Bill Maher Upset Over The Amount Of Taxes He Pays

Bzzzt. Sorry, let's show our contestant and the audience at home the correct answer:


As always --- consider the source.

"Democrats are for bigger government and tax and spend".... "Republicans are racist homophobes"... let's get over the myths already. They're crutches.

Yes let's consider the source as soon as you pull your head out of your lying ass.

Remarks by the President on American Energy -- Lemont, Illinois | The White House

"So I just want to be clear -- these cuts will harm, not help, our economy. They aren’t the smart way to cut our deficits. And that’s why I’m reaching out to Republicans and Democrats to come together around a balanced approach, a smart, phased-in approach to deficit reduction that includes smart spending cuts and entitlement reforms and new revenue(code for increased taxes), and that won’t hurt our middle class or slow economic growth. And if we do that, then we can move beyond governing from crisis to crisis to crisis, and we keep our focus on policies that actually create jobs and grow our economy, and move forward to face all of the other challenges we face, from fixing our broken immigration system to educating our kids to keeping them safe from gun violence."

Remarks by the President Before a Cabinet Meeting | The White House

"It makes sense for us to take a balanced approach that takes a long view and doesn’t reduce our commitment to things like education and basic research that will help us grow over the long term. And so I will continue to seek out partners on the other side of the aisle so that we can create the kind of balanced approach of spending cuts, revenues(code for increased taxes), entitlement reform that everybody knows is the right way to do things."

Statement by the President on the Sequester | The White House

"I've offered negotiations around that kind of balanced approach. And so far, we've gotten rebuffed because what Speaker Boehner and the Republicans have said is, we cannot do any revenue, we can't do a dime's worth of revenue (code for increased taxes) ."

Can you cut me to the chase and point out where any of those sources say "Democrats want higher taxes"? TIA.

You stuck your head up your ass, you're going to have to get it out yourself. I already did half your homework for you. Google is your friend and you can look it up......if you dare to know the truth. If you are unaware that the Democrats in the Senate and the House are salivating over additional "revenues", then you probably should be hanging out in the General Discussions forum insteading of making a fool of yourself in here. Moron.

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