Bill, Melinda Gates Donate $1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

Gates has earned the right to spend his money however he so desires...

And I have the right to own a gun...

These are mutually exclusive of each other and why you can't figure this out is beyond stupid....

Yup. I agree. He can spend his money anywhere he wants to. I can own a gun if I want to.

I also wonder if Gates guards are unarmed?? I'm sure he has them being the wealthy man that he is.

Bodyguards as well for both he and his wife.

Unarmed? I kinda sorta doubt that shit.

You can be sure that Gates guards have gone through background checks

So what is your point?

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales

Thats funny there RW.

He's obviously for gun control unless its his bodyguards carrying the guns. Hence his million dollar donation.

Oh and I have no problem with background checks at sales or anywhere else.

We should all know by now....those in the "elitist" ass category are ALLOWED to be guarded by people with guns. now us little millions of peons have our second amendment rights and is guilty OF NOTHING more but owning one.... that's the problem for people like Gates, Bloomingidiots and Democrat/commie Politicians
What does that have to do with background checks?

Please stay on topic
Bill Gates' products are sh*t and this latest attention whoring try just shows his thought process are sh*t as well.

Anyone who is Anti-Gun is also Anti-American.
"Bill Gates donates $1 Million for Anti-Free Speech Initiatives".

If THAT were the headline everyone would be outraged.
So what he has the right to donate his money to any cause he wants to just as say the Koch brothers do.
Bill Gates' products are sh*t and this latest attention whoring try just shows his thought process are sh*t as well.

Anyone who is Anti-Gun is also Anti-American.

Such a ridiculous statement. Either you support your view or you're anti-American is just blatant shouting people down, and completely against the spirit of the First Amendment.
Hasty generalization fallacy.

You're also an idiot, and consequently pose a greater threat to the Second Amendment right than anything Gates might do.

Hmmmm I have to wonder what part of my statement is the problem? Reminding you and others that when Bill was actually leading Microsoft, everyone on the left hated him, that is why Apple got so popular.. Then the outrage over his house.. It was so bad that Washington DC went after him and his company.

I don't understand what your problem with me and how I stand up for the my right to carry a firearm anywhere I go.
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Because we all know criminals can never ever get guns once another law is passed. JUST ONE MORE LAW and it will all work.

Also, we all know the gun control idiots will stop at expanded background checks.
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Ah, the rich buying votes to disarm the peasants.

Imagine that...
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Because we all know criminals can never ever get guns once another law is passed. JUST ONE MORE LAW and it will all work.

Also, we all know the gun control idiots will stop at expanded background checks.

Just because you can't stop every gun from getting into the hands of a criminal does not mean you should not try to stop any.
really, some of you don't DESERVE freedom

Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Ben Franklin
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Because we all know criminals can never ever get guns once another law is passed. JUST ONE MORE LAW and it will all work.

Also, we all know the gun control idiots will stop at expanded background checks.

Just because you can't stop every gun from getting into the hands of a criminal does not mean you should not try to stop any.

You are not stopping criminals from getting guns, you are just making it harder for law abiding people to get them, for no benefit other than saying "we did something." Its just another law that can be broken and ignored by people that break and ignore all the other pre-existing laws.
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

NOw he can pat himself on his back and say "I DID SOMETHING" and he can feel good even if, in reality, it doesn't do squat.
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Because we all know criminals can never ever get guns once another law is passed. JUST ONE MORE LAW and it will all work.

Also, we all know the gun control idiots will stop at expanded background checks.

Just because you can't stop every gun from getting into the hands of a criminal does not mean you should not try to stop any.

You are not stopping criminals from getting guns, you are just making it harder for law abiding people to get them, for no benefit other than saying "we did something." Its just another law that can be broken and ignored by people that break and ignore all the other pre-existing laws.

Why do you want criminals to be able to walk into a gun shop and pick out what they need?

You don't want things to be harder for you but insist that it be easier for a criminal
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Because we all know criminals can never ever get guns once another law is passed. JUST ONE MORE LAW and it will all work.

Also, we all know the gun control idiots will stop at expanded background checks.

Just because you can't stop every gun from getting into the hands of a criminal does not mean you should not try to stop any.

You are not stopping criminals from getting guns, you are just making it harder for law abiding people to get them, for no benefit other than saying "we did something." Its just another law that can be broken and ignored by people that break and ignore all the other pre-existing laws.

Why do you want criminals to be able to walk into a gun shop and pick out what they need?

You don't want things to be harder for you but insist that it be easier for a criminal

Why do you want to disarm law abiding citizens? (see anyone can do that crap)

For a felon to walk into a gun shop and buy a gun they already have to break other laws to do that. How would this new law change that?
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Because we all know criminals can never ever get guns once another law is passed. JUST ONE MORE LAW and it will all work.

Also, we all know the gun control idiots will stop at expanded background checks.

Just because you can't stop every gun from getting into the hands of a criminal does not mean you should not try to stop any.

people like you are willing to prevent ten million good people from owning a firearm if such a law MIGHT prevent one scum bag from getting one

some of you don't care about honest gun owners and will piss on our rights if you think it might stop one crime while most of you gun banners really want to ban legal gun ownership

one day the shit is going to hit the fan if the courts don't stomp on the crap people like you want

and the good news then, is when the shit hits the fan, people like you are going get shit on by the patriots

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