Bill Mahrer on Rosengate


Leftwingers keep telling me that none of them agree with Rosen, that her words were misunderstood or meaningless.

Then I keep seeing things that OTHER leftwingers say that not only support what she said, but AMPLIFY it.

Too funny.


Leftwingers keep telling me that none of them agree with Rosen, that her words were misunderstood or meaningless.

Then I keep seeing things that OTHER leftwingers say that not only support what she said, but AMPLIFY it.

Too funny.


What did Maher say that was wrong? Please dont respond with the equivalent of grabbing your peal necklace and screaming "Oh Dear!"

Ann Romney has never had to get out and be a part of the workforce. That statement is true and no one not even Ann Romney has denied it. So, what is the problem?
The more the media dwells on this Rosen person, the more attention she gets. She's like a 2 year old with a temper tantrum -- they want attention, give them none and it takes the wind out of their sail real fast. Who gives a shit what Rosen thinks anyway?
The more the media dwells on this Rosen person, the more attention she gets. She's like a 2 year old with a temper tantrum -- they want attention, give them none and it takes the wind out of their sail real fast. Who gives a shit what Rosen thinks anyway?

Did you read the posts above yours? The answer is right there

Leftwingers keep telling me that none of them agree with Rosen, that her words were misunderstood or meaningless.

Then I keep seeing things that OTHER leftwingers say that not only support what she said, but AMPLIFY it.

Too funny.


What did Maher say that was wrong? Please dont respond with the equivalent of grabbing your peal necklace and screaming "Oh Dear!"

Ann Romney has never had to get out and be a part of the workforce. That statement is true and no one not even Ann Romney has denied it. So, what is the problem?

There is none. YOU are the one who thinks that she has not had to work outside the home is a problem. I see no problem. I say good for her!

Leftwingers keep telling me that none of them agree with Rosen, that her words were misunderstood or meaningless.

Then I keep seeing things that OTHER leftwingers say that not only support what she said, but AMPLIFY it.

Too funny.


What did Maher say that was wrong? Please dont respond with the equivalent of grabbing your peal necklace and screaming "Oh Dear!"

Ann Romney has never had to get out and be a part of the workforce. That statement is true and no one not even Ann Romney has denied it. So, what is the problem?

Absolutely no problem whatsoever. I think this is great fun. You may want to address your question to the lefties who have thrown Rosen under the bus.

The more the media dwells on this Rosen person, the more attention she gets. She's like a 2 year old with a temper tantrum -- they want attention, give them none and it takes the wind out of their sail real fast. Who gives a shit what Rosen thinks anyway?

Did you read the posts above yours? The answer is right there

I know. should have said I don't give a hoot in hell about it, but whatever.

Leftwingers keep telling me that none of them agree with Rosen, that her words were misunderstood or meaningless.

Then I keep seeing things that OTHER leftwingers say that not only support what she said, but AMPLIFY it.

Too funny.


What did Maher say that was wrong? Please dont respond with the equivalent of grabbing your peal necklace and screaming "Oh Dear!"

Ann Romney has never had to get out and be a part of the workforce. That statement is true and no one not even Ann Romney has denied it. So, what is the problem?

There is none. YOU are the one who thinks that she has not had to work outside the home is a problem. I see no problem. I say good for her!

Ahhh see? I dont have a problem with anything except liars. I said she has not ever had to be a part of any workforce. Which is true. So what did Maher say that offends you so dear heart?

What's bigoted about this?

Bill Maher said:
"No one's denying that being a mother is a tough job...but there is a big difference between being a mother in that ough job, and getting your ass out the door at 7am when it's cold, having to deal with a boss, being unhappy at a workplace where even if you're unhappy you can't show it for 8 hours." Indeed, but even more important here is the class issue: Ann Romney doesn't understand "work," as defined by lower income of American women, because she is not impacted the same way by the costs of healthcare, childcare, unpaid time spent on maternity leave, and food, to name just a few things.

Your knee-jerk reaction shows that your FOXNEWS training has paid off!
The more the media dwells on this Rosen person, the more attention she gets. She's like a 2 year old with a temper tantrum -- they want attention, give them none and it takes the wind out of their sail real fast. Who gives a shit what Rosen thinks anyway?
That's right - she's just a CNN pundit, and does not work for Obama, his re-election campaign, or the DNC. She is just a private citizen.

So why are wingnuts freaking out?

Leftwingers keep telling me that none of them agree with Rosen, that her words were misunderstood or meaningless.

Then I keep seeing things that OTHER leftwingers say that not only support what she said, but AMPLIFY it.

Too funny.


What did Maher say that was wrong? Please dont respond with the equivalent of grabbing your peal necklace and screaming "Oh Dear!"

Ann Romney has never had to get out and be a part of the workforce. That statement is true and no one not even Ann Romney has denied it. So, what is the problem?

Absolutely no problem whatsoever. I think this is great fun. You may want to address your question to the lefties who have thrown Rosen under the bus.

Disagreeing is throwing her under the bus?

Did Rosen lose her CNN gig? No. She hasn't lost a thing. So how has she been thrown under any buses?
What did Maher say that was wrong? Please dont respond with the equivalent of grabbing your peal necklace and screaming "Oh Dear!"

Ann Romney has never had to get out and be a part of the workforce. That statement is true and no one not even Ann Romney has denied it. So, what is the problem?

Absolutely no problem whatsoever. I think this is great fun. You may want to address your question to the lefties who have thrown Rosen under the bus.

Disagreeing is throwing her under the bus?

Did Rosen lose her CNN gig? No. She hasn't lost a thing. So how has she been thrown under any buses?

[ame=]Wolf Blitzer To Hilary Rosen: Democrats Are "Throwing You Under The Bus," Huh? - YouTube[/ame]

But I know you'll deny this, and all the other news items on this. Please see my sig, below.

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That's awesome!

So awesome!

Love how Democrats are positioning themselves as the Party of "Government Uber Alles!"
Hilary Rosen is a democratic strategist activing working on obama's reelecton campaign and for the DNC to formulate reelection strategy. She has been a frequent visitor to the white house for strategy sessions with the president. It's a little late to say she's a private citizen. She hasn't been fired either.

Democrats stepped in it this time and stepped it in really hard up to the ankles. Now they are trying to shake off the shit and it isn't working.

What it has done, is vault Ann Romney to iconic status. Far from being a rich socialite, Ann Romney is taking on the persona of "everywoman". Unlike the Sasquatch, Women can immediately identify with Ann Romney and her fight agaisnt breast cancer and multiple sclerosis. Democrats made Ann Romney admirable.

The democrats made a serious mistake in attacking Mitt Romney for saying "my wife meets with women and she tells me that the primary concern is the economy." Are democrats saying that Ann Romney never meets with working women? Or that working women won't talk to her and share their concerns?

Finally after so many months, democrats have gotten so full of shit, it's leaking down their legs.
The more the media dwells on this Rosen person, the more attention she gets. She's like a 2 year old with a temper tantrum -- they want attention, give them none and it takes the wind out of their sail real fast. Who gives a shit what Rosen thinks anyway?

Obama told us to judge him by the associations he keeps. She is one of them.
Is it fair to say the Michelle Obama has not worked a day in the last 3.5 years?

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