bill raped and sexually assaulted women...hilary engaged in obstruction of justice, and conspiracy.

So What. Bill Clinton is not running for president but Donald Trump is. Dragging up 45 year old allegations of misconduct by Bill Clinton will not distract voters from Donald Trump standing in front of a hot mike and declaring he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's rich and famous. Is this the person whose picture you want hanging in classrooms across the country.

The point, as I see it, is Republicans should not get sucked in to the Democrat's horror over Trump's comments because they themselves supported a sexual predator in the 90s.
There's a huge difference. There was no proof of Bill Clinton's womanizing when he was campaigning for president. Donald Trump is telling us in his own words that he can grab women's genitals and get away with it because he's rich and famous. He's made a ton of derogatory comments about women and thinks it's ok.

Republicans call to dump Trump makes sense. Trump is very unlikely to win now and leaving Trump on the ticket will probably cost Republicans the Senate.

There was plenty of proof....the media just covered it up or would not report it. The same way they are now covering for hillary and her lesbianism.

Although the sexual stuff with the clintons is the least of their crimes....the Clinton's are psychopaths....will do and have done just about any and everything to get or keep their power.

How here they are....both of them practically on their death beds and they are still grasping for power...sick,sick people.
"Yes, Hillary Was an Enabler

Hillary Clinton’s self-image as a feminist champion has always been at odds with her political partnership with a serial womanizer whose electoral career has depended on discrediting and smearing the women with whom he’s had dalliances. The disconnect is a little as if Jane Sanders were married to Lloyd Blankfein.

Hillary tends to get a pass, because the 1990s were a long time ago, the media often scold anyone who brings up the scandals, and most politicians think it’s bad form to talk about someone else’s marriage. Unconstrained by all these boundaries, Trump is hitting her with his characteristic abandon.

Hillary’s defenders say this is tantamount to blaming her for Bill’s infidelities. Of course, she’s not responsible for his wanderings. But as a fully vested member of Bill’s political operation, Hillary had as much interest in forcefully rebutting all allegations of sexual misconduct as he did."

Yes, Hillary Was an Enabler
Hillary's pile of crap just gets worse and worse.
Since you say she is not responsible for Bill Clinton's womanizing, what are you talking about? There is absolutely no reason why Hillary should defend Bill's womanizing.

There was plenty of proof moron

Again Bill played Paula $850,000 bucks to shut the hell up
There's a huge difference. There was no proof of Bill Clinton's womanizing when he was campaigning for president.

As if that makes a damned bit of difference and you utterly ignored my point.
The bottom line here is the fact that they can`t beat Hillary so they`re running against Bill who kicked their ass twice. They couldn`t beat Chelsea or their dog buddy and he`s been dead for 10 years.
The bottom line here is the fact that they can`t beat Hillary so they`re running against Bill who kicked their ass twice. They couldn`t beat Chelsea or their dog buddy and he`s been dead for 10 years.

Wrong. It's always about Hillary.
Republicans call to dump Trump makes sense.

You mean the RINO call to dump Trump.

Trump is very unlikely to win now and leaving Trump on the ticket will probably cost Republicans the Senate.

Won't matter in the least if Clinton takes it. Our Republic will be finished.
The bottom line here is the fact that they can`t beat Hillary so they`re running against Bill who kicked their ass twice. They couldn`t beat Chelsea or their dog buddy and he`s been dead for 10 years.

Wrong. It's always about Hillary.
It`s always about Hillary? Look at this thread`s title! Without a rape conviction the OP is an obvious liar of the lowest degree. I can call him a rapist on the internet but unlike him I have a problem with lying.
So What. Bill Clinton is not running for president but Donald Trump is. Dragging up 45 year old allegations of misconduct by Bill Clinton will not distract voters from Donald Trump standing in front of a hot mike and declaring he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's rich and famous. Is this the person whose picture you want hanging in classrooms across the country.

The point, as I see it, is Republicans should not get sucked in to the Democrat's horror over Trump's comments because they themselves supported a sexual predator in the 90s.
There's a huge difference. There was no proof of Bill Clinton's womanizing when he was campaigning for president. Donald Trump is telling us in his own words that he can grab women's genitals and get away with it because he's rich and famous. He's made a ton of derogatory comments about women and thinks it's ok.

Republicans call to dump Trump makes sense. Trump is very unlikely to win now and leaving Trump on the ticket will probably cost Republicans the Senate.

There was plenty of proof....the media just covered it up or would not report it. The same way they are now covering for hillary and her lesbianism.

Although the sexual stuff with the clintons is the least of their crimes....the Clinton's are psychopaths....will do and have done just about any and everything to get or keep their power.

How here they are....both of them practically on their death beds and they are still grasping for power...sick,sick people.
Your wild fantasies and accusations with no proof is why the "Hillary is worse attack" is failing.

Have you heard the one about Bill Clinton molesting Chelsea or his harem of sex slaves he kept in the basement of the White House.
Republicans call to dump Trump makes sense.

You mean the RINO call to dump Trump.

Trump is very unlikely to win now and leaving Trump on the ticket will probably cost Republicans the Senate.

Won't matter in the least if Clinton takes it. Our Republic will be finished.

Have you notice that no top Democrats are calling for Trump to step aside? This is because Trump is now a liability to the ticket. If Trump removes himself from the race and Pence takes his place it may keep the republicans in control of the Senate. If Trump stays in the race, these republican senators are going to have to defend themselves by claiming they didn't know Trump was a racist, misogynistic, buffoon.
Republicans call to dump Trump makes sense.

You mean the RINO call to dump Trump.

Trump is very unlikely to win now and leaving Trump on the ticket will probably cost Republicans the Senate.

Won't matter in the least if Clinton takes it. Our Republic will be finished.
Have you notice that no top Democrats are calling for Trump to step aside? This is because Trump is now a liability to the ticket. If Trump removes himself from the race and Pence takes his place it may keep the republicans in control of the Senate. If Trump stays in the race, these republican senators are going to have to defend themselves by claiming they didn't know Trump was a racist, misogynistic, buffoon.

Good point, although I think Trump can still beat her in an honest election. I don't see any enthusiasm for her, and Trump's base will stick with him I think.
Republicans call to dump Trump makes sense.

You mean the RINO call to dump Trump.

Trump is very unlikely to win now and leaving Trump on the ticket will probably cost Republicans the Senate.

Won't matter in the least if Clinton takes it. Our Republic will be finished.

Have you notice that no top Democrats are calling for Trump to step aside? This is because Trump is now a liability to the ticket. If Trump removes himself from the race and Pence takes his place it may keep the republicans in control of the Senate. If Trump stays in the race, these republican senators are going to have to defend themselves by claiming they didn't know Trump was a racist, misogynistic, buffoon.

I don't think it's even possible for Pence to step in at this point. I wish there was.
Republicans call to dump Trump makes sense.

You mean the RINO call to dump Trump.

Trump is very unlikely to win now and leaving Trump on the ticket will probably cost Republicans the Senate.

Won't matter in the least if Clinton takes it. Our Republic will be finished.
Have you notice that no top Democrats are calling for Trump to step aside? This is because Trump is now a liability to the ticket. If Trump removes himself from the race and Pence takes his place it may keep the republicans in control of the Senate. If Trump stays in the race, these republican senators are going to have to defend themselves by claiming they didn't know Trump was a racist, misogynistic, buffoon.

Good point, although I think Trump can still beat her in an honest election. I don't see any enthusiasm for her, and Trump's base will stick with him I think.
I think after the Trump's sex tapes this weekend, enthusiasm for Hilllary has had a considerable boost as witnessed by a double digit gain over Trump.
Republicans call to dump Trump makes sense.

You mean the RINO call to dump Trump.

Trump is very unlikely to win now and leaving Trump on the ticket will probably cost Republicans the Senate.

Won't matter in the least if Clinton takes it. Our Republic will be finished.
Have you notice that no top Democrats are calling for Trump to step aside? This is because Trump is now a liability to the ticket. If Trump removes himself from the race and Pence takes his place it may keep the republicans in control of the Senate. If Trump stays in the race, these republican senators are going to have to defend themselves by claiming they didn't know Trump was a racist, misogynistic, buffoon.

I don't think it's even possible for Pence to step in at this point. I wish there was.
It's certainly possible if the RNC wants to do it but it would be to late to win the presidency. The Republican leadership is resigned to a Hillary presidency. Their worry is Trump will continue to implode and take a lot republican congressmen with him. With Trump off the ticket, the Senate would probably be safe.
Bill Clinton made Drumpf grab women by the pussy. Hilary should not be POTUS because of that.
Bill Clinton made Drumpf grab women by the pussy. Hilary should not be POTUS because of that.
In the debate last night he blamed it on ISIS. I know it makes no sense but when has anything Trump said made any sense.

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