bill raped and sexually assaulted women...hilary engaged in obstruction of justice, and conspiracy.

Okay, some issues.

First, let's look at Juanita Brodderick's credibility.

1) She could not name the date or even the month this supposed attack took place.
2) She continued to attend Clinton fundraisers and campaign events after the supposed attack.
3) She accepted an appointment to a state board from Clinton
4) She swore out two affadavits in the Paula Jones case stating Clinton never touched her.

In short, her testimony has no credibility. No prosecutor would consider her a reliable witness.

Now,that said, we are now supposed to evaluate how Hillary supposedly intimidated her, 30 years ago. Supposedly.

She said, "Thank you for everything you do."

Wow. That's intimidating? Really?
So much for your level of compassion regarding those victimized and the sexually traumatized. No matter what the Clintons do you folks give them a pass.

No matter what Trump does you use Bill Clinton to excuse him with!
Not true
Alright, trying to use Bill Clinton sexual past to excuse Donald John Trump comments and past is not going to work...

Two wrongs do not make it right, so please stop...

Trump dug his hole and now he either need to ride the storm out or drop from the race.

Best thing Trump can do tonight is apologize to his wife, children, ex-wives and those voting for him while not pointing fingers and then move on discussing the topics that are important like the size of his hands, wait I mean the economy, immigration and trade agreements...
I am not excusing nor am I condoning. I am just stating facts.

No, you are trying to use Bill Clinton past as an excuse to forgive Trump for his stupidity and for me it is simple neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald John Trump should be allow to sit in the Oval Office or shit on it like they would!
Nope you are attempting manipulate, inveigle and confuse the issues.

Stop lying.

You are defending Donald John Trump by bringing up Bill Clinton past, and you know what Bill Clinton is not running for fucking President!

Typical Partisan whore nonsense by the right and you whine about the damn left!?!
Not true
How about you defending a Rapist too?

Trump has been accused of rape, so are you one of those voters that enables your candidate as long as he is Republican?

There is absolutely nothing to the case...

That is your opinion...

No, he's not been proven guilty. You have got nothing...

When was Bill Clinton found guilty of rape and even if Trump was found guilty you would proclaim that Bill Clinton did worse!?!

What the hell are you blabbering about? I never said Bill was a rapist. I am talking about the child rapist case Hillary was on.

You're such a filthy fucking liar!

You claimed that Trump did one minor thing and then claim you meant only 2005, and now claim something about Hillary and then will claim that Trump never did anything wrong and if anyone write something truthful about the piece of filth, well you and the op'er will deny it three times while collecting your pieces of silver!
Okay, some issues.

First, let's look at Juanita Brodderick's credibility.

1) She could not name the date or even the month this supposed attack took place.
2) She continued to attend Clinton fundraisers and campaign events after the supposed attack.
3) She accepted an appointment to a state board from Clinton
4) She swore out two affadavits in the Paula Jones case stating Clinton never touched her.

In short, her testimony has no credibility. No prosecutor would consider her a reliable witness.

Now,that said, we are now supposed to evaluate how Hillary supposedly intimidated her, 30 years ago. Supposedly.

She said, "Thank you for everything you do."

Wow. That's intimidating? Really?
So much for your level of compassion regarding those victimized and the sexually traumatized. No matter what the Clintons do you folks give them a pass.

No matter what Trump does you use Bill Clinton to excuse him with!
Not true

You did it with this thread!
Okay, some issues.

First, let's look at Juanita Brodderick's credibility.

1) She could not name the date or even the month this supposed attack took place.
2) She continued to attend Clinton fundraisers and campaign events after the supposed attack.
3) She accepted an appointment to a state board from Clinton
4) She swore out two affadavits in the Paula Jones case stating Clinton never touched her.

In short, her testimony has no credibility. No prosecutor would consider her a reliable witness.

Now,that said, we are now supposed to evaluate how Hillary supposedly intimidated her, 30 years ago. Supposedly.

She said, "Thank you for everything you do."

Wow. That's intimidating? Really?
So much for your level of compassion regarding those victimized and the sexually traumatized. No matter what the Clintons do you folks give them a pass.

No matter what Trump does you use Bill Clinton to excuse him with!
Not true

You did it with this thread!
Not true.
There is absolutely nothing to the case...

That is your opinion...

No, he's not been proven guilty. You have got nothing...

When was Bill Clinton found guilty of rape and even if Trump was found guilty you would proclaim that Bill Clinton did worse!?!

What the hell are you blabbering about? I never said Bill was a rapist. I am talking about the child rapist case Hillary was on.

You're such a filthy fucking liar!

You claimed that Trump did one minor thing and then claim you meant only 2005, and now claim something about Hillary and then will claim that Trump never did anything wrong and if anyone write something truthful about the piece of filth, well you and the op'er will deny it three times while collecting your pieces of silver!

I meant exactly what I said... read again if you have trouble comprehending.

You said that Trump should not bring up the anti-woman past of Hillary. Why the heck not? If that's what it comes down to, it would be foolish not to.
Alright, trying to use Bill Clinton sexual past to excuse Donald John Trump comments and past is not going to work...

Two wrongs do not make it right, so please stop...

Trump dug his hole and now he either need to ride the storm out or drop from the race.

Best thing Trump can do tonight is apologize to his wife, children, ex-wives and those voting for him while not pointing fingers and then move on discussing the topics that are important like the size of his hands, wait I mean the economy, immigration and trade agreements...
I am not excusing nor am I condoning. I am just stating facts.

No, you are trying to use Bill Clinton past as an excuse to forgive Trump for his stupidity and for me it is simple neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald John Trump should be allow to sit in the Oval Office or shit on it like they would!
Nope you are attempting manipulate, inveigle and confuse the issues.

Stop lying.

You are defending Donald John Trump by bringing up Bill Clinton past, and you know what Bill Clinton is not running for fucking President!

Typical Partisan whore nonsense by the right and you whine about the damn left!?!
Not true

Bill Clinton is not running for President!
That is your opinion...

No, he's not been proven guilty. You have got nothing...

When was Bill Clinton found guilty of rape and even if Trump was found guilty you would proclaim that Bill Clinton did worse!?!

What the hell are you blabbering about? I never said Bill was a rapist. I am talking about the child rapist case Hillary was on.

You're such a filthy fucking liar!

You claimed that Trump did one minor thing and then claim you meant only 2005, and now claim something about Hillary and then will claim that Trump never did anything wrong and if anyone write something truthful about the piece of filth, well you and the op'er will deny it three times while collecting your pieces of silver!

I meant exactly what I said... read again if you have trouble comprehending.

You said that Trump should not bring up the anti-woman past of Hillary. Why the heck not?

Show where I wrote that because I just reviewed what I wrote and you just lied again...

So now it is proven beyond any doubt you and the OP'er believe that Bill Clinton past excuses Donald Trump minor infraction ( According to you 2005 was the only time Trump ever said anything in the past ) and all I am saying Donald Trump should not lower himself to be like the whores that are voting for him!
The State Dept. found her asswipe and she refused to be pulled into attacks by hilary...........

Do you have a link? Because the only entry I ever find on her is that she was a student in England who supposedly complained to the police, even though there is no record of it either in British records or American records. She has never given an interview or repeated her claims publicly.

It's not even certain she exists. The name actually kind of sounds made up.

Yeah.....she exists....

Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eileen Wellstone is an English woman who alleged Clinton raped her in 1969 after she had met him at a pub near Oxford University, England. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholarshipstudent at Oxford at that time. Ms Wellstone re-confirmed the incident in 1999, but asked to be left alone.[30]
So What. Bill Clinton is not running for president but Donald Trump is. Dragging up 45 year old allegations of misconduct by Bill Clinton will not distract voters from Donald Trump standing in front of a hot mike and declaring he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's rich and famous. Is this the person whose picture you want hanging in classrooms across the country.

The female victims of bill and hillary clinton....................Rap Sheet: The Women Who Claim to Be Victims of Bill and Hillary Clinton - Breitbart
"Yes, Hillary Was an Enabler

Hillary Clinton’s self-image as a feminist champion has always been at odds with her political partnership with a serial womanizer whose electoral career has depended on discrediting and smearing the women with whom he’s had dalliances. The disconnect is a little as if Jane Sanders were married to Lloyd Blankfein.

Hillary tends to get a pass, because the 1990s were a long time ago, the media often scold anyone who brings up the scandals, and most politicians think it’s bad form to talk about someone else’s marriage. Unconstrained by all these boundaries, Trump is hitting her with his characteristic abandon.

Hillary’s defenders say this is tantamount to blaming her for Bill’s infidelities. Of course, she’s not responsible for his wanderings. But as a fully vested member of Bill’s political operation, Hillary had as much interest in forcefully rebutting all allegations of sexual misconduct as he did."

Yes, Hillary Was an Enabler
Hillary's pile of crap just gets worse and worse.

Since you say she is not responsible for Bill Clinton's womanizing, what are you talking about? There is absolutely no reason why Hillary should defend Bill's womanizing.
So What. Bill Clinton is not running for president but Donald Trump is. Dragging up 45 year old allegations of misconduct by Bill Clinton will not distract voters from Donald Trump standing in front of a hot mike and declaring he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's rich and famous. Is this the person whose picture you want hanging in classrooms across the country.

The point, as I see it, is Republicans should not get sucked in to the Democrat's horror over Trump's comments because they themselves supported a sexual predator in the 90s.
"Yes, Hillary Was an Enabler

Hillary Clinton’s self-image as a feminist champion has always been at odds with her political partnership with a serial womanizer whose electoral career has depended on discrediting and smearing the women with whom he’s had dalliances. The disconnect is a little as if Jane Sanders were married to Lloyd Blankfein.

Hillary tends to get a pass, because the 1990s were a long time ago, the media often scold anyone who brings up the scandals, and most politicians think it’s bad form to talk about someone else’s marriage. Unconstrained by all these boundaries, Trump is hitting her with his characteristic abandon.

Hillary’s defenders say this is tantamount to blaming her for Bill’s infidelities. Of course, she’s not responsible for his wanderings. But as a fully vested member of Bill’s political operation, Hillary had as much interest in forcefully rebutting all allegations of sexual misconduct as he did."

Yes, Hillary Was an Enabler
Hillary's pile of crap just gets worse and worse.
Since you say she is not responsible for Bill Clinton's womanizing, what are you talking about? There is absolutely no reason why Hillary should defend Bill's womanizing.
Her political career and financial standing.
The State Dept. found her asswipe and she refused to be pulled into attacks by hilary...........

Do you have a link? Because the only entry I ever find on her is that she was a student in England who supposedly complained to the police, even though there is no record of it either in British records or American records. She has never given an interview or repeated her claims publicly.

It's not even certain she exists. The name actually kind of sounds made up.

Yeah.....she exists....

Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eileen Wellstone is an English woman who alleged Clinton raped her in 1969 after she had met him at a pub near Oxford University, England. Clinton was a Rhodes Scholarshipstudent at Oxford at that time. Ms Wellstone re-confirmed the incident in 1999, but asked to be left alone.[30]
So What. Bill Clinton is not running for president but Donald Trump is. Dragging up 45 year old allegations of misconduct by Bill Clinton will not distract voters from Donald Trump standing in front of a hot mike and declaring he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's rich and famous. Is this the person whose picture you want hanging in classrooms across the country.

You dumbass....hill is a shill for bill.

BTW Trump was not standing in front of a hot mike when he was surreptiously recorded...he was having a private conversation on a plane with one other male....and how many men have never had similar conversations about pussy and how to get it? Men like talk about pussy and we all know hillary likes pussy too.

Now we can continue to talk about pussy or we can get back to the real important issues and how hillary is a disaster waiting to happen.
I am not excusing nor am I condoning. I am just stating facts.

No, you are trying to use Bill Clinton past as an excuse to forgive Trump for his stupidity and for me it is simple neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald John Trump should be allow to sit in the Oval Office or shit on it like they would!
Nope you are attempting manipulate, inveigle and confuse the issues.

Stop lying.

You are defending Donald John Trump by bringing up Bill Clinton past, and you know what Bill Clinton is not running for fucking President!

Typical Partisan whore nonsense by the right and you whine about the damn left!?!
Not true

Bill Clinton is not running for President!
Hillary "The Enabler" is .
So What. Bill Clinton is not running for president but Donald Trump is. Dragging up 45 year old allegations of misconduct by Bill Clinton will not distract voters from Donald Trump standing in front of a hot mike and declaring he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's rich and famous. Is this the person whose picture you want hanging in classrooms across the country.

The point, as I see it, is Republicans should not get sucked in to the Democrat's horror over Trump's comments because they themselves supported a sexual predator in the 90s.

This attempt to fabricate a scandal is not because of Trump talking about pussy in what he thought was a private conversation a decade ago but what all this is about is the establishment republicans aka sore losers...looking for an excuse to support hillary.
No, you are trying to use Bill Clinton past as an excuse to forgive Trump for his stupidity and for me it is simple neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald John Trump should be allow to sit in the Oval Office or shit on it like they would!
Nope you are attempting manipulate, inveigle and confuse the issues.

Stop lying.

You are defending Donald John Trump by bringing up Bill Clinton past, and you know what Bill Clinton is not running for fucking President!

Typical Partisan whore nonsense by the right and you whine about the damn left!?!
Not true

Bill Clinton is not running for President!
Hillary "The Enabler" is .


Christina Aguilera: Hillary 'stared' at my chest! - The American Mirror

According to Jennifer Flowers hillary has eaten more pussy than bill.

Ax John Lennon's f/f yoko ono...who has admitted an affair with hillary.

Yoko Ono: "I Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the '70s"
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So What. Bill Clinton is not running for president but Donald Trump is. Dragging up 45 year old allegations of misconduct by Bill Clinton will not distract voters from Donald Trump standing in front of a hot mike and declaring he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's rich and famous. Is this the person whose picture you want hanging in classrooms across the country.

The point, as I see it, is Republicans should not get sucked in to the Democrat's horror over Trump's comments because they themselves supported a sexual predator in the 90s.

This attempt to fabricate a scandal is not because of Trump talking about pussy in what he thought was a private conversation a decade ago but what all this is about is the establishment republicans aka sore losers...looking for an excuse to support hillary.

I don't know about supporting Clinton but the establishment Republicans are pussies!
So What. Bill Clinton is not running for president but Donald Trump is. Dragging up 45 year old allegations of misconduct by Bill Clinton will not distract voters from Donald Trump standing in front of a hot mike and declaring he can grab women by the pussy and get away with it because he's rich and famous. Is this the person whose picture you want hanging in classrooms across the country.

The point, as I see it, is Republicans should not get sucked in to the Democrat's horror over Trump's comments because they themselves supported a sexual predator in the 90s.
There's a huge difference. There was no proof of Bill Clinton's womanizing when he was campaigning for president. Donald Trump is telling us in his own words that he can grab women's genitals and get away with it because he's rich and famous. He's made a ton of derogatory comments about women and thinks it's ok.

Republicans call to dump Trump makes sense. Trump is very unlikely to win now and leaving Trump on the ticket will probably cost Republicans the Senate.

Oh, he forced himself on me. Made we wear a thong. I tried to scream but the only sound I could get out was the sound of a slurp. It was terrible. Completely indigestible.

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