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birther press conference tomorrow 12/15 at 4

So that begs the obvious question - how does Barack Obama secure the loan? His mother has nothing. They have no assets. And this isn't some $8k school. This is Ivy League. This is the most expensive education that money can buy. You're telling me a bank just threw $200k at some young kid from a broken home with no assets when they had no idea that he would some day write a book and get it published?

And you know his mother had nothing how? Oh wait- yep more speculation and lies.
And $200k? LOL- this was Columbia in the 1980's- were he went for 2 years.

You never had any student loans did you.
The fact that you didn't even realize a loan needs to be secured with assets says it all. Just another progressive who lives off of others and cannot think.
You have provided nothing but speculation, lies and innuendo.
I provided published documents and indisputable video. You have provided nothing.

Nothing? God you are such a Birther- lying through your ass as usual




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Now here are the actual facts that you little Birther snowflake keep avoiding:
  1. Barack Obama Jr's birth certificate shows his place of birth as Hawaii
  2. The State of Hawaii has confirmed both his birth certificate- and that he was born in Hawaii
  3. His birth was announced in two newspapers in Hawaii
  4. His place of birth as Hawaii has been published in dozens of newspaper and magazine articles.
Those are the actual facts. Facts you try to pretend don't exist.
Yet another egregious lie from Syriusly Wrong. Barack Obama never produced a birth certificate. He produced a "Certificate of Live Birth". This is all stuff that any nitwit could verify. The fact that Syriusly Wrong doesn't verify it (or did but lies about it anyway) proves that he is rejecting reality in favor of ideology.
So that begs the obvious question - how does Barack Obama secure the loan? His mother has nothing. They have no assets. And this isn't some $8k school. This is Ivy League. This is the most expensive education that money can buy. You're telling me a bank just threw $200k at some young kid from a broken home with no assets when they had no idea that he would some day write a book and get it published?

And you know his mother had nothing how? Oh wait- yep more speculation and lies.
And $200k? LOL- this was Columbia in the 1980's- were he went for 2 years.

You never had any student loans did you.
The fact that you didn't even realize a loan needs to be secured with assets says it all. Just another progressive who lives off of others and cannot think.


The fact that you are clueless when it comes to student loans says it all.

You Probably Didn't Know These Facts About Student Loans
So when you take on student loans, what do you think the collateral is? Just goodwill? No, the collateral on your student loans in your ability to earn money in the future. If you fail to pay back your loans, the lender (either the government or bank) can garnish your wages, garnish your Social Security, and even offset and take your tax refund.

This is the key reason why, for the most part, student loans aren’t dischargeable in bankruptcy. Bankruptcy helps liquidate your assets to repay your debt and cancels the rest if you really can’y repay it. But with student loans, as long as you have the ability to earn, you have the ability to pay something. It’s also the key reason why there is student loan forgiveness for being disabled – you simply can’t earn any more money to repay the loans.
Now here are the actual facts that you little Birther snowflake keep avoiding:
  1. Barack Obama Jr's birth certificate shows his place of birth as Hawaii
  2. The State of Hawaii has confirmed both his birth certificate- and that he was born in Hawaii
  3. His birth was announced in two newspapers in Hawaii
  4. His place of birth as Hawaii has been published in dozens of newspaper and magazine articles.
Those are the actual facts. Facts you try to pretend don't exist.
Yet another egregious lie from Syriusly Wrong. Barack Obama never produced a birth certificate. He produced a "Certificate of Live Birth". This is all stuff that any nitwit could verify. The fact that Syriusly Wrong doesn't verify it (or did but lies about it anyway) proves that he is rejecting reality in favor of ideology.

Any nitwit could read what the State of Hawaii said- but clearly that doesn't include Birthers

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So that begs the obvious question - how does Barack Obama secure the loan? His mother has nothing. They have no assets. And this isn't some $8k school. This is Ivy League. This is the most expensive education that money can buy. You're telling me a bank just threw $200k at some young kid from a broken home with no assets when they had no idea that he would some day write a book and get it published?

And you know his mother had nothing how? Oh wait- yep more speculation and lies.
And $200k? LOL- this was Columbia in the 1980's- were he went for 2 years.

You never had any student loans did you.
The fact that you didn't even realize a loan needs to be secured with assets says it all. Just another progressive who lives off of others and cannot think.

The fact that you are clueless when it comes to student loans says it all.

So when you take on student loans, what do you think the collateral is? Just goodwill? No, the collateral on your student loans in your ability to earn money in the future.
Tell me, my fragile little snowflake, how does a financial institution "liquidate" something which isn't an actual asset? They cannot repossess your knowledge and/or potential future earnings nor can they sell any of those things to recoup some money.

I had college loans during that era, buttercup. Despite being an adult, my parents had to co-sign the loans. Do you know why? Of course you don't - you're a typical progressive nitwit. They had to co-sign because I had zero assets at that age. My parents had a home, automobiles, etc.
Any nitwit could read what the State of Hawaii said- but clearly that doesn't include Birthers

View attachment 102659
Wow. A screen shot of something that you didn't even bother to provide a link to. Here, I can do that too Syriusly Wrong - I have editing software as well:

View attachment 102662

You want a link? LOL- not as if you will believe what the State of Hawaii says even with a link- but here- here is the link

Vital Records | Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.

Below are responses to frequently asked questions related to all records and documents maintained by the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) related to the vital records of President Barack Hussein Obama II. Frequently requested records and documents which can be released to the public are attached by electronic link below or, for those records and documents that are not available electronically, directions are provided for requesting copies.

The State’s public records law, the Uniform Information Practices Act (Modified) (“UIPA”), found at chapter 92F, Hawaii Revised Statutes (“HRS”) requires that all government records be open to public inspection unless access is restricted or closed by law. Government records means information maintained by an agency in written, auditory, visual, electronic, or other physical form, see HRS §92F-3. The UIPA does not require an agency to provide access to government records that state law protects from disclosure, see, HRS §92F-13 (4), nor does it require agencies to respond to all questions asked of the agency.

Unless a request for DOH records is specific enough to be understood, the request cannot be responded to by the DOH.

The DOH may not have a record which is responsive to a request. The UIPA does not require an agency to compile or create information to respond to a request.

State law prohibits the DOH from disclosing any vital statistics records or information contained in such records unless the requestor has a direct and tangible interest in the record, or as otherwise allowed by statute or administrative rule. See HRS §338-18. Direct and tangible interest is determined by HRS §338-18(b).

In light of the unprecedented number of requests for information relating to the vital records of President Barack Hussein Obama II, the DOH has reviewed the requirements of UIPA and the confidentiality provisions of HRS Chapter 338.

Based upon that review, the DOH has determined that the information listed below constitutes all of the publicly available information related to requests for vital statistics records pertaining to President Barack Hussein Obama II, and the only disclosures pertaining to those records that can be made in accordance with Hawaii law. The Department of Health is providing links to copies of the records in the form that they are available to the public.
I had college loans during that era, buttercup. Despite being an adult, my parents had to co-sign the loans. Do you know why? Of course you don't - you're a typical progressive nitwit. They had to co-sign because I had zero assets at that age. My parents had a home, automobiles, etc.

LOL- you are such a typical Birther- they talk about 'low information' voters- you are a 'no information voter.

Not a single person I know who had student loans in that era had any collateral or parents signing off- because they didn't need to for Federal loans. Which is why of course if students default on their loans, the student- not their parents are on the hook.
Federal Versus Private Loans

"You won’t need a cosigner to get a federal student loan in most cases"

I do love the levels of fantasy that you have constructed about President Obama
  • You decided that his family had no money- even though his mother was a working professional, and his grandmother was a Vice President of a bank- with no evidence of them not having any money
  • You decided that he couldn't have gotten a loan because his family had 'no collateral'- with no evidence of that being true.
  • You decided that meant he must have lied to get funding- with of course again- no evidence that he had ever done any such thing.
  • You decided that the lie was that he was a 'foreign student'......despite absolutely no evidence that being a foreign student made it any easier to get money than being an American student.
What deep layers of lies you weave when you first attempt to Birther deceive.
His wife never declared that Barack Obama was born in Kenya- you are just lying again.
One has to wonder how unhinged a person has to be to deny something they've seen on video over and over and over...A]

Where does she say that Barack Obama was born in Kenya?
The 0:14 mark... "when we visited his home country of Kenya"

So you are admitting you were lying when you said that Michelle Obama had said that Barack Obama was born in Kenya.
His wife never declared that Barack Obama was born in Kenya- you are just lying again.
One has to wonder how unhinged a person has to be to deny something they've seen on video over and over and over...

I haven't listened to this clip of Michelle for awhile- I had forgotten exactly what she said

"When we took a trip to Africa, and visited his home country in Kenya"

'home country in Kenya'

Not home country of Kenya- but home country in Kenya.

Not only does Michelle never say that Barack Obama was born in Kenya- she doesn't even say 'home country of Kenya.

'home country in Kenya'.

What does that mean? I don't know- but the words are certainly not "visited where he was born in Kenya"
I had college loans during that era, buttercup. Despite being an adult, my parents had to co-sign the loans. Do you know why? Of course you don't - you're a typical progressive nitwit. They had to co-sign because I had zero assets at that age. My parents had a home, automobiles, etc.

LOL- you are such a typical Birther- they talk about 'low information' voters- you are a 'no information voter.

Not a single person I know who had student loans in that era had any collateral or parents signing off- because they didn't need to for Federal loans.
Indisputable proof that Syriusly Wrong is a pathological liar. I guarantee this kid is about 19 and dropped out of high school.

Every single person getting school loans during that era needed someone with assets to co-sign. Every one of them.4

Isn't it odd- that not only did not one of your links back up your claim- they actually back up mine?

From one of your links- talking about how to get a student loan without a co-signor
You can take a few actions to better your chances of getting a good student loan without a cosigner. Here’s what you should consider before applying on your own.

Make sure you have a credit history (and your credit score is good). Consider taking out a credit card, using it responsibly by charging only what you can afford and paying the balance off in full and on time each month, and building a good history of credit use.

Now- just because you are being more of a Birther than usual- I am going to have to go show you what an lying asshole you really are.

President Obama graduated from Columbia in 1983. The Guaranteed Student Loan program was created in 1965(becoming the Stafford program)

And what was the Guaranteed Student Loan Program? Well it was a federally guaranteed loan program that required no co-signor.
In the event of a student’s default,death, disability, or bankruptcy, the federal government reimburses the lender for the unpaid principal balance and any interest owed.

Yes- college students could- and did routinely get college loans without any co-signors.

But hey- you are a Birther- not as if you will believe any real source.

I am sure you can find some Youtube video which can sell you some Konspiracy theory about Kollege loans too.
She called it his home country.

No- she didn't- but as a Birther we can't expect you to post without lying.

Once again- I will quote Michelle Obama:

"When we took a trip to Africa, and visited his home country in Kenya"

What 'home country' was she referring to? Because apparently it is somewhere in Kenya.

What of course she doesn't say is that her husband was born in Kenya.

And why would she when we all know he was born in Hawaii?
So to recap again:
  1. Barack Obama is the first President in U.S. history to show evidence of where he was born to voters.
  2. Barack Obama is the only President in U.S. history to have his home state confirm both his birth certificate- and that he was born there.
  3. Barack Obama's birth in Hawaii was announced in 2 Hawaiian newspapers in 1960.
  4. Barack Obama's birth in Hawaii has been mentioned in dozens- maybe hundreds of news publications starting in 1990.
No other President or Presidential candidate has proven more thoroughly his place of birth to Americans- yet of course President Obama is the only candidate that Birthers don't believe was born here.

Now we have Birthers all excited because the flim flam team of Arpaio and Zullo- the Sheriff who can't pass up a microphone- and his used car salesman buddy- held a news conference to try to flag up enthusiasm for their cause.

Nothing is going to come to pass from this either. This is the third time Joe and Zullo have held press conferences promising dramatic proof- and this will be the third time they do nothing more than hold a press conference.

Wait- I am pretty sure that Zullo and probably Arpaio also- will be selling books on the issue.

After all- Zullo got some of the 'evidence' copywrited. Because we all know- you don't provide evidence to prosecutors- you copywrite it so you can sell books with it.

Birthers are such gullible idiots.
  • Second - and, much more importantly - why would an agency assistant at a literary agency write that Barack Obama was "born in Kenya" if he never provided that information? She referred to it as (and I quote) "nothing more than a fact-checking error". .
Because she made an error.
That is what we know.
Actually, "we" do not know that at all. That is what she says. People can and do lie (you prove that every day, right here on USMB).

But I noticed you conveniently edited out the most important part of that bullet point (because it exposes your completely logic of logic and reason on this issue). Mistakes do happen. So why did she make the mistake of saying "born in Canada" or "born in Japan"? Why the mistake of a largely obscure, inconsequential country that almost nobody would think of to attribute to another person's origin of birth?
Because Obama Sr was from Kenya, not Canada.

Next stupid question...?
And Obama Junior was born at the same place that Obama Senior.....Kenya ?

Next stupid question...?
Ok, why he did not present to long version right away in 2008 ?
Why should he have? He requested a copy of his birth records and the state of Hawaii sent him the short form he posted online.

That was more than sufficient to prove he was at least 35 years old and a natural born citizen.
No, to prove that he was realy born in USA he should have present both version.
I've used birth records my whole life for myself and that of all my children since their respective births. I've never once had to present more than one copy.
Not true, i am a foreign here in France and i have to present both version and it was the same way when i live in Canada my birth place.
So? We're talking about the U.S., not France or Canada. In the U.S., only one copy is needed.
She called it his home country.
No- she didn't- Once again- I will quote Michelle Obama:

"When we took a trip to Africa, and visited his home country in Kenya"
Folks...you just can't make this stuff up. Syriusly Wrong here says Michelle Obama didn't call Kenya the "home country" of Barack Obama and then in the very next sentence of the same post, proceeds to type word-for-word "his home country in Kenya".

I can't stop laughing about this....

Patriot: "She called it his home country in Kenya"

Syriusly Wrong: "No she didn't. She said his home country in Kenya".

Yes folks....that really just happened. Poor little progressive can't keep up.

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