Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo

Maybe, maybe not, but in the words of mills lane (cdm version) "let's get it on!" [emoji16]
Man oh, man ThisisMe, you been had. The Democrats not only never had any evidence, they've been proven liars on 5 different expensive explorations into the possibilities they postulate.
This feely-good closed door crapshoot also has no evidence. At best, it's a wannabe quid pro quo that isn't and never was a quid pro quo, and it never will be. Bring it on again? Pass the melatonin, please.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but, it doesnt matter what is true or not, what matters is what dems can get the media to report. Part of what is going on is not just trump impeachment, its public opinion. The dems have done a good job at monopolizing all avenues of media. For the last 3 years, it's been trump, russia, ukraine, collusion, corruption.

My stance, as of late, is, you cant convince anyone they are right or wrong, so why bother. That dent in the cement wall is deep enough, and eventually your head will hurt, so why keep banging.

The dems control the house, so, they basically control the narrative. Repubs can come out and show proof that they are right, and the dems can just leak another news story that will occupy the media cycle, and divert attention to what they want you to "know".

Maybe my stance will change once all this comes out in the open and we can start seeing information coming from the repubs, once they are allowed to start their defense and do some questioning of their own.

I'm just ready to get all this behind us. So my stance is, let's do it! If trump is guilty, then he needs to go, if hes innocent, then we can finally put all this to rest.

ThisisMe said, "If trump is guilty, then he needs to go, if hes innocent, then we can finally put all this to rest."
You, I, and other U.S. taxpayers just shelled out $45 million dollars to get a Mueller Report. It cleared President Trump of the falsetto accusation that he colluded with Russia to get information on Clinton so he could use it to win the election. That never happened, but we found out he never, no not once, contacted the Russians or any other foreign government to get at the paranoid former First Lady of President Bill Clinton.

You may be influenced by people so punked out by Hillary's defeat they cried at her wannabe victory party, and heard their party leaders trying to fix the problem by promising they would "Get Trump" with impeachment the very next day. And they went about it full force for the duration of November, December, and days leading up to the inauguration of President Trump. Their orders to the Democrat operatives of the press have been daily, emailed, faxed, and hand-delivered to synchronize the specific words du jour being identical to all the other 200 news outlets who coordinate Democrat orders expediently.

So I'm not surprised people like you think who aren't tied down to either side, but favor certain elements in one side or the other.

Democrats are outdoing themselves to create an impression that President Trump has done something, It's fiction, every word of it. If you keep that in mind, their lies don't get under your toenails.

The Kavanaugh hoax came first, about the modus operandi under which the Democrats function. It was all a lie, all along, and leftist leadership made it happen. I am hoping you know the details but not wanting to offend you by regurgitating that which is provable and what part is fiction. The question is, why did the Democrats select rape as their cause celebre to erase Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court list forever? The answer is simple: they wanted women mad at President Trump, because he had a higher percentage of women voting for him than they anticipated. 90% of Americans will be madder than a hatter to think a public official has raped somebody else, particularly a single woman who is young and pretty and is vetted in persuasion to the nines.

If you need to know anything about the dirty tricks of the left, and you haven't noticed, stick around. America is in for the next phase about what America is going to do to prevent another Congressional majority from putting the swampy stuff on conceal. We cannot allow this to happen again in this nation. It is not only unconstitutional, it is anti-constitutional, in my humble opinion.

No more secret committee meetings excluding opponent party members of that committee, Democrats.
"You, I, and other U.S. taxpayers just shelled out $45 million dollars to get a Mueller Report."

Blame Republicans.
See what I mean? It doesnt matter what the right says, the left will be set in stone on their narrative. To them, he is guilty, no matter what. Nothing you, I, or anyone else will ever convince them otherwise.

This is why I'm ready for this to be out in the open, to hopefully shed some clarity on everything. All we have now are accusations, assumptions, and one sided leaked information.

I am ready for Trump to stop trying to keep everything hidden and concealed from Americans.
What it means is that all lying scum Right-wingers change all quotes, and in your case YOU added the word "doesn't" to the above quote you pretend to cite!

Poor wittle commie, did you see quotes in my post except to highlight two words.

Now explain to the class how these two sentences operate differently.

Barr denied his involvement extended beyond the Ukraine scandal.

Barr said his involvement doesn't extend beyond the Ukraine scandal.

Come on commie, show us how good you are at a game of semantics.


If they said the same thing, NAZI, you would not have dishonestly added "doesn't." DUH!
And you did it again, this time you changed "denied" to "said," had you used "denied" both times you would have given away your deliberate lie.
Come on, NAZI, admit the truth for the first time in your NAZI loving life, you just might find it liberating!

POOOOOOOR WITTLE COMMIE, perhaps you should ask you mommy what the difference is between a direct quote and paraphrasing is. I can't believe it took you almost two hours to come up with that lame assed response.

And here's a little hint, there is absolutely no difference in the operation or meaning of those two sentences. They say exactly the same thing. ROFLMFAO LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again, if they said "exactly" the same thing, then the words would be exactly the same!
Original quote:
Barr’s denial of involvement extended beyond the Ukraine scandal.
Your Quote:
Barr's involvement doesn't extend "beyond" the Ukraine scandal

You NAZIS can never admit the truth!

You stupid fucking kunt, you wouldn't know truth if it bitch slapped you and fucked you in the ass. Is English your third language, you obviously have no clue about sentence structure.

Another Trumpette getting excited and reverting back to how he really feels about the female gender.
You're a lying commie, he named AG Barr. Now run along you lying hypocritical POS commie.

Barr was not investigating Biden, dumbfucking cuck. :eusa_doh:

Yet Trump asked for Zelensky's cooperation with Barr 4 times during the call. And since the DOJ doesn't talk about investigations you have no idea what Barr is looking at. Carry on commie.

Dumbfuck cuck...

Barr is thrust back in harsh glare as Ukraine scandal grows

President Donald Trump never directly asked Attorney General William Barr to launch any type of investigation into Joe Biden, a Justice Department spokeswoman said Wednesday, clarifying that Barr’s denial of involvement extended beyond the Ukraine scandal.

So Trump hasn't asked Barr "directly" to investigate Biden, which he has every right to do BTW. And Barr's involvement doesn't extend "beyond" the Ukraine scandal? What the hell does that mean, Barr's involvement "includes" the Ukraine scandal? I don't believe that statement supports your delusion as much as you think. LMAO


Poor, dumbfucking cuck. Barr denied any knowledge of involvement regarding Trump's phone call with Zelensky. The DoJ didn't say his "involvement" doesn't extend beyond the Ukraine scandal, as you falsely posted... they said his "denials" of involvement DID extend beyond the Ukraine scandal. There was no investigation into Biden by the DoJ. The only one investigating Biden was Rudy Giuliani.

Facts are are pisser for Trumpettes.
I am ready for Trump to stop trying to keep everything hidden and concealed from Americans.


Then you must have really despised Obama for being a CLOSETED HOMOSEXUAL and HIDING IN THE CLOSET for 8 years....
I am ready for Trump to stop trying to keep everything hidden and concealed from Americans.


Then you must have really despised Obama for being a CLOSETED HOMOSEXUAL and HIDING IN THE CLOSET for 8 years....

Wait- did you get a blow job from Obama? Tell us all about the blow job you think you got from Obama- I am sure it will be as fascinating as the stories you tell about the Clintons.
Another "denier" of the TRUTH of the CLOSET....

and "HuffPo" must be a "right wing" site.... with this TRUTH on it...

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

"“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”
Don't be coy- tell us all about the blow job you got from the guy you thought was Obama.
Don't be coy- tell us all about the blow job you got from the guy you thought was Obama.

At least you've learned something, that do deny that Barack Obama is a closeted homosexual is to lie...

I am not a customer of the gay coke whore.

But I can find out who was.... maybe you were one!!!
Don't be coy- tell us all about the blow job you got from the guy you thought was Obama.

At least you've learned something, that do deny that Barack Obama is a closeted homosexual is to lie...

I am not a customer of the gay coke whore.

But I can find out who was.... maybe you were one!!!

Don't be shy- we don't know who you are- so tell us all about the blow job that you got from the guy you thought was Obama.

How many BOARD MEETINGS did Hunter Biden attend???


How can one be on the BOARD if he never attends a MEETING?

A: he was a CONDUIT to a KICKBACK
Who cares? There's no law against over paying someone to do nothing simply because you want their name and associations on your board.

Thanks for proving the corrupt intent.

Still not a crime to hire the son of the VP.

I’d get behind a bill that says that the children of government officials can’t do ANY overseas business and cannot be employed by any US Government agencies. Will Trumpers get behind it?

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A perfect example of how the "human scum" on the Right lie by editing out the actual context of anyone they quote!
Pelosi was calling out REPUBLICANS for conducting wrap-up smear campaigns, not touting the phenomenon as a go-to strategy for Democrats. That is why nothing the worthless lying scum Right ever posts is true!

Two in one? It looks like an instruction to the young Socialist Democrats being feathered into their little nests, walks like one, talks like one. It's the Ducky Democrat Dilettantes deducing Dame Pelosi's directives. duh!

And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.

Oh, my same dirt, and it's nearly 5 o'clock, time for shift change. lol
Honey, you wouldn't know the truth if it were to sit on your lap, bite you on the mouth, and told you to put some ice on it.

LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.

Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.

How many BOARD MEETINGS did Hunter Biden attend???


How can one be on the BOARD if he never attends a MEETING?

A: he was a CONDUIT to a KICKBACK
Who cares? There's no law against over paying someone to do nothing simply because you want their name and associations on your board.

Thanks for proving the corrupt intent.

Still not a crime to hire the son of the VP.

I’d get behind a bill that says that the children of government officials can’t do ANY overseas business and cannot be employed by any US Government agencies. Will Trumpers get behind it?
You're going to punish everyone in America because Biden pulled his son into harm's way when he put the bite on the Ukraine people?

Ain't gonna happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

A perfect example of how the "human scum" on the Right lie by editing out the actual context of anyone they quote!
Pelosi was calling out REPUBLICANS for conducting wrap-up smear campaigns, not touting the phenomenon as a go-to strategy for Democrats. That is why nothing the worthless lying scum Right ever posts is true!

Two in one? It looks like an instruction to the young Socialist Democrats being feathered into their little nests, walks like one, talks like one. It's the Ducky Democrat Dilettantes deducing Dame Pelosi's directives. duh!

And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.

Oh, my same dirt, and it's nearly 5 o'clock, time for shift change. lol
Honey, you wouldn't know the truth if it were to sit on your lap, bite you on the mouth, and told you to put some ice on it.

LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.

Hey barkeep, quit puttin' cannabis powder in Syriusly's refreshments.
A perfect example of how the "human scum" on the Right lie by editing out the actual context of anyone they quote!
Pelosi was calling out REPUBLICANS for conducting wrap-up smear campaigns, not touting the phenomenon as a go-to strategy for Democrats. That is why nothing the worthless lying scum Right ever posts is true!
Two in one? It looks like an instruction to the young Socialist Democrats being feathered into their little nests, walks like one, talks like one. It's the Ducky Democrat Dilettantes deducing Dame Pelosi's directives. duh!
And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.
Oh, my same dirt, and it's nearly 5 o'clock, time for shift change. lol
Honey, you wouldn't know the truth if it were to sit on your lap, bite you on the mouth, and told you to put some ice on it.
LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.
Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.

Only one Trump lie? There are so many to choose from.

Shall we go back a few years to when Trump was playing up to the Birther idiots?
Remember when Trump claimed he didn't know where Obama was born- even though the birth certificate was available online?
Or when he claimed he had sent investigators to Hawaii and you won't believe what they are finding.....which apparently was crickets since those were never found.
Or when he claimed that Hillary Clinton started the Birthers.

We don't even have to get into his campaign promises that he lied about.

More recently?
At his recent campaign Trump claimed to have gotten Veterans choice for Veterans- that bill was signed into law by Obama.

How many BOARD MEETINGS did Hunter Biden attend???


How can one be on the BOARD if he never attends a MEETING?

A: he was a CONDUIT to a KICKBACK
Who cares? There's no law against over paying someone to do nothing simply because you want their name and associations on your board.

Thanks for proving the corrupt intent.

Still not a crime to hire the son of the VP.

I’d get behind a bill that says that the children of government officials can’t do ANY overseas business and cannot be employed by any US Government agencies. Will Trumpers get behind it?
You're going to punish everyone in America because Biden pulled his son into harm's way when he put the bite on the Ukraine people?

Ain't gonna happen.

You are going to punish everyone in America just to defend your criminal Orange Messiah?
A perfect example of how the "human scum" on the Right lie by editing out the actual context of anyone they quote!
Pelosi was calling out REPUBLICANS for conducting wrap-up smear campaigns, not touting the phenomenon as a go-to strategy for Democrats. That is why nothing the worthless lying scum Right ever posts is true!
Two in one? It looks like an instruction to the young Socialist Democrats being feathered into their little nests, walks like one, talks like one. It's the Ducky Democrat Dilettantes deducing Dame Pelosi's directives. duh!
And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.
Oh, my same dirt, and it's nearly 5 o'clock, time for shift change. lol
Honey, you wouldn't know the truth if it were to sit on your lap, bite you on the mouth, and told you to put some ice on it.
LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.
Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.
Todd: Will you release any of your tax returns for the public to scrutinize?

Trump: ... Absolutely.

Meet the Press - January 24, 2016
A perfect example of how the "human scum" on the Right lie by editing out the actual context of anyone they quote!
Pelosi was calling out REPUBLICANS for conducting wrap-up smear campaigns, not touting the phenomenon as a go-to strategy for Democrats. That is why nothing the worthless lying scum Right ever posts is true!
Two in one? It looks like an instruction to the young Socialist Democrats being feathered into their little nests, walks like one, talks like one. It's the Ducky Democrat Dilettantes deducing Dame Pelosi's directives. duh!
And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.
Oh, my same dirt, and it's nearly 5 o'clock, time for shift change. lol
Honey, you wouldn't know the truth if it were to sit on your lap, bite you on the mouth, and told you to put some ice on it.
LOL- anytime a Trumpette whines about the truth while applauding their Orange Lying Messiah it just makes me laugh.
Name one lie without going to any of your "Get Trump" websites. Can't, can you.

Losers can’t do anything more.

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