Bill would require all SD citizens to buy a gun

Service to the government? It says that if you're a white male, you have no choice

It's not people who choose to sign up- it declares every white male within a certain age range to be a member of a group that must make this purchase whether they want anything to do with it or not

Now... where is that in the constitution? There are two possibilities:
-The mandate is constitutional... somehow- as the FF clearly believed

-The constitution doesn't give the federal government this authority, and the Militia Act is unconstitutional- meaning the FF who wrote, argued for, and ratified it didn't even want to live under the constitution

I think you have a fairly strong argument on this JB... I was unaware of the Militia Act and what it said, but it seems to me, that it does set precedence with the federal government mandating citizens purchase something....

yes, M14 has an argument of this mandate being for something, the Defense of our country, which is in the Constitution, but it is a mandate for citizens to buy things from private retailers.

Actually the Floirida Judge that ruled obama care unconstitutional has more knownledge. But if thats how you want to go. The militia act was due to the second amendment. M14 Shooter has it just about right.

WOW the conservative appointed florida judge has more knoweldge?? LOL What is his backgraound?? Do you know anything about him other than the fact that you rulled with the party that gave him his job??
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Well, our government IS trying to use the commerce clause, I believe, in defense of this.....

Our government CAN mandate that we purchase something, but it has been at the State level as of late, and NOT the Federal level...
That's not true - the MA1792 is a prime example. The Federal government absolutealy has the power to require members of the miltia to purchase their own equipment.

Another example is the federal requirement that cargo handling companies - even those that don't actually physically touch the freight - can be forced to purchase cargo liability insurance.

As noted several times, however, the particulars of these requirements preclude them from supporting the idea that the federal government can create a blanket requirement of everyone to buy health insurance.

LOL got to love the spin from m14. LOL
Your OPINION is NOT fact. You merely making a claim that your OPINIONS on how you BELEIVE other similar instances do not apply is nothing but YOUR own unsubstantiated OPINION.
Furthermore, Your repetition of the same unsubstantiated opinions and claiming that "as noted several times" does NOTHING validate said unsubstantiated OPINIONS.
The requirement to buy a musket and associated military equipment was in relation to a condition of service to the government, as prescribed by congress, pursuant to one of the powers specifically granted to it by the Constitution.
Service to the government? It says that if you're a white male, you have no choice

It's not people who choose to sign up- it declares every white male within a certain age range to be a member of a group that must make this purchase whether they want anything to do with it or not

Now... where is that in the constitution? There are two possibilities:
-The mandate is constitutional... somehow- as the FF clearly believed

-The constitution doesn't give the federal government this authority, and the Militia Act is unconstitutional- meaning the FF who wrote, argued for, and ratified it didn't even want to live under the constitution

I think you have a fairly strong argument on this JB... I was unaware of the Militia Act and what it said, but it seems to me, that it does set precedence with the federal government mandating citizens purchase something....

yes, M14 has an argument of this mandate being for something, the Defense of our country, which is in the Constitution, but it is a mandate for citizens to buy things from private retailers.

To argue that the individual mandate to purchase any given good is covered by 'provide for the common defense' is a stretch. And the same stretch can be made using 'and general Welfare'.

I personally don't care whether it's 'constitutional' or not. Hell, slavery was fucking constitutional. The bottom line is it is wrong, regardless of what the Constitution says.

I oppose the mandate on ethical/moral grounds- I don't give a damn what the constitution or the supreme court has to say about it.
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It says that if you're a white male, you have no choice
wow... just wow...
You are serving in the militia. That's service to the government.

The requirement is a condition related to that service, pursuant to an enumerated power of Congress.
Then the requirement to buy insurance is also now a part of that same service- to ensure the unorganized militias are fit to serve their country when called upon.

There you have it- it's still constitutional pursuant to the enumerated powers of congress.
The Obana's HCI mandate, a blanket condition imposed upon everyone,
So it's wrong because blacks are covered?
related to nothing other than their simple citizenship
As opposed to citizenship and skin colour
The distinction, and thus the difference, is readily apparent.
No, it's not. What's evident is your programming.
Why is it I don't hear those who oppose being forced to purchase health insurance screaming about the fact that providers must treat people who don't have insurance?
I -fully- support this - no one should be forced to provide goods and services of any kind to those that cannot pay for it, directly or indirectly. You should be free to choose to do so, but then you do so with the understanding that you may not receive any sort of compenation.
your view on good Samaritan laws and the death of kitty genovese?
It says that if you're a white male, you have no choice
wow... just wow...
Its not MY fault you failed to illustrate the enormity, say nothing of the relevance, of your statement.

Then the requirement to buy insurance is also now a part of that same service- to ensure the unorganized militias are fit to serve their country when called upon.
There you have it- it's still constitutional pursuant to the enumerated powers of congress.
If that were the -actual- requirement, you might have something.
Its not, so you don't. The HCI mandate is blanketed across the entire population, without regard to any relationship to the militia, or service therein, required because of nothng other than simple citizenship.

So it's wrong because blacks are covered?
There you go - more ass-in-headery.

No, it's not. What's evident is your programming.
And moreso, your inability to coherently argue a point.
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So if only 'all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard. ' had to buy health insurance, we'd be all good?
Why is it I don't hear those who oppose being forced to purchase health insurance screaming about the fact that providers must treat people who don't have insurance?
I -fully- support this - no one should be forced to provide goods and services of any kind to those that cannot pay for it, directly or indirectly. You should be free to choose to do so, but then you do so with the understanding that you may not receive any sort of compenation.
your view on good Samaritan laws and the death of kitty genovese?
What about them?
Good Samaitan laws protect people from liability if they help out in an emergency and something goes wrong. Thus, while a perfectly good idea, these aren't relevant to what I said.

Kitty Genovese? While unfortunate, it is also irrelevant to what I said.

Why don't at least -try- to address what I said?
I just find it funny that the right wingers in this thread have shifted from "any fed mandate is wrong" to "the HC mandate is wrong but these other fed mandates are exceptions" LOL I am paraphrasing of course but it is funny how they have shifted as their argument changed out of desperation to try and spin to avoid or ignore facts that countered their position. LOL
I -fully- support this - no one should be forced to provide goods and services of any kind to those that cannot pay for it, directly or indirectly. You should be free to choose to do so, but then you do so with the understanding that you may not receive any sort of compenation.
your view on good Samaritan laws and the death of kitty genovese?
What about them?
Good Samaitan laws protect people from liability if they help out in an emergency and something goes wrong. Thus, while a perfectly good idea, these aren't relevant to what I said.

Kitty Genovese? While unfortunate, it is also irrelevant to what I said.

Why don't at least -try- to address what I said?

After Kitty died, it was made a law that you must contact police if you witness such a crime taking place.

Laws requiring the treating of uninsured patients are based on the same premise: mandating moral/ethical behavior and doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do
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Do you even know what the militia is?
Yes. Among other things, it is meaningless to the issue, as the HCI mandate isn't associated with it in any way shape or form.
So if only 'all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard. ' had to buy health insurance, we'd be all good?

you're evading again
Do you even know what the militia is?
Yes. Among other things, it is meaningless to the issue, as the HCI mandate isn't associated with it in any way shape or form.

Well of course you would say that it is meaningless especially considering the fact that claiming something is meaningless is what you do to all arguments that you can't counter and wish to avoid.
However, in the debate about a fed mandate and whether it is constitutional or not previous fed mandates are pertinent to the discussion.
your view on good Samaritan laws and the death of kitty genovese?
What about them?
Good Samaitan laws protect people from liability if they help out in an emergency and something goes wrong. Thus, while a perfectly good idea, these aren't relevant to what I said.

Kitty Genovese? While unfortunate, it is also irrelevant to what I said.

Why don't at least -try- to address what I said?

After Kitty died, it was made a law that you must contact police if you witness such a crime taking place.

Laws requiring the treating of uninsured patients are based on the same premise: mandating moral/ethical behavior and doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do
I'm sorry - when did we start legislating morality?
How does someone's version of morality create an argument powerful enough to force people to provide goods and services w/o any hope of compensation?
Isn't that, in an of itself, immoral?
Do you even know what the militia is?
Yes. Among other things, it is meaningless to the issue, as the HCI mandate isn't associated with it in any way shape or form.
you're evading again
Answering your question and then pointing out that someting is irrelevant to something I said isn't evading, it's addressing thr question and then refusing to follow a red herring.

So if only 'all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section.... of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.' had to buy health insurance, we'd be all good?
The specific power is:
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States...
The requirement of the militiaman to equip himself falls clearly under 'organizing' and 'arming' the militia.
I'm not sure you could make an argument that requiring the memebers of the militia to also purchase HCI falls under 'organizing', 'arming' or 'disciplining', but if you want to give it a shot, I'll let you.
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Yes. Among other things, it is meaningless to the issue, as the HCI mandate isn't associated with it in any way shape or form.
you're evading again
Answering your question and then pointing out that someting is irrelevant to something I said isn't evading, it's addressing thr question and then refusing to follow a red herring.

So if only 'all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section.... of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.' had to buy health insurance, we'd be all good?
The specific power is:
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States...
The requirement of the militiaman to equip himself falls clearly under 'organizing' and 'arming' the militia. I'm not sure you could make an argument that requiring the memebers of the militia to also purchase HCI falls under 'organizing', 'arming' or 'disciplining', but if you want to give it a shot, I'll let you.

More broad brush interpretation from the hack who says there shouldn't be any broad interpretation to the constitution even as he make shite up and pulls his interpretations out of thin air. LOL

According to your own excerpt congress shall arm and organize them. It doesn't say anything about having them organize and arm themselves at their own expense. So why do you pretend that it does??
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It's hilarious how m14 goes into the SPECIFIC powers of congress and then proceeds to present an unsubstantiated interpretation about what he believes falls clearly under the powers of congress even though it is NOT SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the powers of congress. LOL

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