Biological male turned woman is experiencing menstrual cramps…

So obviously, you failed to look it up.
Not surprising.
Obviously you value your ignorance.
Because a sympathetic pregnancy also doesn’t imply the presence of a uterus you mean? Your ignorance is neck and neck with your stupidity. Talk about the race for the bottom. At last, something even you can excel in!
Because a sympathetic pregnancy also doesn’t imply the presence of a uterus you mean? Your ignorance is neck and neck with your stupidity. Talk about the race for the bottom. At last, something even you can excel in!
GEEZ, wot a maroon.

Listen my Tiny Minded Nimrod...

No, wait...
I was going to discuss how the mind can impact the body...
Since it is an area with which you have absolutely no knowledge or experience I'll just say

Helpful hint: menstrual cramps have something to do with menstruation which in turn has to do with the shedding of the lining of the uterus (a biological monthly event dealing with the prospect of pregnancy). As a result, such cramping requires a uterus. So, the trans “woman” isn’t having menstrual cramps.

There's that pesky reality rearing it's ugly head again.
You must not know what coavade syndrome is…
I know exactly what it is.
Pretty sure you never heard of it except on your favorite episode of some stupid TV show.
Willing to be a quick search of your computer will show you had to look up the term AFTER I posted it.
Also willing to bet you're too stupid to understand the analogy
How it shows you're stupidity in your own OP.
No men who mentally believe they are a woman can not have menstrual cramps . Same as for women who had hysterectomies they no longer have menstrual cramps because they no longer have a period.
Never said it could, fool.

Try remedial reading 101.
You clearly needed to be told. Little clues like that can help even a retard like you figure out something you find soooo complicated like the “mysterious” difference between males and females.
How is this possible?

They aren’t it’s starting the mind set for the asses of society to believe these are just like women.

They are fkn women they can pretend all they want DNA can’t be changed other than the jab being given for the fake virus. And that doesn’t change one to be gay or not. It’s attacking to kill the person , HIV here It comes.

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