Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo

Two in one? It looks like an instruction to the young Socialist Democrats being feathered into their little nests, walks like one, talks like one. It's the Ducky Democrat Dilettantes deducing Dame Pelosi's directives. duh!
And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.
Oh, my same dirt, and it's nearly 5 o'clock, time for shift change. lol
Honey, you wouldn't know the truth if it were to sit on your lap, bite you on the mouth, and told you to put some ice on it.
LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.
Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.
Todd: Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

Trump: ... Absolutely.

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016
Still flirtin' with disaster are ya?
And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.
Oh, my same dirt, and it's nearly 5 o'clock, time for shift change. lol
Honey, you wouldn't know the truth if it were to sit on your lap, bite you on the mouth, and told you to put some ice on it.
LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.
Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.
Todd: Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

Trump: ... Absolutely.

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016
Still flirtin' with disaster are ya?
Are you denying that's a lie? :ack-1:
Two in one? It looks like an instruction to the young Socialist Democrats being feathered into their little nests, walks like one, talks like one. It's the Ducky Democrat Dilettantes deducing Dame Pelosi's directives. duh!
And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.
Oh, my same dirt, and it's nearly 5 o'clock, time for shift change. lol
Honey, you wouldn't know the truth if it were to sit on your lap, bite you on the mouth, and told you to put some ice on it.
LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.
Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.

Losers can’t do anything more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I know. They quote press archives from three years back and expect it to pass long after the door was closed.
Oh, my same dirt, and it's nearly 5 o'clock, time for shift change. lol
Honey, you wouldn't know the truth if it were to sit on your lap, bite you on the mouth, and told you to put some ice on it.
LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.
Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.
Todd: Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

Trump: ... Absolutely.

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016
Still flirtin' with disaster are ya?
Are you denying that's a lie? :ack-1:
Are you denying you got that from press archives? :rofl:
LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.
Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.
Todd: Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

Trump: ... Absolutely.

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016
Still flirtin' with disaster are ya?
Are you denying that's a lie? :ack-1:
Are you denying you got that from press archives? :rofl:
You didn't say anything about "press archives." You said, "get Trump websetites."

Meet the Press is not a "get trump website."

And worse for you, it's Trump's own quote that he would "absolutely" release his taxes.

Sadly, you prove to be such a Trump asshole-licking sycophant, you're already looking for excuses to cover for him rather than simply admit he lied.

Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.
Todd: Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

Trump: ... Absolutely.

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016
Still flirtin' with disaster are ya?
Are you denying that's a lie? :ack-1:
Are you denying you got that from press archives? :rofl:
You didn't say anything about "press archives." You said, "get Trump websetites."

Meet the Press is not a "get trump website."

And worse for you, it's Trump's own quote that he would "absolutely" release his taxes.

Sadly, you prove to be such a Trump asshole-licking sycophant, you're already looking for excuses to cover for him rather than simply admit he lied.

Denial, sir is not just a river in Egypt. ;)

And President Trump's lawyers won't allow him to open himself to the get-trump brigades.

And for your information, today's press is composed 90% by get-trumpers who additionally access central Democrat instructional areas to get information on what exactly they are to say about exactly what alleged bad thing any Republican who is anyone said or did that supports this beloved President.

It's too bad you're such a foul-mouthed hater.
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Todd: Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

Trump: ... Absolutely.

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016
Still flirtin' with disaster are ya?
Are you denying that's a lie? :ack-1:
Are you denying you got that from press archives? :rofl:
You didn't say anything about "press archives." You said, "get Trump websetites."

Meet the Press is not a "get trump website."

And worse for you, it's Trump's own quote that he would "absolutely" release his taxes.

Sadly, you prove to be such a Trump asshole-licking sycophant, you're already looking for excuses to cover for him rather than simply admit he lied.

Denial, sir is not just a river in Egypt. ;)
You must be speaking for yourself since you appear to be denying that Trump said he would "absolutely" release his taxes .... and then didn't.
Still flirtin' with disaster are ya?
Are you denying that's a lie? :ack-1:
Are you denying you got that from press archives? :rofl:
You didn't say anything about "press archives." You said, "get Trump websetites."

Meet the Press is not a "get trump website."

And worse for you, it's Trump's own quote that he would "absolutely" release his taxes.

Sadly, you prove to be such a Trump asshole-licking sycophant, you're already looking for excuses to cover for him rather than simply admit he lied.

Denial, sir is not just a river in Egypt. ;)
You must be speaking for yourself since you appear to be denying that Trump said he would "absolutely" release his taxes .... and then didn't.
Fail. It isn't smart to trust Democrats any more. They're out to get rid of the Constitutional freedoms such as the Second Amendment.

They clamored the day after Trump won the Republican nomination that they would set him up with an impeachment if he won the presidency, and three years later, here we are with a shit load of false charges made by the Democrats and augmented by the lying leftist lockstep press to get President Trump on anything that they can think of that is remotely unpleasant. And they're in uncharted waters with the Democrats doing any foul thing for which there is no law, since people considered it mandatory that the Congress would be run by mature adults with level heads to run the country in an orderly way. Unfortunately, the Democrats are so interested in creating a Marxist holocaust of our government in order to create an oligarchical communist/socialist state with themselves holding the reigns of power.

The Democrats have denied schools to allow Christian prayers, which is a tradition that dates back to the founders who were educated not only with starting a school day off with a prayer, the buildings they learned their elementary and secondary educations were Churches, and the earliest colleges were funded by church members who were ardent that young Americans were instructed in not only the ABCs but social graces and religion as well.

In fact, the foul-mouth tirade you just told the world about me in your post above, would have earned you a week chained to stocks in a public place without a hat.
Last edited:
Are you denying that's a lie? :ack-1:
Are you denying you got that from press archives? :rofl:
You didn't say anything about "press archives." You said, "get Trump websetites."

Meet the Press is not a "get trump website."

And worse for you, it's Trump's own quote that he would "absolutely" release his taxes.

Sadly, you prove to be such a Trump asshole-licking sycophant, you're already looking for excuses to cover for him rather than simply admit he lied.

Denial, sir is not just a river in Egypt. ;)
You must be speaking for yourself since you appear to be denying that Trump said he would "absolutely" release his taxes .... and then didn't.
Fail. It isn't smart to trust Democrats any more. They're out to get rid of the Constitutional freedoms such as the Second Amendment. They've denied schools to allow Christian prayers, which is a tradition that dates back to the founders who were educated not only with starting a school day off with a prayer, the buildings they learned their elementary and secondary educations were Churches, and the earliest colleges were funded by church members who were ardent that young Americans were instructed in not only the ABCs but social graces and religion as well.

In fact, the foul-mouth tirade you just told the world about me in your post above, would have earned you a week chained to stocks in a public place without a hat.

Imbecile, it wasn't a Democrat who said Trump would "absolutely" release his taxes but then didn't. That was Trump himself who said that.

Just how deep are you willing to stock your tongue?? :ack-1:
Are you denying you got that from press archives? :rofl:
You didn't say anything about "press archives." You said, "get Trump websetites."

Meet the Press is not a "get trump website."

And worse for you, it's Trump's own quote that he would "absolutely" release his taxes.

Sadly, you prove to be such a Trump asshole-licking sycophant, you're already looking for excuses to cover for him rather than simply admit he lied.

Denial, sir is not just a river in Egypt. ;)
You must be speaking for yourself since you appear to be denying that Trump said he would "absolutely" release his taxes .... and then didn't.
Fail. It isn't smart to trust Democrats any more. They're out to get rid of the Constitutional freedoms such as the Second Amendment. They've denied schools to allow Christian prayers, which is a tradition that dates back to the founders who were educated not only with starting a school day off with a prayer, the buildings they learned their elementary and secondary educations were Churches, and the earliest colleges were funded by church members who were ardent that young Americans were instructed in not only the ABCs but social graces and religion as well.

In fact, the foul-mouth tirade you just told the world about me in your post above, would have earned you a week chained to stocks in a public place without a hat.

Imbecile, it wasn't a Democrat who said Trump would "absolutely" release his taxes but then didn't. That was Trump himself who said that.

Just how deep are you willing to stock your tongue?? :ack-1:
He changed his mind.

My, you're sure into name-calling tonight. Does it make you feel superior to put someone down who disagrees with your Party's tendency to run a fake impeachment Soviet style?

As for your tendency to do name-calling like a spoilt brat when your attempts at steamrollering people fail, you should listen to the sticks and stones: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

tch, tch, tch.
Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the National Security Council's top Ukraine expert, testified today. He is first current White House staffer to testify, and the Ukrainian expert was in on the phone call, Vindman, a decorated veteran from the Iraq War, speaks both Ukrainian and Russian, a distinct advantage over other witnesses who have confirmed the quid pro quo nature of the call.

According to a copy of his statement, Vindman was so troubled by the call that he reported his concerns to a superior.

"I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government's support of Ukraine," Vindman said in his opening statement. "I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained."

"This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC's lead counsel."

According to the Ukrainian expert on the NSC, Trump created a national security threat to our country.

Why? Ukraine is the first line of defense against Russian aggression.

There is more. Suffice to say Vindman's testimony was devastating for Trump. It is why Trump, his press secretary, and Trump's Republican defenders in the House made complete fools of themselves trying to change the subject and resorted to name calling.
Weeks ago the White House sent a letter to the House demanding the full House vote on the impeachment inquiry and threatened lack of cooperation in the investigation. Trump's White House has since refused to engage with the impeachment inquiry because it argues the President is denied due process. It has not complied with congressional subpoenas and has instructed administration officials and those associated with Trump to do the same.

Since then Republicans have been calling for transparency and due process for Trump.

The Republican complaints can be summed up in Senator Lindsey Graham's resolution to censure the House for its investigative process.

Among Graham's complaints are that the House has not voted to open the impeachment inquiry, that witnesses so far have given closed-door testimonies, and that Trump is being denied his rights to defend himself against the allegations emerging from the process.

For Democrats the investigation stage of impeachment is largely complete enabling the grounds for impeachment. Soon the public phase of the impeachment inquiry will begin, and they drafted the ground rules, placing them in a House resolution which will be voted on Thursday.

The eight-page resolution calls for public hearings and lays out their general format, and specifically permits staff counsels to question witnesses for periods of up to 45 minutes per side, Democrats and Republicans.

The resolution gives the minority the same rights to question witnesses that the majority has, as has been true at every step of the inquiry. That is something that Jordan and Scalise failed to mention today in their haste to find out the identity of the whistleblower.

The measure also would allow the President or his counsel to participate in impeachment proceedings held by the House Judiciary Committee.

The resolution authorizes the Intelligence Committee to make all transcripts public with appropriate redactions to prevent the disclosure of classified information.

A word of caution to Republicans trying to defend Trump. Be careful what you wish for.
You didn't say anything about "press archives." You said, "get Trump websetites."

Meet the Press is not a "get trump website."

And worse for you, it's Trump's own quote that he would "absolutely" release his taxes.

Sadly, you prove to be such a Trump asshole-licking sycophant, you're already looking for excuses to cover for him rather than simply admit he lied.

Denial, sir is not just a river in Egypt. ;)
You must be speaking for yourself since you appear to be denying that Trump said he would "absolutely" release his taxes .... and then didn't.
Fail. It isn't smart to trust Democrats any more. They're out to get rid of the Constitutional freedoms such as the Second Amendment. They've denied schools to allow Christian prayers, which is a tradition that dates back to the founders who were educated not only with starting a school day off with a prayer, the buildings they learned their elementary and secondary educations were Churches, and the earliest colleges were funded by church members who were ardent that young Americans were instructed in not only the ABCs but social graces and religion as well.

In fact, the foul-mouth tirade you just told the world about me in your post above, would have earned you a week chained to stocks in a public place without a hat.

Imbecile, it wasn't a Democrat who said Trump would "absolutely" release his taxes but then didn't. That was Trump himself who said that.

Just how deep are you willing to stock your tongue?? :ack-1:
He changed his mind.

My, you're sure into name-calling tonight. Does it make you feel superior to put someone down who disagrees with your Party's tendency to run a fake impeachment Soviet style?

As for your tendency to do name-calling like a spoilt brat when your attempts at steamrollering people fail, you should listen to the sticks and stones: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

tch, tch, tch.

Not doing something you promise to do is called lying.

Now wipe your tongue, it's full of shit.
Denial, sir is not just a river in Egypt. ;)
You must be speaking for yourself since you appear to be denying that Trump said he would "absolutely" release his taxes .... and then didn't.
Fail. It isn't smart to trust Democrats any more. They're out to get rid of the Constitutional freedoms such as the Second Amendment. They've denied schools to allow Christian prayers, which is a tradition that dates back to the founders who were educated not only with starting a school day off with a prayer, the buildings they learned their elementary and secondary educations were Churches, and the earliest colleges were funded by church members who were ardent that young Americans were instructed in not only the ABCs but social graces and religion as well.

In fact, the foul-mouth tirade you just told the world about me in your post above, would have earned you a week chained to stocks in a public place without a hat.

Imbecile, it wasn't a Democrat who said Trump would "absolutely" release his taxes but then didn't. That was Trump himself who said that.

Just how deep are you willing to stock your tongue?? :ack-1:
He changed his mind.

My, you're sure into name-calling tonight. Does it make you feel superior to put someone down who disagrees with your Party's tendency to run a fake impeachment Soviet style?

As for your tendency to do name-calling like a spoilt brat when your attempts at steamrollering people fail, you should listen to the sticks and stones: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

tch, tch, tch.

Not doing something you promise to do is called lying.

Now wipe your tongue, it's full of shit.
Project much?

Not to worry. I'm not buying what you're selling.
You must be speaking for yourself since you appear to be denying that Trump said he would "absolutely" release his taxes .... and then didn't.
Fail. It isn't smart to trust Democrats any more. They're out to get rid of the Constitutional freedoms such as the Second Amendment. They've denied schools to allow Christian prayers, which is a tradition that dates back to the founders who were educated not only with starting a school day off with a prayer, the buildings they learned their elementary and secondary educations were Churches, and the earliest colleges were funded by church members who were ardent that young Americans were instructed in not only the ABCs but social graces and religion as well.

In fact, the foul-mouth tirade you just told the world about me in your post above, would have earned you a week chained to stocks in a public place without a hat.

Imbecile, it wasn't a Democrat who said Trump would "absolutely" release his taxes but then didn't. That was Trump himself who said that.

Just how deep are you willing to stock your tongue?? :ack-1:
He changed his mind.

My, you're sure into name-calling tonight. Does it make you feel superior to put someone down who disagrees with your Party's tendency to run a fake impeachment Soviet style?

As for your tendency to do name-calling like a spoilt brat when your attempts at steamrollering people fail, you should listen to the sticks and stones: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

tch, tch, tch.

Not doing something you promise to do is called lying.

Now wipe your tongue, it's full of shit.
Project much?

Not to worry. I'm not buying what you're selling.

I'm not selling anything. You asked for a trump lie and I gave you one. You're the one exposing yourself as a trump ass-licking sycophant who's trying to make up excuses for him for why that's not a lie.
Fail. It isn't smart to trust Democrats any more. They're out to get rid of the Constitutional freedoms such as the Second Amendment. They've denied schools to allow Christian prayers, which is a tradition that dates back to the founders who were educated not only with starting a school day off with a prayer, the buildings they learned their elementary and secondary educations were Churches, and the earliest colleges were funded by church members who were ardent that young Americans were instructed in not only the ABCs but social graces and religion as well.

In fact, the foul-mouth tirade you just told the world about me in your post above, would have earned you a week chained to stocks in a public place without a hat.

Imbecile, it wasn't a Democrat who said Trump would "absolutely" release his taxes but then didn't. That was Trump himself who said that.

Just how deep are you willing to stock your tongue?? :ack-1:
He changed his mind.

My, you're sure into name-calling tonight. Does it make you feel superior to put someone down who disagrees with your Party's tendency to run a fake impeachment Soviet style?

As for your tendency to do name-calling like a spoilt brat when your attempts at steamrollering people fail, you should listen to the sticks and stones: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

tch, tch, tch.

Not doing something you promise to do is called lying.

Now wipe your tongue, it's full of shit.
Project much?

Not to worry. I'm not buying what you're selling.

I'm not selling anything. You asked for a trump lie and I gave you one. You're the one exposing yourself as a trump ass-licking sycophant who's trying to make up excuses for him for why that's not a lie.
Your serial use of scatological terms is unnecessary. It must be a bad place that you live in for you to keep sliming an innocent woman like me. Don't worry. I ask God to please forgive you every time you speak evil of me and every time I run across you trolling someone else, which has been almost daily lately.

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