Bill Maher Upset Over The Amount Of Taxes He Pays


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By: Curt


Bill Maher told his audience last night “Liberals, you could actually lose me.”

What would cause this devoted braindead liberal to say such a thing?

Money of course:

The panel discussion began with a conversation about the various budget proposals currently on the table in Washington.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow predictably slammed Congressman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wisc.) plan.

“The Ryan budget is a document that says the big problems in America right now are that rich people do not have enough money,” she mocked. “They need relief from confiscatory tax rates.”

“Well,” Maher unsuccessfully tried to interrupt as Maddow continued. When she was finally done, he surprisingly pushed back.

Pointing at Virginia’s former Republican Congressman Tom Davis, Maher said, “You know what? Rich people – I’m sure you’d agree with this – actually do pay the freight in this country.”

“I just saw these statistics,” he continued, “I mean, something like 70 percent. And here in California, I just want to say liberals – you could actually lose me. It’s outrageous what we’re paying – over 50 percent. I’m willing to pay my share, but yeah, it’s ridiculous.”​

Read more:
Bill Maher Upset Over The Amount Of Taxes He Pays | Flopping Aces
By: Curt


Bill Maher told his audience last night “Liberals, you could actually lose me.”

What would cause this devoted braindead liberal to say such a thing?

Money of course:

The panel discussion began with a conversation about the various budget proposals currently on the table in Washington.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow predictably slammed Congressman Paul Ryan’s (R-Wisc.) plan.

“The Ryan budget is a document that says the big problems in America right now are that rich people do not have enough money,” she mocked. “They need relief from confiscatory tax rates.”

“Well,” Maher unsuccessfully tried to interrupt as Maddow continued. When she was finally done, he surprisingly pushed back.

Pointing at Virginia’s former Republican Congressman Tom Davis, Maher said, “You know what? Rich people – I’m sure you’d agree with this – actually do pay the freight in this country.”

“I just saw these statistics,” he continued, “I mean, something like 70 percent. And here in California, I just want to say liberals – you could actually lose me. It’s outrageous what we’re paying – over 50 percent. I’m willing to pay my share, but yeah, it’s ridiculous.”​

Read more:
Bill Maher Upset Over The Amount Of Taxes He Pays | Flopping Aces

And he probably voted for everyone of the democratic candidates on the national level and in his stupid state.

He needs to just shut up and dig deep. :eusa_hand:
Seems even leftist wingnuts have a personal tax boundary they aren't willing to cross. But I'm sure he'll come back with a qualifier such as he isn't an evil oil person or wall street tycoon. Since those guys are criminals, they should have taxes out the wazoo.

I wonder if he has noticed what is happening in Cypress and wonders if California might try something like that. You get in bed with the devil..........
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Always good to hear a lefty complain about tax rates, especially when it's from one presumed to be well-off financially like Billy Maher. Sure, a guy in his income level can afford to pay more taxes. If they go up another point or two here or there it would likely have zero impact on the guy's day to day lifestyle way up there in his little portion of the 1% World. What he's really bitching about is the principle. Somewhere along the line, he seems to think, enough should be enough!

But what about the Democrats who work hard every day to provide for their families, obey the laws of the land, and turn over a portion, ever-growing it seems, of their incomes to pay federal and other local and state taxes, fees, charges, etc.? Unlike the Bill Mahers of their party, if their incomes shrink due to increased government mischief their lifestyles either change out of necessity or they go into (more?) debt. They, along with others of different political persuasions, comprise the Makers' Segment of society. The hard work of the MS helps to pay the billions of dollars in costs needed to fund the many millions of people who comprise the Takers' Segment of society. The TS folks pay no federal income taxes, but they are charged with working hard to absorb all the many billions of dollars that flow their way each year from the Makers' Segment via the many various programs from Welfare to food stamps to only God knows how many overlapping or otherwise redundant and bloated federal, state, and local government programs. All available because good hard working Democrats and others are willing to bust their butts working to pay their fair share and voting to elect the people who really make the MS and TS divide possible, those wonderful elected professional politicians in Washington.

But there might be a fly in the ointment soon for the Democrat party. Sure, Maher and those other elite rich Dems can afford their lifestyles no matter what percentage of their incomes or other assets get drained away in taxes. But not so for the vast vast majority of usually reliable Democrat voters. How long will they be loyal if they're disposable incomes keep shrinking and their lifestyles along with them? How do they not come to the realization they're having to do with less and less while the Takers just keep getting their free stuff month after month, year after year?

Any income tax paying Democrat who might become disgruntled about becoming an abused member of the Makers' Segment would have options at the voting booth. Some might be too pissed about things to even show up. Others could express their displeasure by voting for other parties’ candidates, including Republicans, vote a write-in candidate instead, etc. But regardless of the option each causes the normally reliable base to shrink. A backlash of decent hard working Americans who’ve come to understand what paying one’s fair share should be all about. Fair!
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A Liberal who finally woke up a little bit.
Will he settle down and go back to sleep?
We will see what he says on the Friday Show.
He will probably apologize, like all the rest of them do.
A Liberal who finally woke up a little bit.
Will he settle down and go back to sleep?
We will see what he says on the Friday Show.
He will probably apologize, like all the rest of them do.

I loved the shocked look on Madcow's face when he went off the plantation instead of backing her up.
Bill Maher threatens to leave California — due to high taxes

"Bill Maher (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)
By Cheryl K. Chumley -The Washington Times Monday, March 18, 2013
Liberal HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher says he may leave California, due to the state’s high tax rate.

“Liberals,” he said, during a recent broadcast,” you could actually lose me.”

He made the comments during a panel discussion of current Capitol Hill budget policy that included the participation of MSNBC Rachel Maddow, who blasted Rep. Paul Ryan’s proposal as beneficial to the rich."

Bill Maher threatens to leave California ? due to high taxes - Washington Times
California To Hit Startup Founders with Big Retroactive Tax Bills

Brian Overstreet

"California is a great place to live and work, but it is not a particularly friendly place to start and run a small business."

"Then in late December, the FTB decided to cancel the QSB tax benefits and RETROACTIVELY deny the benefits for the past five years."

"1. If you are a business founder or early investor who sold stock since 2008 and took the QSB exclusion: Surprise! You are going to get a bill from the FTB for the 50 percent of the taxes you excluded plus interest plus possible penalties.

2. If you are a business founder or early investor and have not yet sold stock: Rethink your business and tax planning strategies. Consider whether it’s fiscally prudent to stay in California.

3. If you a contemplating starting or investing in a California business: Think long and hard. Consider out-of-state alternatives.

Here’s the real kicker. Just at the moment when California is retroactively taxing entrepreneurs, the federal government is extending the federal QSB benefit."

California To Hit Startup Founders with Big Retroactive Tax Bills | Xconomy
But I thought Democrats wanted higher Taxes?

Who told you that?

The answer to that question will tell you a lot.

The president and the senate. :thup:

Bzzzt. Sorry, let's show our contestant and the audience at home the correct answer:


As always --- consider the source.

"Democrats are for bigger government and tax and spend".... "Republicans are racist homophobes"... let's get over the myths already. They're crutches.
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Who told you that?

The answer to that question will tell you a lot.

The president and the senate. :thup:

Bzzzt. Sorry, let's show our contestant and the audience at home the correct answer:


As always --- consider the source.

"Democrats are for bigger government and tax and spend".... "Republicans are racist homophobes"... let's get over the myths already. They're crutches.

Yes let's consider the source as soon as you pull your head out of your lying ass.

Remarks by the President on American Energy -- Lemont, Illinois | The White House

"So I just want to be clear -- these cuts will harm, not help, our economy. They aren’t the smart way to cut our deficits. And that’s why I’m reaching out to Republicans and Democrats to come together around a balanced approach, a smart, phased-in approach to deficit reduction that includes smart spending cuts and entitlement reforms and new revenue(code for increased taxes), and that won’t hurt our middle class or slow economic growth. And if we do that, then we can move beyond governing from crisis to crisis to crisis, and we keep our focus on policies that actually create jobs and grow our economy, and move forward to face all of the other challenges we face, from fixing our broken immigration system to educating our kids to keeping them safe from gun violence."

Remarks by the President Before a Cabinet Meeting | The White House

"It makes sense for us to take a balanced approach that takes a long view and doesn’t reduce our commitment to things like education and basic research that will help us grow over the long term. And so I will continue to seek out partners on the other side of the aisle so that we can create the kind of balanced approach of spending cuts, revenues(code for increased taxes), entitlement reform that everybody knows is the right way to do things."

Statement by the President on the Sequester | The White House

"I've offered negotiations around that kind of balanced approach. And so far, we've gotten rebuffed because what Speaker Boehner and the Republicans have said is, we cannot do any revenue, we can't do a dime's worth of revenue (code for increased taxes) ."
The president and the senate. :thup:

Bzzzt. Sorry, let's show our contestant and the audience at home the correct answer:


As always --- consider the source.

"Democrats are for bigger government and tax and spend".... "Republicans are racist homophobes"... let's get over the myths already. They're crutches.

Yes let's consider the source as soon as you pull your head out of your lying ass.

Remarks by the President on American Energy -- Lemont, Illinois | The White House

"So I just want to be clear -- these cuts will harm, not help, our economy. They aren’t the smart way to cut our deficits. And that’s why I’m reaching out to Republicans and Democrats to come together around a balanced approach, a smart, phased-in approach to deficit reduction that includes smart spending cuts and entitlement reforms and new revenue(code for increased taxes), and that won’t hurt our middle class or slow economic growth. And if we do that, then we can move beyond governing from crisis to crisis to crisis, and we keep our focus on policies that actually create jobs and grow our economy, and move forward to face all of the other challenges we face, from fixing our broken immigration system to educating our kids to keeping them safe from gun violence."

Remarks by the President Before a Cabinet Meeting | The White House

"It makes sense for us to take a balanced approach that takes a long view and doesn’t reduce our commitment to things like education and basic research that will help us grow over the long term. And so I will continue to seek out partners on the other side of the aisle so that we can create the kind of balanced approach of spending cuts, revenues(code for increased taxes), entitlement reform that everybody knows is the right way to do things."

Statement by the President on the Sequester | The White House

"I've offered negotiations around that kind of balanced approach. And so far, we've gotten rebuffed because what Speaker Boehner and the Republicans have said is, we cannot do any revenue, we can't do a dime's worth of revenue (code for increased taxes) ."

Can you cut me to the chase and point out where any of those sources say "Democrats want higher taxes"? TIA.

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