Bin Laden told children 'live in peace in the West'

Two Thumbs

Platinum Member
Sep 27, 2010
Where ever I go, there I am.
Bin Laden told children 'live in peace in the West' - Yahoo! News

Slain Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden urged his children to go live peacefully in the West and get a university education, his brother-in-law said in an interview published Sunday.
Zakaria al-Sadah, the brother of bin Laden's Yemeni fifth wife Amal, told Britain's Sunday Times newspaper that the Saudi-born extremist believed his children "should not follow him down the road to jihad."
"He told his own children and grandchildren, 'Go to Europe and America and get a good education,'" al-Sadah told the Sunday Times.
Al-Sadah said bin Laden told them: "You have to study, live in peace and don't do what I am doing or what I have done."

When I first read this, I was thinking what a load of bs.

Then, I recall no recalling anything about his kids or any other relatives, becoming jihadist.

Is there some chance he regretted his choices that got him to where he was?
I'd say it's more likely that there's a whole lot about the story of Bin Laden and his history that we'll never really know the entire truth about.
I sure every violent revolutionary who had the misfortune of not dying for the cause and grew old regretted such a counterproductive life.
Maybe so his supporters don't abandon him and leave him completely unprotected?

There are lots of instances where public personas have a change of hard but are so deep into whatever they are doing to recant it without losing honor/pride or something else.

Anyway, it's possible, I guess.
I'd say it's more likely that there's a whole lot about the story of Bin Laden and his history that we'll never really know the entire truth about.

I think this sums it up nicely. The whole story just reeks of lies and misdirection. With the mindset of most people if you doubt the official story you are ostracized as a tinfoil hatter. I will always question the official story though and if that makes me crazy in the eyes of the majority then so be it. I have never been a part of the majority anyway.
Bin Laden told children 'live in peace in the West' - Yahoo! News

Slain Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden urged his children to go live peacefully in the West and get a university education, his brother-in-law said in an interview published Sunday.
Zakaria al-Sadah, the brother of bin Laden's Yemeni fifth wife Amal, told Britain's Sunday Times newspaper that the Saudi-born extremist believed his children "should not follow him down the road to jihad."
"He told his own children and grandchildren, 'Go to Europe and America and get a good education,'" al-Sadah told the Sunday Times.
Al-Sadah said bin Laden told them: "You have to study, live in peace and don't do what I am doing or what I have done."

When I first read this, I was thinking what a load of bs.

Then, I recall no recalling anything about his kids or any other relatives, becoming jihadist.

Is there some chance he regretted his choices that got him to where he was?

They aren't living in the west either. Just because we have not heard of the children being jihadists doesn't mean they didn't. It means we never heard about it.
Wow..and to think that the Bushes and Bin Ladens have been involved in business ventures together..


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