Bill would forbid divorcing parents in Massachusetts from having sex in home

"You guys"? I thought he was a person. Do you agree with everything every Democrat brought forward? It looks like he doesn't want mom or dad screwing someone else with kids in the house before the divorce is final. I can understand but not agree, I doubt it will pass. Personally I want the government out of the marriage business alltogether.
ahh the religious right and their own version of tyranny for the children.

good lord
Two things...

1) It is pretty sad that there would even be a need for a law like this. I mean bringing over some barfly to have sex with during a divorce period..AND THE CHILDREN ARE HOME???...who does that?
2) It is of no business to the government whatsoever. Zip, none nada.
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It's dumb, but I do think the dummy has good intentions regarding the children of divorce

In divorce, separation, or 209A proceedings involving children and a marital home, the party remaining in the home shall not conduct a dating or sexual relationship within the home until a divorce is final and all financial and custody issues are resolved, unless the express permission is granted by the courts.
i would like to know his reasoning.....every time i see a story like this they seem to never have the WHY.....but i agree it is none of his business....

Me is called "lazy journalism".
The Why is almost always the most important element in a story - and the one almost always left out by our grand media.

i would like to know his reasoning.....every time i see a story like this they seem to never have the WHY.....but i agree it is none of his business....

My guess would be about trying to save the kids further confusion, hurt and feelings of loyalty to either parent

Lots of people don't have the common sense not drag their kids into rebound relationships while they are finalizing the end of their marriages.
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The law is designed to prevent parents from bringing new relationships into the marital home and having sex with their new partner with the still married spouse present.

Just the idea that a law like this might be necessary is an indication of just how perverted we have become.

If you need to know WHY, there is almost no hope for you. If you cannot understand how bringing a date into the marital home and having sex in the guest room might harm the already volatile divorce no one could explain it to you.
We are now well into the third generation of dysfunctional parents having dysfunctional children and trying to rationalize it all away. Congratulations.

i would like to know his reasoning.....every time i see a story like this they seem to never have the WHY.....but i agree it is none of his business....

My guess would be about trying to save the kids further confusion, hurt and feelings of loyalty to either parent

Lots of people don't have the common sense not drag their kids into rebound relationships while they are finalizing the end of their marriages.

then the reporter should state that.....otherwise we get the comes the "Right Wing" religious freaks or comes the "Left Wing" freaks....when it may not be anything like may be a reasonable reason....or it may be bullshit....let the reader know....
The law is designed to prevent parents from bringing new relationships into the marital home and having sex with their new partner with the still married spouse present.

Just the idea that a law like this might be necessary is an indication of just how perverted we have become.

If you need to know WHY, there is almost no hope for you. If you cannot understand how bringing a date into the marital home and having sex in the guest room might harm the already volatile divorce no one could explain it to you.

something thats been going on for many decades....right....oh wait its Katz....this shit just started when Obama became President....ok that explains your dumbass post....
It hasn't been going on for many decades. Even in open marriages, when the parties divorce they do not bring home boyfriends and girlfriends to screw under the same roof as the divorcing spouse. At one time it was known as courtesy. At one time a spouse who did such a thing would be the victim of a justifiable homicide.

obama's election and the current degredation and perversion just dovetail. Likely if we had not become a perverted culture and drug addict like obama would never have been elected.
It has been around since Jan. 2013 nothing was done with it.
Now it has been moved to back burner for June 2014.
I don't think it's going anywhere, since nothing has happened about it in a year and a half.
All Politicians on both sides of the isles have introduced some very stupid bills.
You just can't legislate stupid and there is really no way to enforce this bill.
It hasn't been going on for many decades. Even in open marriages, when the parties divorce they do not bring home boyfriends and girlfriends to screw under the same roof as the divorcing spouse. At one time it was known as courtesy. At one time a spouse who did such a thing would be the victim of a justifiable homicide.

obama's election and the current degredation and perversion just dovetail. Likely if we had not become a perverted culture and drug addict like obama would never have been elected.

I think you're over analyzing. It clearly states the party remaining in the home. Indicating the one with child custody.

I think the intention protect the children who still have a relationship with the other parent. So they are not present as their custodial parent moves on while still technically married.
It has been around since Jan. 2013 nothing was done with it.
Now it has been moved to back burner for June 2014.
I don't think it's going anywhere, since nothing has happened about it in a year and a half.
All Politicians on both sides of the isles have introduced some very stupid bills.
You just can't legislate stupid and there is really no way to enforce this bill.

Of course there is. A husband/wife brings a third party into the home and screws them on the sofa where the kids are watching TV. The spouse calls the police and says "Come and make an arrest". There you go, law enforced.

Man comes home and finds wife in bed with boyfriend shoots them both. Since the wife is breaking the law when she was shot, all charges against the shooting husband are dropped. Law enforced.
It has been around since Jan. 2013 nothing was done with it.
Now it has been moved to back burner for June 2014.
I don't think it's going anywhere, since nothing has happened about it in a year and a half.
All Politicians on both sides of the isles have introduced some very stupid bills.
You just can't legislate stupid and there is really no way to enforce this bill.

Of course there is. A husband/wife brings a third party into the home and screws them on the sofa where the kids are watching TV. The spouse calls the police and says "Come and make an arrest". There you go, law enforced.

Man comes home and finds wife in bed with boyfriend shoots them both. Since the wife is breaking the law when she was shot, all charges against the shooting husband are dropped. Law enforced.

is that what you did??
It has been around since Jan. 2013 nothing was done with it.
Now it has been moved to back burner for June 2014.
I don't think it's going anywhere, since nothing has happened about it in a year and a half.
All Politicians on both sides of the isles have introduced some very stupid bills.
You just can't legislate stupid and there is really no way to enforce this bill.

Of course there is. A husband/wife brings a third party into the home and screws them on the sofa where the kids are watching TV. The spouse calls the police and says "Come and make an arrest". There you go, law enforced.

Man comes home and finds wife in bed with boyfriend shoots them both. Since the wife is breaking the law when she was shot, all charges against the shooting husband are dropped. Law enforced.

is that what you did??

Why does my sex life interest you?

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