Billionaires made more $ in 2017 than any other year in history.

Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
I thought obamacare was going to take care of costs. We were promised $2500 a years savings. Opps did he lie?
-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
Just proves that the liberal education system has failed the citizens of the US when it comes to economics. Instead of each person using their God given talents to their best of abilities, many of the pajama boys sit back suck down lattes and dont save for their future.. As I said before, I dont give a shit anymore, you want to be poor, that is YOUR choice.

This is so unbelievably stupid, where does one begin? Do you not understand what tax cuts going to the wealthy has done to this country? My God man, do some research; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
Good for the Billionaires...that means more money for everyone, better products, higher standard of living...more medical advances....their getting rich doesn't make me poor, in fact, it helps me live a better life.

You now know that the top 5 billionaires in America are all liberals?
Soros Clones: 5 Liberal Mega-Donors Nearly as Dangerous as George Soros
they pay more than their fair share in taxes

Republicans praise them because they work hard
More they praise their $$$

Oh by the way, the only things I care about is my family and me, that is all who I am responsible for
So much for being a responsible citizen then....

you dont care about the suffering of humanity while billionaires have 10 times as much money as they actually need?
You now know that the top 5 billionaires in America are all liberals? Why do dumbass poor vote for liberals? Like they give a shit about the poor?
Oh by the way, the only things I care about is my family and me, that is all who I am responsible for. Should be the same with everyone else, but those fucking democrats have to come in and make everyone miserable and poor. Thanks Obama.

And who voted for tax cuts going to the wealthy again?
I sure did. If you dont work , you dont get a fucking tax cut, and why is it that the government NEVER cuts it spending. It may cut its growth in spending but never downsizes? Fucking morons have no clue the FRAUD, WASTE, And ABUSE, the federal government does with the tax dollars, but oh, dont let those evil CEO's who have 4 PhD's keep more of their money...By the way I have 3...
Why? Don't you understand basic math? Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Tax cuts going to the wealthy is a fifty year scam. It has nothing to do with whether you work or not. Where do these idiots come from? We are at 4% unemployment. Not working does not reflect this picture. Get a clue; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
you dont care about the suffering of humanity while billionaires have 10 times as much money as they actually need?
you can't help those that do not want to be helped and do not want to listen --like leftists/'''leftists''
And you can't help those who are too damn stupid to understand that tax cuts going to the wealthy for the last fifty years have created flat wages. That has nothing to do with one helping him or herself. It's just math.
Once again, for the last time, when I entered the work force I was minimum wage making $2.10 an hour at McD's. But instead of having a pity party on myself and stay a victim of liberalism, I got skills to fix fighter jets. Took those skills to Saudi Arabia and was making $70,000 tax free(loophole) investing it in HD and BA stocks, and after 5 1/2 years have a wealth that is envois of those lower 90%. I could of stayed "LOSER" but instead made myself a "WINNER. Morgan Freeman did the same, Ben Carson did the same. Shame those who bitch and moan, are the losers.

Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
you dont care about the suffering of humanity while billionaires have 10 times as much money as they actually need?
you can't help those that do not want to be helped and do not want to listen --like leftists/'''leftists''
And you can't help those who are too damn stupid to understand that tax cuts going to the wealthy for the last fifty years have created flat wages. That has nothing to do with one helping him or herself. It's just math.
these people spend more than what they can afford = stupid
you dont care about the suffering of humanity while billionaires have 10 times as much money as they actually need?
You now know that the top 5 billionaires in America are all liberals? Why do dumbass poor vote for liberals? Like they give a shit about the poor?
Oh by the way, the only things I care about is my family and me, that is all who I am responsible for. Should be the same with everyone else, but those fucking democrats have to come in and make everyone miserable and poor. Thanks Obama.

And who voted for tax cuts going to the wealthy again?
I sure did. If you dont work , you dont get a fucking tax cut, and why is it that the government NEVER cuts it spending. It may cut its growth in spending but never downsizes? Fucking morons have no clue the FRAUD, WASTE, And ABUSE, the federal government does with the tax dollars, but oh, dont let those evil CEO's who have 4 PhD's keep more of their money...By the way I have 3...
Why? Don't you understand basic math? Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Tax cuts going to the wealthy is a fifty year scam. It has nothing to do with whether you work or not. Where do these idiots come from. We are at 4% unemployment. Not working does not reflect this picture. Get a clue; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
Flaming Ed Schultz? Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhhaaaaaaaa , Boy did you just prove your total lack of intelligence....
AND they have kids before they are financially and mentally ready = dumbass/poor
You now know that the top 5 billionaires in America are all liberals? Why do dumbass poor vote for liberals? Like they give a shit about the poor?
Oh by the way, the only things I care about is my family and me, that is all who I am responsible for. Should be the same with everyone else, but those fucking democrats have to come in and make everyone miserable and poor. Thanks Obama.

And who voted for tax cuts going to the wealthy again?
I sure did. If you dont work , you dont get a fucking tax cut, and why is it that the government NEVER cuts it spending. It may cut its growth in spending but never downsizes? Fucking morons have no clue the FRAUD, WASTE, And ABUSE, the federal government does with the tax dollars, but oh, dont let those evil CEO's who have 4 PhD's keep more of their money...By the way I have 3...
Why? Don't you understand basic math? Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Tax cuts going to the wealthy is a fifty year scam. It has nothing to do with whether you work or not. Where do these idiots come from. We are at 4% unemployment. Not working does not reflect this picture. Get a clue; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
Flaming Ed Schultz? Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhhaaaaaaaa , Boy did you just prove your total lack of intelligence....
No, I proved you wrong. That isn't Ed Shultz's chart you idiot. That is a chart from the Center's for Tax policy. For which you have no counter argument against.
you dont care about the suffering of humanity while billionaires have 10 times as much money as they actually need?
you can't help those that do not want to be helped and do not want to listen --like leftists/'''leftists''
And you can't help those who are too damn stupid to understand that tax cuts going to the wealthy for the last fifty years have created flat wages. That has nothing to do with one helping him or herself. It's just math.
these people spend more than what they can afford = stupid
Has nothing to do with the argument. Try again.
you dont care about the suffering of humanity while billionaires have 10 times as much money as they actually need?
you can't help those that do not want to be helped and do not want to listen --like leftists/'''leftists''
And you can't help those who are too damn stupid to understand that tax cuts going to the wealthy for the last fifty years have created flat wages. That has nothing to do with one helping him or herself. It's just math.
these people spend more than what they can afford = stupid
Has nothing to do with the argument. Try again.
we --and the rich---are ALREADY helping the poor--contrary to the OP
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
I thought obamacare was going to take care of costs. We were promised $2500 a years savings. Opps did he lie?
-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
Just proves that the liberal education system has failed the citizens of the US when it comes to economics. Instead of each person using their God given talents to their best of abilities, many of the pajama boys sit back suck down lattes and dont save for their future.. As I said before, I dont give a shit anymore, you want to be poor, that is YOUR choice.

This is so unbelievably stupid, where does one begin? Do you not understand what tax cuts going to the wealthy has done to this country? My God man, do some research; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

You realize your spouting talking points that are over 50 years old?
you dont care about the suffering of humanity while billionaires have 10 times as much money as they actually need?
you can't help those that do not want to be helped and do not want to listen --like leftists/'''leftists''
And you can't help those who are too damn stupid to understand that tax cuts going to the wealthy for the last fifty years have created flat wages. That has nothing to do with one helping him or herself. It's just math.
these people spend more than what they can afford = stupid
Has nothing to do with the argument. Try again.
we --and the rich---are ALREADY helping the poor--contrary to the OP
There wouldn't be a poor if there were decent wages. The tax cuts over fifty years has added the wealth of the rich to almost 300%, while keeping the middle flat. If you can't see the difference there, you are total fool. I proved it from the chart. Any of you bright Republican Sheep have a better chart proving otherwise? Hell no! Because one doesn't exist.
Billionaires making more billions, good.

Workers making 15 bucks an hour, bad.

Only in Conservatopia.
Oh by the way, the only things I care about is my family and me, that is all who I am responsible for. Should be the same with everyone else, but those fucking democrats have to come in and make everyone miserable and poor. Thanks Obama.

And who voted for tax cuts going to the wealthy again?
I sure did. If you dont work , you dont get a fucking tax cut, and why is it that the government NEVER cuts it spending. It may cut its growth in spending but never downsizes? Fucking morons have no clue the FRAUD, WASTE, And ABUSE, the federal government does with the tax dollars, but oh, dont let those evil CEO's who have 4 PhD's keep more of their money...By the way I have 3...
Why? Don't you understand basic math? Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

Tax cuts going to the wealthy is a fifty year scam. It has nothing to do with whether you work or not. Where do these idiots come from. We are at 4% unemployment. Not working does not reflect this picture. Get a clue; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'
Flaming Ed Schultz? Bwaaaaahhhaaaahhhaaaaaaaa , Boy did you just prove your total lack of intelligence....
No, I proved you wrong. That isn't Ed Shultz's chart you idiot. That is a chart from the Center's for Tax policy. For which you have no counter argument against.
Did you watch the video of Morgan Freeman? Yes or No? Then get back to me......
Billionaires making more billions, good.

Workers making 15 bucks an hour, bad.

Only in Conservatopia.
Why do "workers" only make 15 bucks an hour?

I invested my 15 bucks an hour and today have a 6 figure income. Again stupid people are losers who dont want to use their gifts to their best of abilities but sit back , bitch and moan, and instead of getting better, want to punish those who excel at what they do. FAIRNESS, when everyone is poor and miserable, then liberals still arent satisfied, because they can never be happy....
you can't help those that do not want to be helped and do not want to listen --like leftists/'''leftists''
And you can't help those who are too damn stupid to understand that tax cuts going to the wealthy for the last fifty years have created flat wages. That has nothing to do with one helping him or herself. It's just math.
these people spend more than what they can afford = stupid
Has nothing to do with the argument. Try again.
we --and the rich---are ALREADY helping the poor--contrary to the OP
There wouldn't be a poor if there were decent wages. The tax cuts over fifty years has added the wealth of the rich to almost 300%, while keeping the middle flat. If you can't see the difference there, you are total fool. I proved it from the chart. Any of you bright Republican Sheep have a better chart proving otherwise? Hell no! Because one doesn't exist.
say that again?
people making MILLIONS go into bankruptcy
you cannot understand and/or have not followed the thread
some of the poor spend MORE than what they take in
wages have nothing to do with it
....some have MORE kids than they can afford --they could be making a GOOD wage, but they do dumb things that negate that good wage thinking is very shallow/narrow/etc
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
I thought obamacare was going to take care of costs. We were promised $2500 a years savings. Opps did he lie?
-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
Just proves that the liberal education system has failed the citizens of the US when it comes to economics. Instead of each person using their God given talents to their best of abilities, many of the pajama boys sit back suck down lattes and dont save for their future.. As I said before, I dont give a shit anymore, you want to be poor, that is YOUR choice.

This is so unbelievably stupid, where does one begin? Do you not understand what tax cuts going to the wealthy has done to this country? My God man, do some research; Introducing Ed's 'vulture chart'

You realize your spouting talking points that are over 50 years old?

Boss, do you understand simple numbers? That chart began in 1979/1980. And tax cuts for the wealthy by Bush went all the way into 2012. please tell me I am talking to a person who understands numbers? If not I am wasting my time?
As I said before, I dont give a shit anymore, you want to be poor, that is YOUR choice.

You actually thing folks choose to be poor?

Fucking morons have no clue the FRAUD, WASTE, And ABUSE, the federal government does with the tax dollars, but oh, dont let those evil CEO's who have 4 PhD's keep more of their money...By the way I have 3...

which we can tell by your well worded wel thought postings....


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