Bill Walton has died of cancer

Did you know hall of fame basketball player Bill Walton had an older brother Bruce Walton, who was an offensive lineman for the Dallas Cowboys?

Both Walton brothers attended UCLA to play different sports. The 6'6, 251 pound Bruce Walton was a 5th round draft pick by the Cowboys in 1973. He was primarily a backup left tackle playing behind future hall of famer Rayfield Wright. Bruce Walton played 3 seasons with the Cowboys from 1973-1975. His final game was Super Bowl X , a 21-17 loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers at the Orange Bowl. Knee injuries ultimately ended his career in 1976. Bruce Walton passed away on October 18, 2019 at the age of 68. Bill Walton passed away today at age 71.

Fun Fact: The Waltons are the only brother combination in the history of professional sports to play in the NBA Finals and Super Bowl.

Did you know hall of fame basketball player Bill Walton had an older brother Bruce Walton, who was an offensive lineman for the Dallas Cowboys?

Both Walton brothers attended UCLA to play different sports. The 6'6, 251 pound Bruce Walton was a 5th round draft pick by the Cowboys in 1973. He was primarily a backup left tackle playing behind future hall of famer Rayfield Wright. Bruce Walton played 3 seasons with the Cowboys from 1973-1975. His final game was Super Bowl X , a 21-17 loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers at the Orange Bowl. Knee injuries ultimately ended his career in 1976. Bruce Walton passed away on October 18, 2019 at the age of 68. Bill Walton passed away today at age 71.

Fun Fact: The Waltons are the only brother combination in the history of professional sports to play in the NBA Finals and Super Bowl.

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I remember that now, that is a great side note, thanks!
I cannot believe he is gone! I still remember him at UCLA and at Portland in 1977. Alright, I'm going to say it, Bill Walton was the best passing big man of all time.

He will definitely be missed.
Portland did not win as much in 1977 than the 76ers choking. And did they ever choke until they got Moses Malone. Dawkins was a child in a man's body and the Doctor shrunk a little in deep playoff series.
Portland did not win as much in 1977 than the 76ers choking. And did they ever choke until they got Moses Malone. Dawkins was a child in a man's body and the Doctor shrunk a little in deep playoff series.
The turning point was the fight when Daryl Dawkins and Bobby Gross went for a rebound and they squared off, Maurice Lucas then hit Dawkins and that fight united Portland. The series was the Sixers vs a team focus of Portland. The next season Portland was even more dominant in their team play.
He did Gonzaga games for ESPN sand loved his commentary and he was the best passing center of all time, to watch him at the top of the key flip a pass to a cutting Twardzik was beautiful
You did have to bring up that fucking red-headed, freckle-faced guard! I didn't like him. Nor did I like Maurice Lucas and Lionel Hollins.
Portland did not win as much in 1977 than the 76ers choking. And did they ever choke until they got Moses Malone. Dawkins was a child in a man's body and the Doctor shrunk a little in deep playoff ser
Well, you are right about that.
Portland did not win as much in 1977 than the 76ers choking. And did they ever choke until they got Moses Malone. Dawkins was a child in a man's body and the Doctor shrunk a little in deep playoff series.
The Sixers went up 2-0 and then choked. Caldwell Jones was no match for Walton.
The turning point was the fight when Daryl Dawkins and Bobby Gross went for a rebound and they squared off, Maurice Lucas then hit Dawkins and that fight united Portland. The series was the Sixers vs a team focus of Portland. The next season Portland was even more dominant in their team play.
If I was a Portland fan, I would have loved it. The Sixers were favorites in that series.

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