Bin Ladens son vows revenge on US

"Bin Ladens son vows revenge on US"

"Hi, you've reached the 'Sign Me Up For The Obama Drone Assassination List' Hotline. All operators are currently busy at this time, but your phone call is very important to us. At the sound of the tone, please leave your full name, cell phone number, and exact location' and we will get to you as soon as we can. Thank you, and have a nice day."

silly----you want to drone every muzzie who screams DEATH TO AMERICA? you would have to annihilate all of Iran, Pakistan, Gaza and even Syria------and lots of mosques in
the usa.
"Bin Ladens son vows revenge on US"

"Hi, you've reached the 'Sign Me Up For The Obama Drone Assassination List' Hotline. All operators are currently busy at this time, but your phone call is very important to us. At the sound of the tone, please leave your full name, cell phone number, and exact location' and we will get to you as soon as we can. Thank you, and have a nice day."

silly----you want to drone every muzzie who screams DEATH TO AMERICA? you would have to annihilate all of Iran, Pakistan, Gaza and even Syria------and lots of mosques in
the usa.
Relax, rosie. It was a joke....and a pretty darn funny one, if I do say so myself. :p
Son of Osama bin Laden issues threat of revenge against the US

And Trump said we should kill the families of terrorists. While I did blast him for that statement in this case I agree. In fact i think he should be target 1, top priority right now. You threaten to kill Americans in an act of terrorism you should be taken out immediately. Stop the propaganda dead in its tracks.

And, of course, the moment Obama sends a missile down from a drone and, perhaps, kills 3 other people in the room, your buddies will be on here criticizing him for doing it.
I don't care. Kill him with extreme prejudice. Partisans protect no one.

I know I’ll regret asking but I am about to go to sleep and won’t hear the boom until later. Here it goes.
Has it ever occurred to you fuckwads that if you would, perhaps, cheer when he did give the order to kill Osama Jr. instead of coming up with “what about the 3 other guys” or “No evidence we killed him” or “fuck him for taking credit (which he never did)”—perhaps we’d have a more civil society than we have now?
I don't say those things. I have been pleading for MORE bombing since ISIS took American assets from Iraq to Syria

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