Bin Ladens' Death: How Is That A Game Changer?

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
Now that Osama bin Laden is dead, how does that change the War on Terror?

When Japan and Germany surrendered in WWII we disarmed very quickly. The "War Machine" was throttled back so to speak. I don't see that happening now. In fact I see plans for TSA being used at Sports Stadiums, Shopping Malls and other "soft targets". A "soft target" is an area where people gather that doesn't really have much in the way of security. Wasn't TSA created to prevent attacks aboard aircraft? Why do we need them now?

I see people celebrating like it was V.E. Day (Victory in Europe) or V.J. Day (Victory in Japan) and that's fine, the terror icon of 9/11 is dead, people should celebrate. But how does this affect the war on terror? Where do we go from here?

I figure if his death is as big as everyone likes to think, then our troops will be coming home from Iraq and Afhanistan right? Homeland Security should be throttled back right? The Military's mission would change dramatically right?

What do you think?
The reality is it actually changes very little, the war in Iraq was never about him and the war in Afghanistan stopped being about Bin Laden many years ago, in fact most of the Talibs our troops are fighting in Afghanistan are fighting our troops for very different reasons than when the war started, we have been there almost 10 years and most Afghans see us as occupiers and want us gone, Bin Laden was not a player in much anymore and was more of a symbol than anything, killing him was necessary for all the lives he took but this will change very little on the grouns for our troops.

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