defines you.

I spell his name right because that is accurate.
I discount his claims about acts of violence because kids all around the world watch these movies, and don't turn into mass shooters.

We know the limit of your exposure to information about the Rittenhouse trial and shootings, we know what you believe based on that limited information. When your exposure to news and information is limited to such a narrow perspective, we know what your perspective will be before you do.

Guy, there's no limit here. Rittenhouse gunned down three people because he wanted to be a tough guy.

The reality is, I have more information that the jury had. The Jury didn't get to hear about the 14 year old girl Rittenhouse beat up, or how he hung out at a bar with members of the racist Proud Boys, or got to see the video where he saw a black guy running out of a CVS and wished he had his AR so he could shoot him. (Of course, he had no reason to believe the black man running out of the CVS had actually committed a crime.)

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