Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo

Ratcliffe claims he questioned Taylor in the hearing and made a fool of him in 2 minutes. But how can that be the truth if, as YOU say, the GOP are not allowed to even attend the hearing, let alone ask questions?????
Before you accuse ask. So ask before you say fake news. You will love my answer.
Nice dodge!
You know either Ratcliffe is lying or YOU are!
There is another answer MR know it all jackass. I don't know. So blow THAT out your bloated ass!
Ratcliffe reveals details from closed-door impeachment hearings

Just read about it last night-seems moot with the GOP rushing the passer move. Look, I don't care if they remove trump ultimately, but it MUST be fair. I saw Nixon slowly walking the gangplank and it was done in the open to the point of boredom and in a bi-partisan way. It was so transparent, Nixon bolted. This circus is a rush to madness by people I don't respect-Schiff and the squad.

It turns out that there are 48 (FOURTY EIGHT!) Republiscum in on the hearings asking questions!!!!!
Impeachment "proceedings" but not the impeachment INQUIRY!
what's the difference exactly? let's hear your spin.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.

Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.
so was Mueller then. that's done.
Mueller had nothing to do with impeachment, and Barr is still holding back Mueller documents. Barr can't interfere with the House inquiry and therefore Tramp is triggered!
You can't have an investigation when all the "investigators" can't interview all relevant witnesses.
there are 48 Republiscum at the hearings asking questions, you are beating a dead horse with that process lie!
what's the difference exactly? let's hear your spin.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.

Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.
so was Mueller then. that's done.
Mueller had nothing to do with impeachment, and Barr is still holding back Mueller documents. Barr can't interfere with the House inquiry and therefore Tramp is triggered!
Correct, there were no crimes in his report. there were in Starr's. Thanks for admitting it.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.

Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.
so was Mueller then. that's done.
Mueller had nothing to do with impeachment, and Barr is still holding back Mueller documents. Barr can't interfere with the House inquiry and therefore Tramp is triggered!
Correct, there were no crimes in his report. there were in Starr's. Thanks for admitting it.
Mueller listed 10 examples of obstruction of his investigation. Once Tramp gets the boot he will be tried for those crimes.
Republicans have been questioning ALL the witnesses...
only witnesses that dems brought in. not questioning their witnesses. why not? come on commie double secret meetings, like the kremlin fks. dude how are your comrades?
You mean why are Democrats acting like the GOP did during the secret Benghazi hearings?

Remember then what the GOP said?

"It's clear that questions remain, and the administration still does not respect the authority of Congress to provide proper oversight," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement. "This dismissiveness and evasion requires us to elevate the investigation to a new level.
and? I see no secret meeting threat in that statement. prove the secret meeting. especially the now famous double secret meetings.

'secret meeting threat'

The GOP was very happy to have the 'now famous double secret meetings' when it came to investigating Obama and Benghazi.

Now of course you Trumpettes call that 'commie double secret meetings'.

Republicans have been questioning ALL the witnesses...
only witnesses that dems brought in. not questioning their witnesses. why not? come on commie double secret meetings, like the kremlin fks. dude how are your comrades?
You mean why are Democrats acting like the GOP did during the secret Benghazi hearings?

Remember then what the GOP said?

"It's clear that questions remain, and the administration still does not respect the authority of Congress to provide proper oversight," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement. "This dismissiveness and evasion requires us to elevate the investigation to a new level.
and? I see no secret meeting threat in that statement. prove the secret meeting. especially the now famous double secret meetings.

'secret meeting threat'

The GOP was very happy to have the 'now famous double secret meetings' when it came to investigating Obama and Benghazi.

Now of course you Trumpettes call that 'commie double secret meetings'.

still no link
just get out from behind secret doors.
There are 48 Republiscum behind those "secret" doors!
how do you know that? post a link dude.
I know it because it is a well known FACT! How is it a know-it-all like you does not know that of the 106 members of the 3 committees doing the inquiry hearing 48 are Republiscum!

13 Republicans involved in impeachment protest already have access to hearings
The big picture: The inquiry is currently being led by the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight committees, which are comprised of 48 Republicans in total.
Yes and? The trial hasn't started yet. This is the investigation. Which accused individual ever gets to part in the investigation?

You can't have an investigation when all the "investigators" can't interview all relevant witnesses. The conclusion has already been reached, now all they are doing is fishing for anything to support it. Your problem is the so called "victim" says there was no crime. Feel free to take that to court.


That the Ukrainain President is saying that "There was no pressure" was something he HAD to say. Notice that he followed up that support of the President by adding that he's still waiting for an invitation to the White House. IOW's he showed that he's still under pressure to conform with what Trump wants.

Both Trump and Mulvaney have already confessed to the exortion of the Ukrainians. We have the transcript released by the White House. What we're finding out from the witnesses is exactly how that pressure was used and acknowledged - the dual track of foreign policy, and the coverup of these abuses.

They're not "fishing". Trump's behaviour, and that of his officials, so alarmed real diplomats, and American patriots, that they're defying White House orders not to testify and not to provide evidence. And the courts threw out Trump's "I can't be investigated" argument out as "Repugnant to the Constituion".

Yeah, can't have a president ask another country to comply with a treaty, that's criminal, right?


When did Trump ask any other country to comply with a treaty?

Pretty sure that asking a foreign President for a 'favor' and secretly insisting that the foreign President publicly announce an investigation is not 'asking another country to comply with a treaty'
Turkey most recently

When did Trump ask Turkey for a 'favor' and secretly insisting that Turkey publicly announce an investigation into Trump's political rival?

Wow that is big news
Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.

No, he was an independent counsel. But Clinton blew it in State court, Starr just summarized his crimes.


In this instance, the House committees are playing the role of independent counsel. They are doing the investigating in this case that was done by Starr in the Clinton case. The committees include Republicans.

Well guess what, the supreme court says due process applies to congressional hearings. And congress has no authority to act as anything other than congress, and they have 435 members. Today they had a witness form the pentagon and wouldn't allow members form the armed services committee to sit in, when they have primary jurisdiction over that witness. None of the committees committing this sham, can say they had primary jurisdiction over that witness. In fact they had no jurisdiction at all.

Yes and? The trial hasn't started yet. This is the investigation. Which accused individual ever gets to part in the investigation?

You can't have an investigation when all the "investigators" can't interview all relevant witnesses. The conclusion has already been reached, now all they are doing is fishing for anything to support it. Your problem is the so called "victim" says there was no crime. Feel free to take that to court.


So cops should let criminals be involved in their own investigation? Trump’s defenders will get their “day in court” at the Senate trial.
Before you accuse ask. So ask before you say fake news. You will love my answer.
Nice dodge!
You know either Ratcliffe is lying or YOU are!
There is another answer MR know it all jackass. I don't know. So blow THAT out your bloated ass!
Ratcliffe reveals details from closed-door impeachment hearings

Just read about it last night-seems moot with the GOP rushing the passer move. Look, I don't care if they remove trump ultimately, but it MUST be fair. I saw Nixon slowly walking the gangplank and it was done in the open to the point of boredom and in a bi-partisan way. It was so transparent, Nixon bolted. This circus is a rush to madness by people I don't respect-Schiff and the squad.

It turns out that there are 48 (FOURTY EIGHT!) Republiscum in on the hearings asking questions!!!!!

OK-BUT-When do we get to see it?!
Republicans have been questioning ALL the witnesses...
only witnesses that dems brought in. not questioning their witnesses. why not? come on commie double secret meetings, like the kremlin fks. dude how are your comrades?
You mean why are Democrats acting like the GOP did during the secret Benghazi hearings?

Remember then what the GOP said?

"It's clear that questions remain, and the administration still does not respect the authority of Congress to provide proper oversight," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement. "This dismissiveness and evasion requires us to elevate the investigation to a new level.
and? I see no secret meeting threat in that statement. prove the secret meeting. especially the now famous double secret meetings.

'secret meeting threat'

The GOP was very happy to have the 'now famous double secret meetings' when it came to investigating Obama and Benghazi.

Now of course you Trumpettes call that 'commie double secret meetings'.


Moron, those involved state secrets.....this fake impeachment involves no classified material as stated by doofus.
Nice dodge!
You know either Ratcliffe is lying or YOU are!
There is another answer MR know it all jackass. I don't know. So blow THAT out your bloated ass!
Ratcliffe reveals details from closed-door impeachment hearings

Just read about it last night-seems moot with the GOP rushing the passer move. Look, I don't care if they remove trump ultimately, but it MUST be fair. I saw Nixon slowly walking the gangplank and it was done in the open to the point of boredom and in a bi-partisan way. It was so transparent, Nixon bolted. This circus is a rush to madness by people I don't respect-Schiff and the squad.

It turns out that there are 48 (FOURTY EIGHT!) Republiscum in on the hearings asking questions!!!!!

OK-BUT-When do we get to see it?!

You will absolutely see everything by the Senate Trial.
Except of course for what the President has been successful in hiding from the American people.
Republicans have been questioning ALL the witnesses...
only witnesses that dems brought in. not questioning their witnesses. why not? come on commie double secret meetings, like the kremlin fks. dude how are your comrades?
You mean why are Democrats acting like the GOP did during the secret Benghazi hearings?

Remember then what the GOP said?

"It's clear that questions remain, and the administration still does not respect the authority of Congress to provide proper oversight," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement. "This dismissiveness and evasion requires us to elevate the investigation to a new level.
and? I see no secret meeting threat in that statement. prove the secret meeting. especially the now famous double secret meetings.

'secret meeting threat'

The GOP was very happy to have the 'now famous double secret meetings' when it came to investigating Obama and Benghazi.

Now of course you Trumpettes call that 'commie double secret meetings'.


Moron, those involved state secrets.....this fake impeachment involves no classified material as stated by doofus.

Poor little snowflake.
As per the GOP at the time- the reason for the secret Benghazi hearings was to prevent grandstanding in front of cameras.

But hey we all know you are the king of double standards.
There is another answer MR know it all jackass. I don't know. So blow THAT out your bloated ass!
Ratcliffe reveals details from closed-door impeachment hearings

Just read about it last night-seems moot with the GOP rushing the passer move. Look, I don't care if they remove trump ultimately, but it MUST be fair. I saw Nixon slowly walking the gangplank and it was done in the open to the point of boredom and in a bi-partisan way. It was so transparent, Nixon bolted. This circus is a rush to madness by people I don't respect-Schiff and the squad.

It turns out that there are 48 (FOURTY EIGHT!) Republiscum in on the hearings asking questions!!!!!

OK-BUT-When do we get to see it?!

You will absolutely see everything by the Senate Trial.
Except of course for what the President has been successful in hiding from the American people.

NO,NO,NO-I mean now while the polls to do it are relevant-give us something NOW to judge. If you wait till the trial, I would say forget the trail-you lost your chance.
NO,NO,NO-I mean now while the polls to do it are relevant-give us something NOW to judge. If you wait till the trial, I would say forget the trail-you lost your chance.

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Your own impatience?

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