Bill O'Reilly: CNN more news driven.

The only reason a lot of people don't associate CNN as being in the tank for the Dems is because CNN doesn't have the same afternoon line-up of pundits that FOX and MSNBC has. CNN does cover the news more than the other networks, though they're still in the tank for liberals.
YouTube - Bill O'Reilly - The View

So Fox is really just a dog and pony show.:lol:

All of msm is a dog and pony show. I can't believe how many intelligent people get sucked into the myth of the liberal media and that fox is conservative. The media moguls and ad agencies rake hundreds of millions of dollars driven by our self loathing intra-political whiny bullshit about which outlet is liberal or conservative. The msm is so pro government it literally leads tens of millions of americans by the nose and tells them what fuck up they should focus on and who to blame.
have the libtards ever managed to pass a day without bashing Fox News?

Fox is Number One and Bill O'Reilly is number ONE on Number ONe deal with it. :lol:
don't think I bashed o reilly, I like the guy. I think he gets alittle crazy sometimes but a lot of the time I think he is hilarious or agree with him.
a couple of them say eusa. It most people a computer geek term. :D
don't think I bashed o reilly, I like the guy. I think he gets alittle crazy sometimes but a lot of the time I think he is hilarious or agree with him.

fwiw i didn't accuse you of bashing Bill O'Reilly.
okay good! I got my brother going today when I started making fun of the FOX, of course he gives it right back to me about MSNBC. Then we turned on my mother. :lol:
okay good! I got my brother going today when I started making fun of the FOX, of course he gives it right back to me about MSNBC. Then we turned on my mother. :lol:

she a wolf blitzer fan?
okay good! I got my brother going today when I started making fun of the FOX, of course he gives it right back to me about MSNBC. Then we turned on my mother. :lol:

she a wolf blitzer fan?
no! :lol: She actually doesn't like CNN, well she does love Anderson Cooper but for other reasons. It is just what my brother and I do, we pick on each other and then get bored and turn on my mom, she handles it well.

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