Bill O’Reilly Stuns Trump-Basher Jorge Ramos: “I Favor a Wall. Am I a Racist for Favoring a Wall?”

All this bullshit labeling people as "Racist" is going to land you Liberal turds in Gitmo when President Trump's elected. Keep running your fucking communist mouths assholes. Your days are numbered.
I've heard the race card overplayed from the left and I imagine we will hear the sexist card getting played when it is a Hillary Trump race later this year. I don't like that shit either. However, in this case there has been some definite bias being spewed out there by the Trumpet, you just can not deny that. Read this shit out loud and tell me it's not:
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.

He always throws in that qualifier about how he loves these people, they are smart, or good, or many work for him but... Boom then there's the insult. It's weak and divisive and aint gonna play on the national stage.

Holy shit dude do you have any idea how much crime illegals rain down upon American citizens? How many American citizens have been murdered, raped, assaulted, robbed by illegals? Its huge. It was reported this week that Obama released 124 illegal criminals from prison, only deporting 3% of them, and these illegals then murdered 138 people. We are fucking tried of illegals pouring across the border shitting on American citizens so fine, a wall will be built and we'll deport their ass.
Thats fine, support a wall and whatever measures to manage traffic across the border... Don't cherry pick data to justify calling a huge group of people criminals and rapists... It's true that some are bad dudes and responsible for crime, but many are also workers trying to make a better life for their family's, many are relatives of American citizens. The argument can be made in a much better way.
There should be no sympathy for the worker trying to make it better for their family. They are still disrespecting our immigration laws. We have a method in place for them to apply for citizenship first before they attempt to come in our country. They should use it. If not, they should stay in Mexico or wherever they came from.
Thats fine... If you ever want to gain support for your efforts you can't play off of hate talk rhetoric... Your opposition, who is in the majority, will not listen to your ideas if you talk like close minded bigots.
The problem isn't in our words, the problem is in your minds.
Spoken like a true idiot

THe mayor of D.C. did not say something racist.

But his moron aide, HEARD some thing racist. And the white guy lost his job.

That is an extreme example, but you libs do it everyday.

Nothing idiotic about my point.

BUT as you can't defend your position, I guess an Ad Hominem attack and run away is the best you can do.
OK here's my response: The problem is YOUR words, not our minds...

Do you now see why this is an idiotic statement?
The problem isn't in our words, the problem is in your minds.
Spoken like a true idiot

THe mayor of D.C. did not say something racist.

But his moron aide, HEARD some thing racist. And the white guy lost his job.

That is an extreme example, but you libs do it everyday.

Nothing idiotic about my point.

BUT as you can't defend your position, I guess an Ad Hominem attack and run away is the best you can do.
OK here's my response: The problem is YOUR words, not our minds...

Do you now see why this is an idiotic statement?

Are you down to playing semantics or just being purposefully obtuse?

Neither is a challenge to my point.

The problem isn't in our words, the problem is in your minds.
I am a totally committed person to the USA and to "legal immigrants" as my daughter-in-law! She became a citizen after studying for several years, completing the process. I am NOT in favor of "illegal immigrants" that as Trump has said many are not that desirable or why else would Mexico or Vatican have walls? Explain.
Or how about this wall around the Vatican?
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That out og context was debunked in other threads, as you well know, but true to CON$ervoFashist form you still mindlessly parrot it.
Until the Pope has the wall at the Vatican torn down he shouldn't be talking about them
Why would he have to tear it down, it has plenty of entrances!!! You idiots just mindlessly parrot any BS your MessiahRushie feeds you!

The problem isn't in our words, the problem is in your minds.
Spoken like a true idiot

THe mayor of D.C. did not say something racist.

But his moron aide, HEARD some thing racist. And the white guy lost his job.

That is an extreme example, but you libs do it everyday.

Nothing idiotic about my point.

BUT as you can't defend your position, I guess an Ad Hominem attack and run away is the best you can do.
OK here's my response: The problem is YOUR words, not our minds...

Do you now see why this is an idiotic statement?

Are you down to playing semantics or just being purposefully obtuse?

Neither is a challenge to my point.

The problem isn't in our words, the problem is in your minds.
haha, ok shawshank... I am being obtuse to make my point that your statement is idiotic... It makes no point besides a mindless insult.
Bill is an idiot... Mexican is NOT a race.

typical RW dolt
Ramos is a racist fag. He is one of those mexican types who intentionally do not try to overcome his mexican accent.
Ramos is a racist fag. He is one of those mexican types who intentionally do not try to overcome his mexican accent.
MexiCAN and proud homes!!! Yeah, i don't like him much either... Maybe he and Trump can go stay with each other on RacistFag Island, whatever that means.
It was an interesting interview. I remember a moment when Bill was trying to show how Trumps statement about Mexicans was not racist... Bills point was that Trump was not talking about all Mexicans and as he read the quote in its entirety I could hear in his voice that Trumps words did not back up his point. It really was an insulting comment by the Trumpet, what a shame and embarrassment.

Trump articulated inelegantly. You have to be a real douche bag to claim that Trump meant all Mexicans are rapists, or even that all illegals are rapists.
Ramos is a racist fag. He is one of those mexican types who intentionally do not try to overcome his mexican accent.
He's still a citizen of Mexico. That's hardly what I would call a patriotic American. Why should any real American listen to a thing he says?
All this bullshit labeling people as "Racist" is going to land you Liberal turds in Gitmo when President Trump's elected. Keep running your fucking communist mouths assholes. Your days are numbered.
I've heard the race card overplayed from the left and I imagine we will hear the sexist card getting played when it is a Hillary Trump race later this year. I don't like that shit either. However, in this case there has been some definite bias being spewed out there by the Trumpet, you just can not deny that. Read this shit out loud and tell me it's not:
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.

He always throws in that qualifier about how he loves these people, they are smart, or good, or many work for him but... Boom then there's the insult. It's weak and divisive and aint gonna play on the national stage.

Holy shit dude do you have any idea how much crime illegals rain down upon American citizens? How many American citizens have been murdered, raped, assaulted, robbed by illegals? Its huge. It was reported this week that Obama released 124 illegal criminals from prison, only deporting 3% of them, and these illegals then murdered 138 people. We are fucking tried of illegals pouring across the border shitting on American citizens so fine, a wall will be built and we'll deport their ass.
Thats fine, support a wall and whatever measures to manage traffic across the border... Don't cherry pick data to justify calling a huge group of people criminals and rapists... It's true that some are bad dudes and responsible for crime, but many are also workers trying to make a better life for their family's, many are relatives of American citizens. The argument can be made in a much better way.

Go let them make a "better life" in Mexico. When they come here they take jobs from Americans. You want us to care about illegal aliens when you obviously don't give a crap about American workers.
All this bullshit labeling people as "Racist" is going to land you Liberal turds in Gitmo when President Trump's elected. Keep running your fucking communist mouths assholes. Your days are numbered.
I've heard the race card overplayed from the left and I imagine we will hear the sexist card getting played when it is a Hillary Trump race later this year. I don't like that shit either. However, in this case there has been some definite bias being spewed out there by the Trumpet, you just can not deny that. Read this shit out loud and tell me it's not:
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.

He always throws in that qualifier about how he loves these people, they are smart, or good, or many work for him but... Boom then there's the insult. It's weak and divisive and aint gonna play on the national stage.

Holy shit dude do you have any idea how much crime illegals rain down upon American citizens? How many American citizens have been murdered, raped, assaulted, robbed by illegals? Its huge. It was reported this week that Obama released 124 illegal criminals from prison, only deporting 3% of them, and these illegals then murdered 138 people. We are fucking tried of illegals pouring across the border shitting on American citizens so fine, a wall will be built and we'll deport their ass.
Thats fine, support a wall and whatever measures to manage traffic across the border... Don't cherry pick data to justify calling a huge group of people criminals and rapists... It's true that some are bad dudes and responsible for crime, but many are also workers trying to make a better life for their family's, many are relatives of American citizens. The argument can be made in a much better way.
There should be no sympathy for the worker trying to make it better for their family. They are still disrespecting our immigration laws. We have a method in place for them to apply for citizenship first before they attempt to come in our country. They should use it. If not, they should stay in Mexico or wherever they came from.
Thats fine... If you ever want to gain support for your efforts you can't play off of hate talk rhetoric... Your opposition, who is in the majority, will not listen to your ideas if you talk like close minded bigots.
Do you understand they are breaking our immigration laws? Why are you supporting them doing that?
It was an interesting interview. I remember a moment when Bill was trying to show how Trumps statement about Mexicans was not racist... Bills point was that Trump was not talking about all Mexicans and as he read the quote in its entirety I could hear in his voice that Trumps words did not back up his point. It really was an insulting comment by the Trumpet, what a shame and embarrassment.

Trump articulated inelegantly. You have to be a real douche bag to claim that Trump meant all Mexicans are rapists, or even that all illegals are rapists.
I wouldn't go that far, I don't think he was talking about ALL Mexicans, but it is pretty clear that his statement was reckless and offensive. It can easily be seen as an insult to the Mexican people and government. Most people take generalized insults aimed and a group of people as "racists". It is all part of Trumps uncompromising and unapologetic platform to be anti-politically correct. Many people are supporting him because of that.
I've heard the race card overplayed from the left and I imagine we will hear the sexist card getting played when it is a Hillary Trump race later this year. I don't like that shit either. However, in this case there has been some definite bias being spewed out there by the Trumpet, you just can not deny that. Read this shit out loud and tell me it's not:
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.

He always throws in that qualifier about how he loves these people, they are smart, or good, or many work for him but... Boom then there's the insult. It's weak and divisive and aint gonna play on the national stage.

Holy shit dude do you have any idea how much crime illegals rain down upon American citizens? How many American citizens have been murdered, raped, assaulted, robbed by illegals? Its huge. It was reported this week that Obama released 124 illegal criminals from prison, only deporting 3% of them, and these illegals then murdered 138 people. We are fucking tried of illegals pouring across the border shitting on American citizens so fine, a wall will be built and we'll deport their ass.
Thats fine, support a wall and whatever measures to manage traffic across the border... Don't cherry pick data to justify calling a huge group of people criminals and rapists... It's true that some are bad dudes and responsible for crime, but many are also workers trying to make a better life for their family's, many are relatives of American citizens. The argument can be made in a much better way.
There should be no sympathy for the worker trying to make it better for their family. They are still disrespecting our immigration laws. We have a method in place for them to apply for citizenship first before they attempt to come in our country. They should use it. If not, they should stay in Mexico or wherever they came from.
Thats fine... If you ever want to gain support for your efforts you can't play off of hate talk rhetoric... Your opposition, who is in the majority, will not listen to your ideas if you talk like close minded bigots.
Do you understand they are breaking our immigration laws? Why are you supporting them doing that?

Because leftwing douche bags don't care about the law. They only care about increasing the number of Democrats.
All this bullshit labeling people as "Racist" is going to land you Liberal turds in Gitmo when President Trump's elected. Keep running your fucking communist mouths assholes. Your days are numbered.
I've heard the race card overplayed from the left and I imagine we will hear the sexist card getting played when it is a Hillary Trump race later this year. I don't like that shit either. However, in this case there has been some definite bias being spewed out there by the Trumpet, you just can not deny that. Read this shit out loud and tell me it's not:
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.

He always throws in that qualifier about how he loves these people, they are smart, or good, or many work for him but... Boom then there's the insult. It's weak and divisive and aint gonna play on the national stage.

Holy shit dude do you have any idea how much crime illegals rain down upon American citizens? How many American citizens have been murdered, raped, assaulted, robbed by illegals? Its huge. It was reported this week that Obama released 124 illegal criminals from prison, only deporting 3% of them, and these illegals then murdered 138 people. We are fucking tried of illegals pouring across the border shitting on American citizens so fine, a wall will be built and we'll deport their ass.
Thats fine, support a wall and whatever measures to manage traffic across the border... Don't cherry pick data to justify calling a huge group of people criminals and rapists... It's true that some are bad dudes and responsible for crime, but many are also workers trying to make a better life for their family's, many are relatives of American citizens. The argument can be made in a much better way.

Go let them make a "better life" in Mexico. When they come here they take jobs from Americans. You want us to care about illegal aliens when you obviously don't give a crap about American workers.
Not the case... We don't need to open this can of worms again, we've been through it, my points obviously go right over your head.
It was an interesting interview. I remember a moment when Bill was trying to show how Trumps statement about Mexicans was not racist... Bills point was that Trump was not talking about all Mexicans and as he read the quote in its entirety I could hear in his voice that Trumps words did not back up his point. It really was an insulting comment by the Trumpet, what a shame and embarrassment.

Trump articulated inelegantly. You have to be a real douche bag to claim that Trump meant all Mexicans are rapists, or even that all illegals are rapists.
I wouldn't go that far, I don't think he was talking about ALL Mexicans, but it is pretty clear that his statement was reckless and offensive. It can easily be seen as an insult to the Mexican people and government. Most people take generalized insults aimed and a group of people as "racists". It is all part of Trumps uncompromising and unapologetic platform to be anti-politically correct. Many people are supporting him because of that.

So if I say Democrats are all douche bags, that means I'm a racist?

We know you choose to interpret his remarks that way. That's why you're a douche bag. You interpret them in a way that is politically convenient for Democrats. But that's what douche bags do.
All this bullshit labeling people as "Racist" is going to land you Liberal turds in Gitmo when President Trump's elected. Keep running your fucking communist mouths assholes. Your days are numbered.
I've heard the race card overplayed from the left and I imagine we will hear the sexist card getting played when it is a Hillary Trump race later this year. I don't like that shit either. However, in this case there has been some definite bias being spewed out there by the Trumpet, you just can not deny that. Read this shit out loud and tell me it's not:
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.

He always throws in that qualifier about how he loves these people, they are smart, or good, or many work for him but... Boom then there's the insult. It's weak and divisive and aint gonna play on the national stage.

Holy shit dude do you have any idea how much crime illegals rain down upon American citizens? How many American citizens have been murdered, raped, assaulted, robbed by illegals? Its huge. It was reported this week that Obama released 124 illegal criminals from prison, only deporting 3% of them, and these illegals then murdered 138 people. We are fucking tried of illegals pouring across the border shitting on American citizens so fine, a wall will be built and we'll deport their ass.
Thats fine, support a wall and whatever measures to manage traffic across the border... Don't cherry pick data to justify calling a huge group of people criminals and rapists... It's true that some are bad dudes and responsible for crime, but many are also workers trying to make a better life for their family's, many are relatives of American citizens. The argument can be made in a much better way.

Go let them make a "better life" in Mexico. When they come here they take jobs from Americans. You want us to care about illegal aliens when you obviously don't give a crap about American workers.
Not the case... We don't need to open this can of worms again, we've been through it, my points obviously go right over your head.

You points go right into the toilet. You don't want to go over them again because you don't want to discuss the fact that you're so eager to take a great big crap on American worker. I could spend the rest of the year beating up on you and your ilk about that, and I will.
All this bullshit labeling people as "Racist" is going to land you Liberal turds in Gitmo when President Trump's elected. Keep running your fucking communist mouths assholes. Your days are numbered.
I've heard the race card overplayed from the left and I imagine we will hear the sexist card getting played when it is a Hillary Trump race later this year. I don't like that shit either. However, in this case there has been some definite bias being spewed out there by the Trumpet, you just can not deny that. Read this shit out loud and tell me it's not:
When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.

He always throws in that qualifier about how he loves these people, they are smart, or good, or many work for him but... Boom then there's the insult. It's weak and divisive and aint gonna play on the national stage.

Holy shit dude do you have any idea how much crime illegals rain down upon American citizens? How many American citizens have been murdered, raped, assaulted, robbed by illegals? Its huge. It was reported this week that Obama released 124 illegal criminals from prison, only deporting 3% of them, and these illegals then murdered 138 people. We are fucking tried of illegals pouring across the border shitting on American citizens so fine, a wall will be built and we'll deport their ass.
Thats fine, support a wall and whatever measures to manage traffic across the border... Don't cherry pick data to justify calling a huge group of people criminals and rapists... It's true that some are bad dudes and responsible for crime, but many are also workers trying to make a better life for their family's, many are relatives of American citizens. The argument can be made in a much better way.
There should be no sympathy for the worker trying to make it better for their family. They are still disrespecting our immigration laws. We have a method in place for them to apply for citizenship first before they attempt to come in our country. They should use it. If not, they should stay in Mexico or wherever they came from.

Why in the hell would we grant amnesty, citizenship, or social benefits to anyone who blatantly jumps our border illegally and repeatedly breaks our laws? WTF

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