Bill O’Reilly DESTROYS ‘Liar’ David Corn, Mother Jones ‘Far-Left Zealots’

Here is a response to his tantrum from last night. Everything he said is presented, as well as many points from the original claims that he didn't address.
I get nothing showing up.
Not sure what happened. What about now?
Bill O Reilly Responds. We Annotate. Mother Jones
The way I understand it the Corn dude is hanging his hat on OReilly saying he was in a war zone, in Argentina covering the Falklands Island war. The war zone being the mass rioting not on the Islands. Sounds like weak sauce to me.
Read the entire article.
I read other sources that quoted what Bill said.

Great, but I'm not sure if they listed the Mother Jones accusations that he failed to address. There are several that have valid documentation.
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
And your point is?

The point is that John Hawkins, the writer of the article in the OP, is a rabid right wing partisan hack. His function is to be the GOP's version of Baghdad Bob, and spread misrepresented propaganda in the hope that people will believe him instead of the facts right in front of them.

Or he's simply telling the truth.
Countering the lies coming from liberal spokesmen like David Cross, a mealy-mouthed propagandist.

Doubtful, considering right wing misinformation is his one and only job.
John Hawkins runs Right Wing News, Linkiest and is the co-owner of The Looking Spoon. He also does weekly appearances on the #1 in it’s market Jaz McKay show, writes a weekly column for Townhall and his work has also been published at the Washington Examiner, The Hill, Hot Air, Pajamas Media, and at Human Events.

Additionally, he’s also the blogosphere’s premier interviewer and has interviewed conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Mark Levin, Victor Davis Hanson, Mark Steyn, G. Gordon Liddy, Dick Morris, Karl Rove, Michael Steele, Milton Friedman, Ron Paul, Jim DeMint, Jonah Goldberg, Jim DeMint, Walter Williams, Robert Novak, Ann Coulter, Newt Gingrich, & Michelle Malkin among others.

Additionally, John Hawkins’ work has been linked and discussed in numerous publications and on TV and radio shows including ABC News, BusinessWeek, C-Span, The Chicago Tribune, CNN, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Editor & Publisher, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, The Laura Ingraham Show, Minneapolis Star Tribune, MSNBC, National Journal, National Post, Newsmax, Newsweek, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Tammy Bruce Show, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Washington Post, Salt Lake Tribune, Scarborough Country, U.S. News & World Report, WorldNetDaily and Human Events, where he had a weekly column. Right Wing News has been studied by college classes and even inspired an urban legend that was covered at Snopes.

Last but not least, John Hawkins also founded and led the Rightroots group, a grassroots effort that collected almost $300,000 for Republican candidates in the last 3 months of the 2006 election cycle. In 2008, he consulted for Duncan Hunter’s presidential campaign and was on the board of Slatecard, which raised more than $600,000 for Republican candidates in the 2008 election cycle. In 2006 and 2010, he led a blogosphere wide Google Bomb effort against Democrati candidates. In 2011, he helped found Raising Red, although he left the organization the same year and went on to become one of the co-founders of Not Mitt In 2013, he teamed up Jimmy LaSalvia to lead a boycott of Capital One for having Alex Baldwin as their spokesman.

can you say totally bias ....I knewe you could.
And your point is?

The point is that John Hawkins, the writer of the article in the OP, is a rabid right wing partisan hack. His function is to be the GOP's version of Baghdad Bob, and spread misrepresented propaganda in the hope that people will believe him instead of the facts right in front of them.

Or he's simply telling the truth.
Countering the lies coming from liberal spokesmen like David Cross, a mealy-mouthed propagandist.

Doubtful, considering right wing misinformation is his one and only job.

Do you know this from past experience or just because your lib taskmasters trained you not to listen to legimate information from nongovernmentally approved sources?

Perhaps you can link to one quote from anything he wrote or said that was not a twisted representation of facts for political purpoes. That would go a long way to change my mind about his veracity.
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

What Brian Williams did once years ago pales in comparison to what Faux News does every single day, 24/7.

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
Poor lefties, always trying to firebomb the right, but it always blows up in their faces.
Hillary did the exact same thing, and liberals do not care. The Oreilly hit piece by David (big nose beedy eyes, how typical of a left winger. Does he have his own golden calf he dances around?) Corn has been proven to be a lie.


Fucking liberals. Hilarious. They lie about everything. They then claim Fox news lies about everything. They then quote MSNBC.
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

What Brian Williams did once years ago pales in comparison to what Faux News does every single day, 24/7.

"Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we're discovering we work for Fox. And this balance here has been completely reversed. The thing that sustains a strong Fox network is the thing that undermines a strong Republican party."
David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush
Williams repeated his lie multiple times over the years expanding it with ever telling the rest of your liberal anti fox rant is irrelevant.
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
The problem is Bill didn't do something similar which has been proven when there is actual proof he did I will be happy to hold him accountable.
Hillary did the exact same thing, and liberals do not care. The Oreilly hit piece by David (big nose beedy eyes, how typical of a left winger. Does he have his own golden calf he dances around?) Corn has been proven to be a lie.


Fucking liberals. Hilarious. They lie about everything. They then claim Fox news lies about everything. They then quote MSNBC.

LOL! Totally forgot about that Hildabeast lie. All these progs calling for Bill-O to be fired sure don't have a problem voting for Hildabeast.
O'Reilly tripped over his dick just as Brian Williams did..pure and simple.
I'm in the biz and it happens al the time .
the right/ left nonsense is a ploy to drum up more viewers for both imaginary sides..and you guys are buying it.
just as planned. suckers.....
No, these people can't admit they're wrong.

All they did was try to justify their lies by throwing out false allegations of somebody else lying. It's like they're saying that dishonest reporting is okay. We all know that the mainstream media lies all of the time for Democrats. They want their supporters to learn to settle for this fact. Accept the lies for our guys and reject the other side off-hand because they're worse than us.
Hillary did the exact same thing, and liberals do not care. The Oreilly hit piece by David (big nose beedy eyes, how typical of a left winger. Does he have his own golden calf he dances around?) Corn has been proven to be a lie.


Fucking liberals. Hilarious. They lie about everything. They then claim Fox news lies about everything. They then quote MSNBC.

LOL! Totally forgot about that Hildabeast lie. All these progs calling for Bill-O to be fired sure don't have a problem voting for Hildabeast.

At this point what does it matter!!

O'Reilly tripped over his dick just as Brian Williams did..pure and simple.
I'm in the biz and it happens al the time .
the right/ left nonsense is a ploy to drum up more viewers for both imaginary sides..and you guys are buying it.
just as planned. suckers.....
No, these people can't admit they're wrong.

All they did was try to justify their lies by throwing out false allegations of somebody else lying. It's like they're saying that dishonest reporting is okay. We all know that the mainstream media lies all of the time for Democrats. They want their supporters to learn to settle for this fact. Accept the lies for our guys and reject the other side off-hand because they're worse than us.

The narrative has been put forth. Suffice for me to speculate that David (beedy eyes big nose and dancing around his version of the golden calf) Corn gets a call from......oh someone to put out this kind of article. The narrative is then put forth, and since it is mother jones, there is plausible deniability.

The narrative is put forth, and like every other democrat hot button topic (race dividing like Ferguson) it makes no difference what the actual truth is.

Their fucking sheep just feeds from the trough that the democrats provide. They then display their double talking hypocrisy. Rinse repeat.

This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
The problem is Bill didn't do something similar which has been proven when there is actual proof he did I will be happy to hold him accountable.
Mother Jones is garbage.
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
The problem is Bill didn't do something similar which has been proven when there is actual proof he did I will be happy to hold him accountable.
Mother Jones is garbage.

Which is why the democrats/liberals had David (big nose beedy eyed dancing around his version of the golden calf) Corn put this story out.

Plausible deniability but the narrative is put out.

The left wing hypocritical sheep eat it up, and it has worked.

Liberals are not just demented fucking morons, they are evil fucking liars. All of them.
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
The problem is Bill didn't do something similar which has been proven when there is actual proof he did I will be happy to hold him accountable.

Read the article. The proof is there.
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
The problem is Bill didn't do something similar which has been proven when there is actual proof he did I will be happy to hold him accountable.

Read the article. The proof is there.

You, are, fucking, stupid.
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
The problem is Bill didn't do something similar which has been proven when there is actual proof he did I will be happy to hold him accountable.
Mother Jones is garbage.

And you are a hypocritical idiot. Neither of which changes the proven facts of what BillO did.
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
The problem is Bill didn't do something similar which has been proven when there is actual proof he did I will be happy to hold him accountable.

Read the article. The proof is there.

You, are, fucking, stupid.

What makes you think I care what a crazy teabagger thinks?
This whole thing has been nothing more than a sad and pathetic attempt by the far left to justify or rationalize the actions of Brian Williams by falsely claiming O'Reilly did the same. It's sad that Williams has likely flushed a great career down the toilet by his actions but they are just that his actions I would point out no one at CBS or who was with O' Reilly at the time Corn claims he lied has come forward to backup that claim which was not the case with Williams when it was the solider's who were with him that began publicly disputing his claims.

Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
The problem is Bill didn't do something similar which has been proven when there is actual proof he did I will be happy to hold him accountable.

Read the article. The proof is there.

You, are, fucking, stupid.

What makes you think I care what a crazy teabagger thinks?

Hey bullfrog, you are an insult to bulldogs.
Brian Williams was wrong to do what he did, and he received fair treatment for his transgression. This is about Billo who did something similar. Are you only in favor of holding people responsible if they aren't part of the fox bubble, but giving your heroes a pass for the same thing?
The problem is Bill didn't do something similar which has been proven when there is actual proof he did I will be happy to hold him accountable.

Read the article. The proof is there.

You, are, fucking, stupid.

What makes you think I care what a crazy teabagger thinks?

Hey bullfrog, you are an insult to bulldogs.

What a perfect example of the GOP's well thought out opinions. Arrogant and insulting, but with zero actual content. Rush should be proud.

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