Bill, Melinda Gates Donate $1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.
That's like you or I donating $100.
Answer the question

YOU said "Prevents". Waiting for a check does not prevent

Do you now admit that you were wrong?

You don't read very well

I said your mentality is such that you are happy preventing 10 million good people from getting guns if it may prevent one bad person. I wasn't talking about the silly expanded BGC which won't prevent bad guys from ultimately getting guns.

can you prove that expanded BGC will reduce crime?

I am willing to work to close off all access to guns for criminals...are you?

that would require a complete ban and complete confiscation

I would support armed revolt if it comes to that

Do you agree that you should go to jail if you sell a gun to a criminal?

Makes you an accessory to the crime doesn't it?

If you know or should know they are its already a crime
Answer the question

YOU said "Prevents". Waiting for a check does not prevent

Do you now admit that you were wrong?

You don't read very well

I said your mentality is such that you are happy preventing 10 million good people from getting guns if it may prevent one bad person. I wasn't talking about the silly expanded BGC which won't prevent bad guys from ultimately getting guns.

can you prove that expanded BGC will reduce crime?

I am willing to work to close off all access to guns for criminals...are you?

that would require a complete ban and complete confiscation

I would support armed revolt if it comes to that

Do you agree that you should go to jail if you sell a gun to a criminal?

Makes you an accessory to the crime doesn't it?

If you know or should know they are its already a crime

Good answer

Now, as a law abiding gun owner who does not want to sell a gun to a criminal

How do you know?
It's nice to know he didn't turn out like so many successful, cut-throat business pricks, bitching about Obama wanting to raise their taxes a few percentage points while they pull down $60 million per year.

Your right...he didn't bitch about it...he hid his money, just like Warren Buffet a trust that gives him huge tax benefits...He will probably make more than 60 million on the money he hides anyway...
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Because we all know criminals can never ever get guns once another law is passed. JUST ONE MORE LAW and it will all work.

Also, we all know the gun control idiots will stop at expanded background checks.

Just because you can't stop every gun from getting into the hands of a criminal does not mean you should not try to stop any.

people like you are willing to prevent ten million good people from owning a firearm if such a law MIGHT prevent one scum bag from getting one

some of you don't care about honest gun owners and will piss on our rights if you think it might stop one crime while most of you gun banners really want to ban legal gun ownership

one day the shit is going to hit the fan if the courts don't stomp on the crap people like you want

and the good news then, is when the shit hits the fan, people like you are going get shit on by the patriots

How does a background check prevent you from owning a firearm?

Again, it infringes when it is anything more than show ID, wait for the computer to spit an "OK" out, and you get your gun.

So now you are moving away from "prevents me from owning a firearm" to inconveniences me

YOU are the one bringing up the whole prevents from owning a firearm thing. THAT is the case in NYC, where the
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.

Because we all know criminals can never ever get guns once another law is passed. JUST ONE MORE LAW and it will all work.

Also, we all know the gun control idiots will stop at expanded background checks.

Just because you can't stop every gun from getting into the hands of a criminal does not mean you should not try to stop any.

people like you are willing to prevent ten million good people from owning a firearm if such a law MIGHT prevent one scum bag from getting one

some of you don't care about honest gun owners and will piss on our rights if you think it might stop one crime while most of you gun banners really want to ban legal gun ownership

one day the shit is going to hit the fan if the courts don't stomp on the crap people like you want

and the good news then, is when the shit hits the fan, people like you are going get shit on by the patriots

How does a background check prevent you from owning a firearm?

Again, it infringes when it is anything more than show ID, wait for the computer to spit an "OK" out, and you get your gun.

So now you are moving away from "prevents me from owning a firearm" to inconveniences me

Its just the first step, and you know it. And you are the one that says "prevents me from owning a firearm" I go with the constitution, which says congress (and the states) cannot infringe on my rights.
Answer the question

YOU said "Prevents". Waiting for a check does not prevent

Do you now admit that you were wrong?

You don't read very well

I said your mentality is such that you are happy preventing 10 million good people from getting guns if it may prevent one bad person. I wasn't talking about the silly expanded BGC which won't prevent bad guys from ultimately getting guns.

can you prove that expanded BGC will reduce crime?

I am willing to work to close off all access to guns for criminals...are you?

that would require a complete ban and complete confiscation

I would support armed revolt if it comes to that

Do you agree that you should go to jail if you sell a gun to a criminal?

Makes you an accessory to the crime doesn't it?
Answer the question

YOU said "Prevents". Waiting for a check does not prevent

Do you now admit that you were wrong?

You don't read very well

I said your mentality is such that you are happy preventing 10 million good people from getting guns if it may prevent one bad person. I wasn't talking about the silly expanded BGC which won't prevent bad guys from ultimately getting guns.

can you prove that expanded BGC will reduce crime?

I am willing to work to close off all access to guns for criminals...are you?

that would require a complete ban and complete confiscation

I would support armed revolt if it comes to that

Do you agree that you should go to jail if you sell a gun to a criminal?

Makes you an accessory to the crime doesn't it?

No, it makes you guilty of selling a firearm to a criminal. Does the car salesman get convicted for DWI when he sells you a car he uses to drive drunk?
Answer the question

YOU said "Prevents". Waiting for a check does not prevent

Do you now admit that you were wrong?

You don't read very well

I said your mentality is such that you are happy preventing 10 million good people from getting guns if it may prevent one bad person. I wasn't talking about the silly expanded BGC which won't prevent bad guys from ultimately getting guns.

can you prove that expanded BGC will reduce crime?

I am willing to work to close off all access to guns for criminals...are you?

that would require a complete ban and complete confiscation

I would support armed revolt if it comes to that

Do you agree that you should go to jail if you sell a gun to a criminal?

Makes you an accessory to the crime doesn't it?

If you know or should know they are its already a crime

Good answer

Now, as a law abiding gun owner who does not want to sell a gun to a criminal

How do you know?

How do I know

I only sell or give guns to

1) people I worked with (DOJ employees who have security clearance)

2) employees of gun shops (who cannot work there if they have a record)

3) family members whom I know are clean

4) or people who are referred to m who have a valid concealed weapons permit from Ohio (you get indicted or convicted of a felony, the court immediately takes your permit away)
I hope some Billionaire steps up and donates millions to the cause of banning abortions

can wait to take THAT FEEDOM away and it's not even a right like the Second amendment that these "rich snobs" commies like Gates, Bloomingidiot and his ilk in the Democrat party want to step all over you innocent people who wants to buy a gun for PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY

whoo hoo can't wait to see heads explode then
The NRA has come up with about $25,000.

Bill Melinda Gates Donate 1 Million To Gun Control Campaign

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda, have donated $1 million to a Washington state campaign seeking to expand background checks on gun sales, bringing the total amount the campaign has brought in up to nearly $6 million.

The donation to the Initiative 594 campaign was given Friday, but it was not made public until Monday, when it posted on the state's Public Disclosure Commission website.
Freaking cheapskates, One million to them is like putting a ten dollar bill in the pots of the bell ringers for the Salvation army

these people are so tight but they expect YOU TO fund all their PET CAUSES like free birth control, abortion, health care. Gates could of put up the money to start ObamaScamcare and still have Billions left. I MIGHT of had a little respect for him then.
But nooooooooooooooo he give a measly million dollars and that make him a HERO
Answer the question

YOU said "Prevents". Waiting for a check does not prevent

Do you now admit that you were wrong?

You don't read very well

I said your mentality is such that you are happy preventing 10 million good people from getting guns if it may prevent one bad person. I wasn't talking about the silly expanded BGC which won't prevent bad guys from ultimately getting guns.

can you prove that expanded BGC will reduce crime?

I am willing to work to close off all access to guns for criminals...are you?

that would require a complete ban and complete confiscation

I would support armed revolt if it comes to that

Do you agree that you should go to jail if you sell a gun to a criminal?

Makes you an accessory to the crime doesn't it?

Just as much as selling a car to a drunk makes you and accessory to any accidents the may have caused.
Wonder why Bill isn't funding nationwide gun buybacks in high crime areas.......think of the love that would buy and all those guns off the street....
Its his money, he can donate it to whoever or whatever he pleases.
And what about the Koch brothers? What about them, hmm?

They cut out the middle man and go right to trying to buy an entire election.

Howdy goat boy. the left has more big bucks power hungry vote buyers than does the right

the uber billionaires tend to want more government because that means they have more power

Shit for brains, the Koch Bros could buy George Soros ten times over.

Similar to me and you.

You have that backwards, dumbfuck

You never get anything right. It's probably why you're a communist - you're fucking stupid.
He's probably afraid of being shot by some permanently unemployed non-Indian IT professional his H1-B lobbying created.

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