Bill, Melinda Gates Donate $1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

Its his money, he can donate it to whoever or whatever he pleases.

100% true. It will make me think twice before purchasing any Microsoft products going forward. It might be enough to get me to buy Apple products for home computing going g forward.
You don't read very well

I said your mentality is such that you are happy preventing 10 million good people from getting guns if it may prevent one bad person. I wasn't talking about the silly expanded BGC which won't prevent bad guys from ultimately getting guns.

can you prove that expanded BGC will reduce crime?

Oh, Rightwinger reads just fine - he just isn't honest.

The Khmer Rouge are the party of sociopaths. When RW thinks about posting something, he stops to consider whether his words will promote the aims of the party. If they do, he posts it, if they don't, he doesn't.

Whether what he is saying is true or not is never even a consideration, only service to the party

This is true of all the Khmer Rouge posters here, rdean, Shallow, haznonuts, et al.
I guess now the Liberals love him. I can remember when they thought he was Satan, especially when he was building his house.
Hasty generalization fallacy.

You're also an idiot, and consequently pose a greater threat to the Second Amendment right than anything Gates might do.
Another R Dean a whole lotta nothing.

Nothing hasty at all,they bashed him real well,its that simple. People like this one will bend with what ever the political advantage takes then no matter where.
100% true. It will make me think twice before purchasing any Microsoft products going forward. It might be enough to get me to buy Apple products for home computing going g forward.

Apple, with Al Gore and Arthur Levenson running the company... :thup:

Remember what John Lennon said, "If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you'll end up on the Board of Directors for Apple anyhow..."
Between Gates and Bloomberg, the NRA has no chance to win a PR campaign.

Their best bet is to embrace sanity once again, like they do periodically when it's politically convenient.

And in the business world, yes, Bill Gates was not Mr. Nice Guy. I believe he bought off the two Indian Executives who were running Commodore/Amiga in the early 1990s. I believe he is guilty of numerous anti-trust and unfair trade practices, some of which he has been convicted of in Euro/British courts.

It's nice to know he didn't turn out like so many successful, cut-throat business pricks, bitching about Obama wanting to raise their taxes a few percentage points while they pull down $60 million per year.

You guys have been getting your butts whipped over this issue for the last three years especially. What you don't understand is that this fight is backed by tens of millions of gun owners. The NRA is just the beginning of the gun grabber's problem. Wait! That's not right. The lunatic gun grabber's first problems are his ignorance and his lies.
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Because we all know criminals can never ever get guns once another law is passed. JUST ONE MORE LAW and it will all work.

Also, we all know the gun control idiots will stop at expanded background checks.

Just because you can't stop every gun from getting into the hands of a criminal does not mean you should not try to stop any.
Not when you violate a honest persons rights,not ever
I find it funny how you mention "gun control" and all the right go crazy.

Some examples of gun control for you.

Small children not being allowed to own or carry guns, like the three 6 year olds who in the space of three days managed to shoot people, including two of those three who shot their sisters.
Criminals, including those in prison, not being able to have guns.
Most people not being able to have guns on planes.

This is gun control......

It's not all dirty.

And considering the crime problem the US suffers compared to other countries, especially in big cities, it's hardly surprising people want to see people actually do something about guns.

Problem is the right won't do anything and the left battle the right rather than try and get sensible laws in that will reduce violence, especially with guns.

No. Ignorance is never surprising.

Notwithstanding, the safest cities in the country, those with the lowest rates of violent and non-violent crime on average,are those with the least restrictive gun control measures. Duh!

Now ask me why that's so.

Oh, never mind. You don't really care, do you?
No. Ignorance is never surprising.

Notwithstanding, the safest cities in the country, those with the lowest rates of violent and non-violent crime on average,are those with the least restrictive gun control measures. Duh!

Now ask me why that's so.

Oh, never mind. You don't really care, do you?

Really? Care to back this statement up?

Safe Cities In America - Business Insider

This one is for cities over 200,000.

First two are in California, then Texas, there's quite a few from Texas and California, so what does this tell you? Some places are safe, others aren't safe, it doesn't really matter about the amount of guns per se. There's a lot more to it than that.

Safest and Most Dangerous U.S. Cities 2013

Population of more than 500,000, most dangerous are Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, Phili, DC....
Safest in this category, El Paso, San Diego, NY, Austin, San Jose, LA, Portland.....

Again, says the same thing, you have liberal states, conservative states represented in both of these.
Its his money, he can donate it to whoever or whatever he pleases.

You are right and other rich people can donate to whoever and whatever they please. So when the Koch Brothers donate, then the left will shut up, right? LOL!
people like you are willing to prevent ten million good people from owning a firearm if such a law MIGHT prevent one scum bag from getting one

some of you don't care about honest gun owners and will piss on our rights if you think it might stop one crime while most of you gun banners really want to ban legal gun ownership

one day the shit is going to hit the fan if the courts don't stomp on the crap people like you want

and the good news then, is when the shit hits the fan, people like you are going get shit on by the patriots

Interesting how the left will tell you a few bad Muslims shouldn't represent all Muslims. However, a few bad gun owners represent all gun owners.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
It's amazing how conservatives just lie through their teeth and don't even realize they're doing it.

The ballot initiative that Bill Gates contributed to is for background checks. You know, to keep guns out of the hands of criminals etc.

It has nothing to do with taking guns from anyone. It has nothing to do with banning any guns or preventing law abiding citizens from having a gun.

It's a ballot initiative for gun safety.

This is an initiative that the people of the state of Washington have said they want on the ballot by getting enough signatures on petitions. I won't be surprised when the initiative passes by the vote of the people.

It's called democracy. You conservatives might want to give it a try.
It's amazing how conservatives just lie through their teeth and don't even realize they're doing it.

The ballot initiative that Bill Gates contributed to is for background checks. You know, to keep guns out of the hands of criminals etc.

It has nothing to do with taking guns from anyone. It has nothing to do with banning any guns or preventing law abiding citizens from having a gun.

It's a ballot initiative for gun safety.

This is an initiative that the people of the state of Washington have said they want on the ballot by getting enough signatures on petitions. I won't be surprised when the initiative passes by the vote of the people.

It's called democracy. You conservatives might want to give it a try.

Im with you. Sure glad liberals never lie, or make things up

It is irrelevant, his money he can waste it if he wants, but they will never have enough votes to repeal the second.

Bill Gates isn't trying to repeal the second amendment.

What he's try to do is help get reasonable gun safety laws passed.

No one will lose their guns. The only thing that initiative will do is require background checks to prevent criminals etc from illegally purchasing a gun or even have a gun.

If you're not a felon or have mental issues or a history of domestic violence etc this law will never effect you beyond having to fill out a form.

I can't believe that people would want a criminal to be able to just walk into a store and pick out the gun they want to use in their next crime.

Oh and he's not wasting his money, that ballot initiative will pass. If you know anything about Washington state you would know that the majority of the population is in the Seattle/Tacoma/Everett area and it's nothing but liberals. Liberals out number the conservatives in Washington so on a state wide vote, conservatives usually lose.
It is irrelevant, his money he can waste it if he wants, but they will never have enough votes to repeal the second.

Bill Gates isn't trying to repeal the second amendment.

What he's try to do is help get reasonable gun safety laws passed.

No one will lose their guns. The only thing that initiative will do is require background checks to prevent criminals etc from illegally purchasing a gun or even have a gun.

If you're not a felon or have mental issues or a history of domestic violence etc this law will never effect you beyond having to fill out a form.

I can't believe that people would want a criminal to be able to just walk into a store and pick out the gun they want to use in their next crime.

Oh and he's not wasting his money, that ballot initiative will pass. If you know anything about Washington state you would know that the majority of the population is in the Seattle/Tacoma/Everett area and it's nothing but liberals. Liberals out number the conservatives in Washington so on a state wide vote, conservatives usually lose.

there are already background checks at stores??
It is irrelevant, his money he can waste it if he wants, but they will never have enough votes to repeal the second.

Bill Gates isn't trying to repeal the second amendment.

What he's try to do is help get reasonable gun safety laws passed.

No one will lose their guns. The only thing that initiative will do is require background checks to prevent criminals etc from illegally purchasing a gun or even have a gun.

If you're not a felon or have mental issues or a history of domestic violence etc this law will never effect you beyond having to fill out a form.

I can't believe that people would want a criminal to be able to just walk into a store and pick out the gun they want to use in their next crime.

Oh and he's not wasting his money, that ballot initiative will pass. If you know anything about Washington state you would know that the majority of the population is in the Seattle/Tacoma/Everett area and it's nothing but liberals. Liberals out number the conservatives in Washington so on a state wide vote, conservatives usually lose.

there are already background checks at stores??

I believe that they are at stores but not at gun shows or sales between private citizens. Which is the loophole that will be closed with this law.

I used the wrong words. My mistake. I should have asked do you want a criminal to be able to walk into a gun show and buy his gun for his next crime?

I'm pretty sure that the people of Washington state don't want that to continue.

What is the nra going to argue? That yes they want criminals to be able to just walk into a gun show and buy their weapon of their next crime? The only way they can argue against it is if they lie and make it about taking away guns or violating the second amendment. Which the people of Washington aren't that stupid. They know what the issue is and lying will only offend more voters. The second amendment clearly says that guns are to be regulated. All this is, is safety regulations to prevent criminals, those with mental issues and those with a history of domestic abuse from getting guns.

I find it hard to believe anyone could be against it.
It is irrelevant, his money he can waste it if he wants, but they will never have enough votes to repeal the second.

Bill Gates isn't trying to repeal the second amendment.

What he's try to do is help get reasonable gun safety laws passed.

No one will lose their guns. The only thing that initiative will do is require background checks to prevent criminals etc from illegally purchasing a gun or even have a gun.

If you're not a felon or have mental issues or a history of domestic violence etc this law will never effect you beyond having to fill out a form.

I can't believe that people would want a criminal to be able to just walk into a store and pick out the gun they want to use in their next crime.

Oh and he's not wasting his money, that ballot initiative will pass. If you know anything about Washington state you would know that the majority of the population is in the Seattle/Tacoma/Everett area and it's nothing but liberals. Liberals out number the conservatives in Washington so on a state wide vote, conservatives usually lose.
It is irrelevant, his money he can waste it if he wants, but they will never have enough votes to repeal the second.

Bill Gates isn't trying to repeal the second amendment.

What he's try to do is help get reasonable gun safety laws passed.

No one will lose their guns. The only thing that initiative will do is require background checks to prevent criminals etc from illegally purchasing a gun or even have a gun.

If you're not a felon or have mental issues or a history of domestic violence etc this law will never effect you beyond having to fill out a form.

I can't believe that people would want a criminal to be able to just walk into a store and pick out the gun they want to use in their next crime.

Oh and he's not wasting his money, that ballot initiative will pass. If you know anything about Washington state you would know that the majority of the population is in the Seattle/Tacoma/Everett area and it's nothing but liberals. Liberals out number the conservatives in Washington so on a state wide vote, conservatives usually lose.

there are already background checks at stores??

I believe that they are at stores but not at gun shows or sales between private citizens. Which is the loophole that will be closed with this law.

I used the wrong words. My mistake. I should have asked do you want a criminal to be able to walk into a gun show and buy his gun for his next crime?

I'm pretty sure that the people of Washington state don't want that to continue.

What is the nra going to argue? That yes they want criminals to be able to just walk into a gun show and buy their weapon of their next crime? The only way they can argue against it is if they lie and make it about taking away guns or violating the second amendment. Which the people of Washington aren't that stupid. They know what the issue is and lying will only offend more voters. The second amendment clearly says that guns are to be regulated. All this is, is safety regulations to prevent criminals, those with mental issues and those with a history of domestic abuse from getting guns.

I find it hard to believe anyone could be against it.

I guess we will put you down as a blissful sheeple. The purpose of "Universal BGC's" is two fold

1) to create a demand for complete gun registration-which is the only way to enforce that stupid law that the federal government has no proper power to enact

2) and to turn millions of people into "criminals" when they sell a gun to a neighbor or a friend and don't bother with the hassle of a background check

Only a MORON says that the 2a says guns are to be regulated. Smart people realize that


b) the militia being Regulated has nothing to do with people and their choice of arms being regulated

when you make such a claim it proves to me you are absolutely clueless about the bill of rights, the US Constitution and English in general. what complete idiocy

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