Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

OK, so now the reasons that have been given for WHY this president should be subjected to a different set of standards than the previous 43 are:
1) He is a foreign agent
2) He reliquished his citizenship

and yet no evidence has been produced to justify either claim.

Hmmmmm ...... are you guys really surprised that your getting laughed at?

Make your case. If you have one - then our system allows for legitimate concerns to be addressed. But don't expect Obama to bail you out by just turning the qualifications process over to you even though you can't make a case.

So ...... let's see your case.
bodeca: The point I've been driving all through this thread. Birthers demand that others accept their contentions without any supporting evidence.

And THAT is why not a single legislative body, administrative body, judicial body, or any competent authority has paid any serious attention to them.
obama is the only sitting president, to give up his usa citizenship, he lived in jakarta indonesia,and was adopted by his mother's muslim husband. lolo soetoro. barry soetoro is not a citizen of the usa!! IMPEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He didn't give up his US citizenship. I've quoted you the applicable statutes that prove you wrong (and which you've conveniently ignored).

And please provide proof he was adopted.
OK, so now the reasons that have been given for WHY this president should be subjected to a different set of standards than the previous 43 are:
1) He is a foreign agent
2) He reliquished his citizenship

and yet no evidence has been produced to justify either claim.

Hmmmmm ...... are you guys really surprised that your getting laughed at?

Make your case. If you have one - then our system allows for legitimate concerns to be addressed. But don't expect Obama to bail you out by just turning the qualifications process over to you even though you can't make a case.

So ...... let's see your case.

By law, a minor can't relinquish their US citizenship. This fool's claim is that he "lost" it when he moved to Indonesia.
By law, a minor can't relinquish their US citizenship. This fool's claim is that he "lost" it when he moved to Indonesia.

The silliness of the claim is right on par with every other "justification" the birthers use to rationalize their position.

So I am STILL waiting for one reasonable justification for subjecting THIS president to a standard that the other 43 have not been subjected to.

Anyone ????????????????????????????????
And until obama produces a legitimate birth certificate that states where he was born, what hospital he was born in, the delivering doctors name and any other attending witnesses that can be confirmed,

No other president has been asked to produce all this. Why do you expect THIS president to do it?


btw - your post really doesn't help your "I'm-not-a-nutjob" case very much.

You sir, are full of SHIT! The Senate held HEARINGS on John McCain. Can you explain why they didn't on obama? Can you tell me why obama continues to spend MILLIONS on HIDING his birth certificate? Can you tell me why the FIRST THING obama did when he stepped into the Oval Office was to sign an executive order SEALING ALL his personal records, INCLUDING his birth certificate?

Just what in the HELL is obama hiding?

Go ahead, tell us all.... :eusa_eh:

I already asked this once a couple of days ago. Tell us more about these Senate hearings on McCain???
You sir, are full of SHIT! The Senate held HEARINGS on John McCain. Can you explain why they didn't on obama? Can you tell me why obama continues to spend MILLIONS on HIDING his birth certificate? Can you tell me why the FIRST THING obama did when he stepped into the Oval Office was to sign an executive order SEALING ALL his personal records, INCLUDING his birth certificate? Just what in the HELL is obama hiding? Go ahead, tell us all....

The Obama executive order has been thouroughly debunked - it didn't happen. Folks have repeatedly asked (to no avail) for documentation on the "millions in spending." and we're still waiting on something on those "McCain senate hearings."
So I would suggest that fecal odor you smell has an origin must closer to home sir.

And the bottom line is that even if all these deflections and all this dishonesty were actually true - it STILL doesn't produce a single valid argument for holding Obama to a different standard than the previous 43 presidents. These attempts to lie and spin these claims into a justification is exactly while people are still laughing at you guys ....

But the fact that you have to make up lies in an attempt to sell your proposal is very telling indeed.

So anyone????????

Got a legitimate reason to hold Obama to different set of standards?????????

I'm STILL waiting ......
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I think it is great that the birthers and the deathers show up at these town hall meetings. Some of em look like they are having coronaries. Stupid old fucks. I wonder how many go home and keel over?
I think it is great that the birthers and the deathers show up at these town hall meetings. Some of em look like they are having coronaries. Stupid old fucks. I wonder how many go home and keel over?

I hope NONE of them.
Birthers are absolute silly idiots.
Obama may be the only Presidential candidate to put his birth certificate on line. They did so because some other nut cases claimed Obama had changed his middle name to Hussein. The campaign thought that would shut up the nuts.

You cannot shut up idiotic nut cases.
I think it is great that the birthers and the deathers show up at these town hall meetings. Some of em look like they are having coronaries. Stupid old fucks. I wonder how many go home and keel over?

I hope NONE of them.

I hope ALLof them. Those pieces of shit have over the last fifty years caused more harm to our country than all of our so called foriegn enemies put together. Piss on em.
Birthers are absolute silly idiots.
Obama may be the only Presidential candidate to put his birth certificate on line. They did so because some other nut cases claimed Obama had changed his middle name to Hussein. The campaign thought that would shut up the nuts.

You cannot shut up idiotic nut cases.

Another very good reason to NOT turn the qualification standards over to folks like this.
People seriously, are those of you who support the birther argument listening to yourself speak? What proof do you have to back up these claims??? Like I think the one about Obama's Indonesian stepfather adopting him was especially funny. Hey brilliant one think about it, if Obama's biological mother married a muslim man from Indonesia, why the hell would he go through an adoption, if Obama was already is stepson via marriage anyway lol?

Also call me crazy, but given the world wide craziness behind the whole birther issue, i'd try and keep Obama's personal information safe too if I was them. I honestly think it's absolutely laughable if you think every single politician invovled in the process of selecting our nation's president wouldn't take the time to contact a state health and social services office to check a mynute little detail like the canidate was even born in the United States in the first place.

What because the man had a Kenyan father for some odd reason he couldn't have been born in Hawaii??? Honestly I don't blame the man for not wanting to release his personal information to the hardcore right wingers, to come up with some sort of other far fetched story. Lol I sware next thing you know it's going to be Obama's mother had an affair with an alien from mars that floated down from a space ship that travelled from Mars, lol give it a rest people!
What is he doing that is so foreign agenty? Please specify.

If I have to explain it to you, The you will never get it, Which both you and I already know about your pinko, Mullet sporting, Man hating self.

You don't know much of your history of Reagan, do you?

Hey Sister, This isn't your classroom where you can bully all the male students and push to put them on ridilin. I know plenty about Ronald Reagan. I assure you that I know much more about the Man then you do being that I have read many books on him. He did some bad things, and he did some great things. I never mentioned Reagan you idiot.

This is a very funny sentence

Not as funny as you and Your Girlfriend's bed headed mullets in the morning.


Hawaii is American soil, bub.

Man, You would think with all that Granola and Tofu you shove down your throat that you might atleast have the brain of a 5 year old. Hey Bod, I am looking forward to exposing you as the idiot that you were at Hannity. Only here, You can't cry like a little Girl to the Mods everytime I own you. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~BH
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