Bin Laden Was Unarmed, Killed Outside His Bedroom

Well, in this day in age, I suppose people will call this justice. But it isn't. What it really is/was, is revenge.

Glad you all got your happy moment at the expense of the rule of law.

is that code for "further punishing the Americans by forcing them to pay to imprison the Fundie in a SuperMax"

No, that is code for we are a nation of laws that stand beside other nations that have laws and a body of international law. If they want to execute him, fine. Put him on trial, convict him of his crimes and sentence him to death.

Sending in an assassin team to a sovereign foreign nation to kill the man in cold blood in the middle of the night makes us no better than the likes of him. Which is why i find it strange so many are cheering for such lawless actions by our oath takers. And I mean all of them.
When Obama heard that OBL was taken out by the U.S. Navy, he nearly dropped his golf club !!!

That could almost be funny, if not for this

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Sorry bout that,

1. Obama looks like a little stupid boy in that picture.

Several news outlets have finally got their hands on a copy of the new book about the raid on Osama bin Laden's Pakistan compound, and the details emerging contradict many of the earlier reports about what happened inside the house on the night the al Qaeda leader was killed. No Easy Day is set to be released September 11, but The Huffington Post's Marcus Baram picked up a preview copy in a used bookstore, which is a common way to find pre-released books. The Associated Press bought a copy as well.

The book, written by ex-Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette (under the pseudonym Mark Owen), is a first-person account of the raid on the Abbottabad compound where bin Laden had been in hiding for years. According Bissonnette's version of events, there was no extended firefight between SEAL Team 6 members and bodyguards and bin Laden himself never got the chance to confront or even see the soldiers before they killed him. Instead, he was shot in the hallway outside of his bedroom, then "disappeared into the dark room." By the time the soldiers entered, he was already dying of wounds to the head. Bissonnette says he and another team member then shot him several more times in the chest to ensure he was dead.

The book also says that while there were two guns found in bin Laden's room, neither was loaded and he never had a chance to defend himself. Bissonnette even calls him a "pussy" for not being prepared to defend or kill himself. Even though bin Laden was killed without resisting, the SEAL were instructed beforehand that it was not an assassination mission and that bin Laden should have been brought back alive, if possible.

Bissonnette is also critical of President Obama in his story, saying that no one on the team was a fan of the president and that they believed he and other leaders would inflate their own roles in the story. Even before the raid began, the SEALs joked about how they would help Obama get re-elected and also speculated about who would play them in the Hollywood movie. Despite their personal feelings about Obama, however, the SEALs did agree that he made the right call, saying "Although we applauded the decision-making in this case, there was no doubt in anybody’s mind that he would take all the political credit for this too.”

They also complained that after a White House meeting with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden ("he reminded me of someone’s drunken uncle at Christmas dinner") the President invited them to return some other time for a beer, but that call never came.

SEAL Book Says Bin Laden Was Unarmed, Killed Outside His Bedroom - Global - The Atlantic Wire
So we killed an unarmed man that killed at least 3000 unarmed and innocent people.

Boo hoo hoo!

I am soooooooooo sorry we violated his civil rights!
bin laden was unarmed

so were the victims in the world trade center dickwad

You don't have to tell me shit for brains. I was there that day. Lost 2 good friends. Read the article asswipe. You're so stupid that you probably think that I was defending bin laden since you were too fucking lazy to read past the title.

It's pretty sad that politics could possibly make you think that Bin Laden deserved any more than what he got.

Another assclown that only reads the title and not the article.

We're not assclowns or shit for brains. You title a thread like that and you should expect to get rebuffed. That title sounds almost apologetic.
Believe it or not, on the morning of 9/11 I had planned to make a protest to the British government about our using Uranium tipped shells in Iraq. I had also previously sent a letter of complaint to my MP, that we were using soft point bullets. Bullets which expand on impact with the human body.

BUt I watched the twin towers come down live on TV that afteroon, and after that I did not give a fuck what we shoot at our enemies. I am glad we shot Bin Laden and I hope the body count of the Taliban is high. In Britain it appears to be government policy not to report Taliban deaths because it might annoy them. Unlike in the American war in Vietnam where the body count was proclaimed on the news. So we don't hear about Taliban deaths, only about British ones. Which are occuring every week.
I do not know if Taliban deaths are reported in America, but if so I would like to know about it.
Sending in an assassin team to a sovereign foreign nation to kill the man in cold blood in the middle of the night makes us no better than the likes of him. Which is why i find it strange so many are cheering for such lawless actions by our oath takers. And I mean all of them.

The Soldier's Creed states: "I stand ready to deploy, engage, and DESTROY the enemies of the United States in close combat." It doesn't say anything about bringing them to face trial. Osama bin Laden was an enemy of the United States who had engaged in open warfare against us. His fate has nothing to do with revenge. It's about defending ourselves.
Where's Wikileaks when you need it? Bout the only way we're ever gonna get the truth on this one.

so were the victims in the world trade center dickwad

You don't have to tell me shit for brains. I was there that day. Lost 2 good friends. Read the article asswipe. You're so stupid that you probably think that I was defending bin laden since you were too fucking lazy to read past the title.

It's pretty sad that politics could possibly make you think that Bin Laden deserved any more than what he got.

Another assclown that only reads the title and not the article.

We're not assclowns or shit for brains. You title a thread like that and you should expect to get rebuffed. That title sounds almost apologetic.

You are if you didn't read the article before your fingers hit the keyboard. If you did read the article and still don't get it, then you're a full blown asshole.
Several news outlets have finally got their hands on a copy of the new book about the raid on Osama bin Laden's Pakistan compound, and the details emerging contradict many of the earlier reports about what happened inside the house on the night the al Qaeda leader was killed. No Easy Day is set to be released September 11, but The Huffington Post's Marcus Baram picked up a preview copy in a used bookstore, which is a common way to find pre-released books. The Associated Press bought a copy as well.

The book, written by ex-Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette (under the pseudonym Mark Owen), is a first-person account of the raid on the Abbottabad compound where bin Laden had been in hiding for years. According Bissonnette's version of events, there was no extended firefight between SEAL Team 6 members and bodyguards and bin Laden himself never got the chance to confront or even see the soldiers before they killed him. Instead, he was shot in the hallway outside of his bedroom, then "disappeared into the dark room." By the time the soldiers entered, he was already dying of wounds to the head. Bissonnette says he and another team member then shot him several more times in the chest to ensure he was dead.

The book also says that while there were two guns found in bin Laden's room, neither was loaded and he never had a chance to defend himself. Bissonnette even calls him a "pussy" for not being prepared to defend or kill himself. Even though bin Laden was killed without resisting, the SEAL were instructed beforehand that it was not an assassination mission and that bin Laden should have been brought back alive, if possible.

Bissonnette is also critical of President Obama in his story, saying that no one on the team was a fan of the president and that they believed he and other leaders would inflate their own roles in the story. Even before the raid began, the SEALs joked about how they would help Obama get re-elected and also speculated about who would play them in the Hollywood movie. Despite their personal feelings about Obama, however, the SEALs did agree that he made the right call, saying "Although we applauded the decision-making in this case, there was no doubt in anybody’s mind that he would take all the political credit for this too.”

They also complained that after a White House meeting with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden ("he reminded me of someone’s drunken uncle at Christmas dinner") the President invited them to return some other time for a beer, but that call never came.

SEAL Book Says Bin Laden Was Unarmed, Killed Outside His Bedroom - Global - The Atlantic Wire
So we killed an unarmed man that killed at least 3000 unarmed and innocent people.

Boo hoo hoo!

I am soooooooooo sorry we violated his civil rights!

Another wacko who thinks that I'm sticking up for bin Laden. Ya think perhaps I was saying that Obama and Co., are full of shit...ya think?

"Bissonnette is also critical of President Obama in his story, saying that no one on the team was a fan of the president and that they believed he and other leaders would inflate their own roles in the story. Even before the raid began, the SEALs joked about how they would help Obama get re-elected and also speculated about who would play them in the Hollywood movie. Despite their personal feelings about Obama, however, the SEALs did agree that he made the right call, saying "Although we applauded the decision-making in this case, there was no doubt in anybody’s mind that he would take all the political credit for this too.”
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What a putz. He's criticizing Obama while using his time as a SEAL to make money from a book....about a mission Obama sent him on.

This guy is going to end up looking like a big douchebag and he's going to help Obama in the process.
Several news outlets have finally got their hands on a copy of the new book about the raid on Osama bin Laden's Pakistan compound, and the details emerging contradict many of the earlier reports about what happened inside the house on the night the al Qaeda leader was killed. No Easy Day is set to be released September 11, but The Huffington Post's Marcus Baram picked up a preview copy in a used bookstore, which is a common way to find pre-released books. The Associated Press bought a copy as well.

The book, written by ex-Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette (under the pseudonym Mark Owen), is a first-person account of the raid on the Abbottabad compound where bin Laden had been in hiding for years. According Bissonnette's version of events, there was no extended firefight between SEAL Team 6 members and bodyguards and bin Laden himself never got the chance to confront or even see the soldiers before they killed him. Instead, he was shot in the hallway outside of his bedroom, then "disappeared into the dark room." By the time the soldiers entered, he was already dying of wounds to the head. Bissonnette says he and another team member then shot him several more times in the chest to ensure he was dead.

The book also says that while there were two guns found in bin Laden's room, neither was loaded and he never had a chance to defend himself. Bissonnette even calls him a "pussy" for not being prepared to defend or kill himself. Even though bin Laden was killed without resisting, the SEAL were instructed beforehand that it was not an assassination mission and that bin Laden should have been brought back alive, if possible.

Bissonnette is also critical of President Obama in his story, saying that no one on the team was a fan of the president and that they believed he and other leaders would inflate their own roles in the story. Even before the raid began, the SEALs joked about how they would help Obama get re-elected and also speculated about who would play them in the Hollywood movie. Despite their personal feelings about Obama, however, the SEALs did agree that he made the right call, saying "Although we applauded the decision-making in this case, there was no doubt in anybody’s mind that he would take all the political credit for this too.”

They also complained that after a White House meeting with Obama and Vice President Joe Biden ("he reminded me of someone’s drunken uncle at Christmas dinner") the President invited them to return some other time for a beer, but that call never came.

SEAL Book Says Bin Laden Was Unarmed, Killed Outside His Bedroom - Global - The Atlantic Wire
So we killed an unarmed man that killed at least 3000 unarmed and innocent people.

Boo hoo hoo!

I am soooooooooo sorry we violated his civil rights!

Another wacko who thinks that I'm sticking up for bin Laden. Ya think perhaps I was saying that Obama and Co., are full of shit...ya think?

And what we are saying is that you are full of shit and sour grapes. President Obama made the call. A call that "W" had seven years to make. Nothing that you can say, or this admittedly very partisan person says, can change that.

Bin Laden is dead, GM is alive. Sorry that both facts cause you such distress.
Whether or not the author's account of what went down is true he is still a disgrace to the
special forces for breaking the code of secrecy.

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