Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo

Impeachment "proceedings" but not the impeachment INQUIRY!
what's the difference exactly? let's hear your spin.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.

Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.

No, he was an independent counsel. But Clinton blew it in State court, Starr just summarized his crimes.


In this instance, the House committees are playing the role of independent counsel. They are doing the investigating in this case that was done by Starr in the Clinton case. The committees include Republicans.
Actually what he said was different than what he wrote, you seem to have trouble disguising the difference.
And how exactly do you what Taylor said, HEARSAY since YOU weren't there, that might be different from what he wrote? Notice how HEARSAY is perfectly OK for their side!!!!!

The congresscritters in the room couldn't say what he said, they could however say what he didn't say, and that was Ukraine knew the aid was being held up. Without that knowledge there could have been no quid pro quo, could there? Ukraine didn't find out the aid was being held till 29 Aug. Shortly after the aid was released and the sale of the anti-tank missals was completed and Ukraine had started no new investigations. They did have an ongoing investigation into Burisma that started in Feb, that wasn't mentioned in the call.

Actually what he said was different than what he wrote, you seem to have trouble disguising the difference.
And how exactly do you what Taylor said, HEARSAY since YOU weren't there, that might be different from what he wrote? Notice how HEARSAY is perfectly OK for their side!!!!!

The congresscritters in the room couldn't say what he said, they could however say what he didn't say, and that was Ukraine knew the aid was being held up. Without that knowledge there could have been no quid pro quo, could there? Ukraine didn't find out the aid was being held till 29 Aug. Shortly after the aid was released and the sale of the anti-tank missals was completed and Ukraine had started no new investigations. They did have an ongoing investigation into Burisma that started in Feb, that wasn't mentioned in the call.

As you well know, aid was not the only Quid Pro Quo that was held up by Tramp. As early as May Zelensky was aware that he was being pressured to investigate Biden or there would be no promised meeting with lying scum POS Tramp.
Shortly after the aid was released and the sale of the anti-tank missals was completed and Ukraine had started no new investigations.
Ukraine To Review Criminal Cases Possibly Linked To Bidens
Amid President Trump’s impeachment inquiry, Ukraine’s top prosecutor said Friday he will review closed criminal investigations linked to Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company that employed Hunter Biden on its board.
  • The prosecutor, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, said at least 15 investigations were linked to Burisma. He vowed to audit all of them.
  • And Ukraine’s former president, Petro Poroshenko, said Wednesday that Joe Biden never asked him to open or close any cases.
what's the difference exactly? let's hear your spin.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.

Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.

No, he was an independent counsel. But Clinton blew it in State court, Starr just summarized his crimes.

And his so called report was used by the GOP as the impeachment inquiry from which they took their articles of impeachment.

Yep, because he outlined 11 crimes, so what?

Shortly after the aid was released and the sale of the anti-tank missals was completed and Ukraine had started no new investigations.
Ukraine To Review Criminal Cases Possibly Linked To Bidens
Amid President Trump’s impeachment inquiry, Ukraine’s top prosecutor said Friday he will review closed criminal investigations linked to Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company that employed Hunter Biden on its board.
  • The prosecutor, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, said at least 15 investigations were linked to Burisma. He vowed to audit all of them.
  • And Ukraine’s former president, Petro Poroshenko, said Wednesday that Joe Biden never asked him to open or close any cases.

“I can confirm to you tonight that the U.S. government … was aware as early as February of 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning to reopen the Burisma investigation,”

Evidence shows Ukraine began probe of Hunter Biden-linked firm months before Trump phone call

what's the difference exactly? let's hear your spin.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.

Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.

No, he was an independent counsel. But Clinton blew it in State court, Starr just summarized his crimes.


In this instance, the House committees are playing the role of independent counsel. They are doing the investigating in this case that was done by Starr in the Clinton case. The committees include Republicans.

Well guess what, the supreme court says due process applies to congressional hearings. And congress has no authority to act as anything other than congress, and they have 435 members. Today they had a witness form the pentagon and wouldn't allow members form the armed services committee to sit in, when they have primary jurisdiction over that witness. None of the committees committing this sham, can say they had primary jurisdiction over that witness. In fact they had no jurisdiction at all.

Actually what he said was different than what he wrote, you seem to have trouble disguising the difference.
And how exactly do you what Taylor said, HEARSAY since YOU weren't there, that might be different from what he wrote? Notice how HEARSAY is perfectly OK for their side!!!!!

The congresscritters in the room couldn't say what he said, they could however say what he didn't say, and that was Ukraine knew the aid was being held up. Without that knowledge there could have been no quid pro quo, could there? Ukraine didn't find out the aid was being held till 29 Aug. Shortly after the aid was released and the sale of the anti-tank missals was completed and Ukraine had started no new investigations. They did have an ongoing investigation into Burisma that started in Feb, that wasn't mentioned in the call.

As you well know, aid was not the only Quid Pro Quo that was held up by Tramp. As early as May Zelensky was aware that he was being pressured to investigate Biden or there would be no promised meeting with lying scum POS Tramp.

Funny Zelensky said there was no pressure, are you calling him a liar?

If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.

Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.

No, he was an independent counsel. But Clinton blew it in State court, Starr just summarized his crimes.


In this instance, the House committees are playing the role of independent counsel. They are doing the investigating in this case that was done by Starr in the Clinton case. The committees include Republicans.

Well guess what, the supreme court says due process applies to congressional hearings. And congress has no authority to act as anything other than congress, and they have 435 members. Today they had a witness form the pentagon and wouldn't allow members form the armed services committee to sit in, when they have primary jurisdiction over that witness. None of the committees committing this sham, can say they had primary jurisdiction over that witness. In fact they had no jurisdiction at all.

Yes and? The trial hasn't started yet. This is the investigation. Which accused individual ever gets to part in the investigation?
Actually what he said was different than what he wrote, you seem to have trouble disguising the difference.
And how exactly do you what Taylor said, HEARSAY since YOU weren't there, that might be different from what he wrote? Notice how HEARSAY is perfectly OK for their side!!!!!

The congresscritters in the room couldn't say what he said, they could however say what he didn't say, and that was Ukraine knew the aid was being held up. Without that knowledge there could have been no quid pro quo, could there? Ukraine didn't find out the aid was being held till 29 Aug. Shortly after the aid was released and the sale of the anti-tank missals was completed and Ukraine had started no new investigations. They did have an ongoing investigation into Burisma that started in Feb, that wasn't mentioned in the call.

As you well know, aid was not the only Quid Pro Quo that was held up by Tramp. As early as May Zelensky was aware that he was being pressured to investigate Biden or there would be no promised meeting with lying scum POS Tramp.

Funny Zelensky said there was no pressure, are you calling him a liar?


Ukrainian leader felt Trump pressure before taking office

Hmmmmm, who to believe....The guy Trump is putting pressure on or THREE people in a meeting with the Ukrainian President?
Shortly after the aid was released and the sale of the anti-tank missals was completed and Ukraine had started no new investigations.
Ukraine To Review Criminal Cases Possibly Linked To Bidens
Amid President Trump’s impeachment inquiry, Ukraine’s top prosecutor said Friday he will review closed criminal investigations linked to Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company that employed Hunter Biden on its board.
  • The prosecutor, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, said at least 15 investigations were linked to Burisma. He vowed to audit all of them.
  • And Ukraine’s former president, Petro Poroshenko, said Wednesday that Joe Biden never asked him to open or close any cases.

“I can confirm to you tonight that the U.S. government … was aware as early as February of 2019 that the Ukrainian government was planning to reopen the Burisma investigation,”

Evidence shows Ukraine began probe of Hunter Biden-linked firm months before Trump phone call

Known conspiracy theory liar John Salami and FAKE NEWS FOX, now there are real sources for you!
But even your own "source" admits there is no record of the imaginary "PLANNED" reinvestigation actually happening until the investigation I pointed out that started in Oct 2019 AFTER Tramp's Quid Pro Quo.
Actually what he said was different than what he wrote, you seem to have trouble disguising the difference.
And how exactly do you what Taylor said, HEARSAY since YOU weren't there, that might be different from what he wrote? Notice how HEARSAY is perfectly OK for their side!!!!!

The congresscritters in the room couldn't say what he said, they could however say what he didn't say, and that was Ukraine knew the aid was being held up. Without that knowledge there could have been no quid pro quo, could there? Ukraine didn't find out the aid was being held till 29 Aug. Shortly after the aid was released and the sale of the anti-tank missals was completed and Ukraine had started no new investigations. They did have an ongoing investigation into Burisma that started in Feb, that wasn't mentioned in the call.

As you well know, aid was not the only Quid Pro Quo that was held up by Tramp. As early as May Zelensky was aware that he was being pressured to investigate Biden or there would be no promised meeting with lying scum POS Tramp.

Funny Zelensky said there was no pressure, are you calling him a liar?

Yes, any president will lie to protect his country from "human scum" like Tramp!!!!!
Well guess what, the supreme court says due process applies to congressional hearings.
And that due process was for the enforcement needed for getting information.

“We are of the opinion,” wrote Justice Van Devanter for a unanimous Court, “that the power of inquiry—with process to enforce it—is an essential and appropriate auxiliary to the legislative function. . . . A legislative body cannot legislate wisely or effectively in the absence of information respecting the conditions which the legislation is intended to affect or change; and where the legislative body does not itself possess the requisite information—which not infrequently is true—recourse must be had to others who possess it. Experience has taught that mere requests for such information often are unavailing, and also that information which is volunteered is not always accurate or complete; so some means of compulsion are essential to obtain what is needed. All this was true before and when the Constitution was framed and adopted. In that period the power of inquiry—with enforcing process—was regarded and employed as a necessary and appropriate attribute of the power to legislate—indeed, was treated as inhering in it. Thus there is ample warrant for thinking, as we do, that the constitutional provisions which commit the legislative function to the two houses are intended to include this attribute to the end that the function may be effectively exercised.”187"
What the Hell are you talking about?
Ratcliffe claims he questioned Taylor in the hearing and made a fool of him in 2 minutes. But how can that be the truth if, as YOU say, the GOP are not allowed to even attend the hearing, let alone ask questions?????
Before you accuse ask. So ask before you say fake news. You will love my answer.
Nice dodge!
You know either Ratcliffe is lying or YOU are!
There is another answer MR know it all jackass. I don't know. So blow THAT out your bloated ass!
Ratcliffe reveals details from closed-door impeachment hearings

Just read about it last night-seems moot with the GOP rushing the passer move. Look, I don't care if they remove trump ultimately, but it MUST be fair. I saw Nixon slowly walking the gangplank and it was done in the open to the point of boredom and in a bi-partisan way. It was so transparent, Nixon bolted. This circus is a rush to madness by people I don't respect-Schiff and the squad.
Stop whining about process.

It's just whining

When the Committees have completed their Inquires they will make all relevant info public and an Impeachment vote will be taken at which point Trump will be Impeached and the affair will move to the Senate fora very PUBLIC trial
And you know that because
a) He is a Vietnam War Veteran?
b) A West Point graduate?
c) Was an officer with the 101 Airborne?
d) A Bronze Star medal holder?
e) 5 years as an advisor to the U.S in NATO
f) 10 years as an ambassador coordinating assistance to Eastern Europe
g) His work in Kabul coordinating assistance in Afghanistan
h) His work in Baghdad as Director of Iraq Reconstruction?
i) His 3 years as Ambassador to Ukraine under President Bush?

I can see why you believe that a man with such honorable service can't be believed.

After all- you believe the orange draft dodger and his lies.
All irrelevant! His record means nothing. Mueller had a military record and he ended up dirty, just like fake war hero John McCain.

As mentioned- you Trumpettes will piss on the any decorated combat Veteran you perceive as a threat to your Orange draft dodging Messiah.
I do when they go rogue. yes indeed, military get dishonorable discharges while in the service. how does that happen if what you think is so?

And by 'go rogue' you Trumpettes always mean "threaten your orange draft dodging Messiah"

Those so designated "neverTrumpers" are followers of the old globalist Establishment political clique who got us into our current national predicaments in the first place. They are essentially understudy Democrats.
the cabal
You're a liar, the minority and Clinton was given rights during his impeachment proceeding. But hey, no reason to let facts get in the way of good propaganda, hey comrade.

Impeachment "proceedings" but not the impeachment INQUIRY!
what's the difference exactly? let's hear your spin.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.
why are you afraid of the people allowing them to vote?
They get to vote for each article of impeachment, just like the GOP did for Clinton. Why should spoiled brat rich elitists like Tramp get special treatment?????.
vote, I give two shits, just get out from behind secret doors. It seems they are frightened to vote. ewwwwwwww big bad elitists afraid how fking funny. hey fk you
You're a liar, the minority and Clinton was given rights during his impeachment proceeding. But hey, no reason to let facts get in the way of good propaganda, hey comrade.

Impeachment "proceedings" but not the impeachment INQUIRY!
what's the difference exactly? let's hear your spin.
If there wasn't a difference the liar would have used the words impeachment inquiry.
The Clinton inquiry was essentially just a decision about whether to impeach the president based on the findings of independent counsel Ken Starr’s report in which Clinton had no rights.

Hey commie, we're talking about the actions of the house, not Starr. Do try to keep up.

Hey NAZI, Starr was the impeachment inquiry, do try to keep up.
so was Mueller then. that's done.

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