Bill Would Force Obama To Reveal Birth Documents

And STILL no rational reason for expecting THIS president to submit to a more stringent standard - no wonder every competent authority, every legislative body, every administrative body, and every judicial body has LAUGHED IN YOUR FACES.
That's because no past Presidents have ever been suspected of being a Foreign agent.

That's it - THAT'S your case????????????????????? Because you suspect Obama of being a foreign agent??????

OK - let's see your supporting evidence .......

(That photo is the best piece of evidence I've seen - what does THAT tell you?)
No. Those related to my previous post (the one above yours).

I guess I should have just edited and added them to my own, but it was already quite long, so I just posted them separately. Sorry.

Thank you for the clarification - I went back and found your previous thread.

While no fan of Obama's politics - I have yet to see anything to challenge the assertion he was in fact born within the United States.

If Obama had in fact rushed in and signed an Executive Order sealing all of his records that would provide, if not proof, pause for consideration as to his motivation for doing so. It appears Obama did not in fact do that.

Anyone wish to counter that?

It takes a bit of backtracking and research, but Obama's EO reversed GWBush's EO which reversed Reagan's EO which actually provided for more transparency regarding presidential records. Obama's EO restored the wording and intent of Reagan's EO.

Does this mean Ronald Reagan was in on the conspiracy too???


Seems I have to edit my list of BC co-conspirators again.

Obama and his wife (of course), everyone he ran against in the primary and general, the Executive of every state where he was on the ballot for primary and general, his parents, his grandparents, administrators of Kapi'olani hospital, the publishers of 2 Hawaiian newspapers, assorted relatives and neighbors, the state of Hawaii---including the Republican governor and Director of the DOH, the media aka "brownshirts", fact-checking groups, assorted politicians from both major parties, the SSA, the 538 Electors of the 50 states and DC, the U.S. Congress, Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, the administrators of Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa (well, Kenya in general), members of the Bomford clan (clearly planted to infiltrate and destroy the American electoral process), the government of Australia, and now President Ronald Reagan.

It would be much simpler if the birfers would just tell us who isn't in on this conspiracy.

I mess Reagan.

The last great President of the United States...
Thank you for the clarification - I went back and found your previous thread.

While no fan of Obama's politics - I have yet to see anything to challenge the assertion he was in fact born within the United States.

If Obama had in fact rushed in and signed an Executive Order sealing all of his records that would provide, if not proof, pause for consideration as to his motivation for doing so. It appears Obama did not in fact do that.

Anyone wish to counter that?

It takes a bit of backtracking and research, but Obama's EO reversed GWBush's EO which reversed Reagan's EO which actually provided for more transparency regarding presidential records. Obama's EO restored the wording and intent of Reagan's EO.

Does this mean Ronald Reagan was in on the conspiracy too???


Seems I have to edit my list of BC co-conspirators again.

Obama and his wife (of course), everyone he ran against in the primary and general, the Executive of every state where he was on the ballot for primary and general, his parents, his grandparents, administrators of Kapi'olani hospital, the publishers of 2 Hawaiian newspapers, assorted relatives and neighbors, the state of Hawaii---including the Republican governor and Director of the DOH, the media aka "brownshirts", fact-checking groups, assorted politicians from both major parties, the SSA, the 538 Electors of the 50 states and DC, the U.S. Congress, Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, the administrators of Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa (well, Kenya in general), members of the Bomford clan (clearly planted to infiltrate and destroy the American electoral process), the government of Australia, and now President Ronald Reagan.

It would be much simpler if the birfers would just tell us who isn't in on this conspiracy.

I mess Reagan.

The last great President of the United States...
He was the spitting image of my Grandpa (or vice-versa lol), so I couldn't dislike the man no matter what his politics. And politics aside, he was the most Presidential-President we've had in my lifetime.
It takes a bit of backtracking and research, but Obama's EO reversed GWBush's EO which reversed Reagan's EO which actually provided for more transparency regarding presidential records. Obama's EO restored the wording and intent of Reagan's EO.

Does this mean Ronald Reagan was in on the conspiracy too???


Seems I have to edit my list of BC co-conspirators again.

Obama and his wife (of course), everyone he ran against in the primary and general, the Executive of every state where he was on the ballot for primary and general, his parents, his grandparents, administrators of Kapi'olani hospital, the publishers of 2 Hawaiian newspapers, assorted relatives and neighbors, the state of Hawaii---including the Republican governor and Director of the DOH, the media aka "brownshirts", fact-checking groups, assorted politicians from both major parties, the SSA, the 538 Electors of the 50 states and DC, the U.S. Congress, Ann Coulter, Karl Rove, the administrators of Coast Provincial Hospital in Mombasa (well, Kenya in general), members of the Bomford clan (clearly planted to infiltrate and destroy the American electoral process), the government of Australia, and now President Ronald Reagan.

It would be much simpler if the birfers would just tell us who isn't in on this conspiracy.

I mess Reagan.

The last great President of the United States...
He was the spitting image of my Grandpa (or vice-versa lol), so I couldn't dislike the man no matter what his politics. And politics aside, he was the most Presidential-President we've had in my lifetime.


You know, back in early 2008 I found a certain charm to Obama - but in more recent months he comes off as a bit immature and arrogant, like a man trying very hard to project an image, one not comfortable in his own skin. When I watch him, it is clear he is very aware of being watched, and as such, it is equally clear how he tries to portray an image of confidence - but it is unnatural.

He will either grow beyond this with more experience, or devolve into increased insecurity and uncertainty as he faces further challenge to his agenda, and the fickle poll numbers of the American public.

Reagan on the other hand, knew who he was, what he stood for, and cared little for his own actual place in history -and it was that which helped to secure his rightful place in history. A most remarkable president - an American original the likes of which, this country could use again...
And until obama produces a legitimate birth certificate that states where he was born, what hospital he was born in, the delivering doctors name and any other attending witnesses that can be confirmed,

No other president has been asked to produce all this. Why do you expect THIS president to do it?

That's because no past Presidents have ever been suspected of being a Foreign agent. Why so much secrecy if there is nothing to hide? But continue on being a blind sheople yes Man. ~BH

Why is this President ever been suspected of being a Foreign Agent?
No other president has been asked to produce all this. Why do you expect THIS president to do it?

That's because no past Presidents have ever been suspected of being a Foreign agent. Why so much secrecy if there is nothing to hide? But continue on being a blind sheople yes Man. ~BH

Why is this President ever been suspected of being a Foreign Agent?

[ame=]YouTube - David Hasselhoff "Secret Agent Man"[/ame]
That's because no past Presidents have ever been suspected of being a Foreign agent.

That's it - THAT'S your case????????????????????? Because you suspect Obama of being a foreign agent??????

Yep, That's right bro.

OK - let's see your supporting evidence .......

(That photo is the best piece of evidence I've seen - what does THAT tell you?)

The evidence is right in front of your face day in and day out. Look what the lunatic is doing? Only a Madman would try to bankrupt this Country the way he is. He's the true Manchurian canidate, and even if he's not, not being born on American soil voids him Constitutionally from holding office. ~BH
I don't care where he was born...He could be from communist China for all I care. What is most troublesome to me is that he swore transparency when he ran for the office. He promised it when he got elected and I haven't been able to see through one single thing that's been done since he started. The man could have been born in WASHINGTON FUCKING D.C. and he would still be the most incompetanct, unqualified, socialistic, blow hard that ever set foot in the Whitehouse.

The question remains, if there is no reason to hide it, why is it being hidden. If there is no problem in providing proof through the truth, then what's the fucking hold up???? If you want to shut a bunch of people up that are clearly getting on your elitist nerves, then show them what they keep screaming for and let that be the end of it.

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And you know what else?

It took Reagan 2 years to pull us out of that recession.

Obama's only been in office 6 months now.
Well Reagan also TRIPLED the national debt I think he stands out as the ONLY President to accomplish THAT feat.
But Star Wars was such a cool movie........Reagan just didn't understand that it was the intelectual property of Lucas.
They know Obama is a US citizen. For the Confederate Party, the problem is that he isn't the "white" color.
That's because no past Presidents have ever been suspected of being a Foreign agent.

That's it - THAT'S your case????????????????????? Because you suspect Obama of being a foreign agent??????

Yep, That's right bro.

OK - let's see your supporting evidence .......

(That photo is the best piece of evidence I've seen - what does THAT tell you?)

The evidence is right in front of your face day in and day out. Look what the lunatic is doing?

What is he doing that is so foreign agenty? Please specify.

Only a Madman would try to bankrupt this Country the way he is.

You don't know much of your history of Reagan, do you?

He's the true Manchurian canidate, and even if he's not,

This is a very funny sentence

not being born on American soil voids him Constitutionally from holding office. ~BH

Hawaii is American soil, bub.
The evidence is right in front of your face day in and day out. Look what the lunatic is doing? Only a Madman would try to bankrupt this Country the way he is. He's the true Manchurian canidate,

Well, if it's right there for all to see, you shouldn't be having so much trouble PRODUCING some of it ....

I'm waiting .......

What is most troublesome to me is that he swore transparency when he ran for the office.

Subjecting himself to a more stringent standard than the previous 43 presidents just because a group of nutjobs who cannot articulate a single valid reason for their request say they wanna see something isn't a transparency issue - it's an issue of who is going to be in charge of saying what is acceptable documentation. I say the nutjobs are not qualified for THAT job.

The question remains, if there is no reason to hide it, why is it being hidden.

Because the nutjobs are NOT going to be put in charge of eligibility documentation.

The question that remains is WHY do expect this president to subject himself to a different set of standards AFTER the fact. And so far the only one who have even tried to answer it said it is because he suspects Obama is a foreign agent.:cuckoo:

All the other birthers have just spit and foamed all over themselves about how they don't like Obama. Tough - the majority of Americans elected him - get over it.

You're failure to justify this after-the-fact eligibility reversal is why everyone - and I do mean EVERYONE is laughing at you.

So anyone else want to try to justify this B.S. - cause if you can't do that, you can't expect Obama to just "go along" with the nutjobs.
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obama is the only sitting president, to give up his usa citizenship, he lived in jakarta indonesia,and was adopted by his mother's muslim husband. lolo soetoro. barry soetoro is not a citizen of the usa!! IMPEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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