Bitch Slap: U.S., & EU powers kick Putin out of G8!

Heads up. It was only a suspension and from what I'm reading now at the Voice of Russia all of this that they are throwing at Putin and Russia is not making a dent.

There was just no way he was going to hand over that naval base to the EU and NATO.

I don't know what our leaders have been smoking thinking that he'd give up the port that has his Black Sea Fleet without a fuss. Fools they are. Big time fools.

They can dream on all they want. But they aren't getting that naval base from Russia.

Provide a single source a single link to any attempt by the New Ukrainian Government to seize, throw out or otherwise change the naval base treaty they had with Russia. And no I will not read one from Russia.
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Russia, really doesn't care that much. Earlier Monday, at a news conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said: “G8 is an informal organization that does not give out any membership cards and, by its definition, cannot remove anyone… All the economic and financial questions are decided in G20, and G8 has the purpose of existence as the forum of dialogue between the leading Western countries and Russia.”

So there.

Now this is embarrassing. They couldn't even suspend Russia. After all the huffing and puffing and blow your house down bs they've been throwing around. Including my Prime Minister.

G7 countries suspend their own membership in G8 - final statement

Since such a procedure does not exist, they had to announce the "suspension of their own participation" in the G8 in order to freeze this format.

This was announced in a statement issued after the informal meeting of the G7 in The Hague on Monday evening.

G7 countries suspend their own membership in G8 - final statement - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
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I heard the same reports, about the G7 canceling the meeting in Russia, and proceeding now with a G7 meeting in June, in Brussels, instead.

My problem is, I don't know what this means, in punitive terms, to Putin... to Russia... etc.

Does anybody have the 50-words-or-less macro-level (5000-foot-view) summary for that (what does this mean for Russia, economically, etc.)?

Russia is no longer allowed in the clubhouse and the other 7 changed the secret handshake.
How's this for a strawman argument:

Alaska decides it wants to be it's own country and separate from the USA. Russia decides it wants it back even though they sold it to us. So Russia comes in and takes over. Think the USA would allow that? Nope.
The Ukraine was dividing up and had protests, etc. Russia has its fleet in the crimea. Think they will willingly let the Ukraine keep the Crimea?? Nope.
Heads up. It was only a suspension and from what I'm reading now at the Voice of Russia all of this that they are throwing at Putin and Russia is not making a dent.

There was just no way he was going to hand over that naval base to the EU and NATO.

I don't know what our leaders have been smoking thinking that he'd give up the port that has his Black Sea Fleet without a fuss. Fools they are. Big time fools.

They can dream on all they want. But they aren't getting that naval base from Russia.

So what is your suggestion? That we attack Russia? Most on the right are great about suggesting war with long as they don't have to send their kids to do the waring.....
I guess Russia is not the most powerful nation in the world.....which makes Putin not the most powerful man either......:eusa_whistle:
Heads up. It was only a suspension and from what I'm reading now at the Voice of Russia all of this that they are throwing at Putin and Russia is not making a dent.

There was just no way he was going to hand over that naval base to the EU and NATO.

I don't know what our leaders have been smoking thinking that he'd give up the port that has his Black Sea Fleet without a fuss. Fools they are. Big time fools.

They can dream on all they want. But they aren't getting that naval base from Russia.

Provide a single source a single link to any attempt by the New Ukrainian Government to seize, throw out or otherwise change the naval base treaty they had with Russia. And no I will not read one from Russia.

Yeah, when a small dog gets dominated by a big dog, the little dog wins every time.
Heads up. It was only a suspension and from what I'm reading now at the Voice of Russia all of this that they are throwing at Putin and Russia is not making a dent.

There was just no way he was going to hand over that naval base to the EU and NATO.

I don't know what our leaders have been smoking thinking that he'd give up the port that has his Black Sea Fleet without a fuss. Fools they are. Big time fools.

They can dream on all they want. But they aren't getting that naval base from Russia.

So what is your suggestion? That we attack Russia? Most on the right are great about suggesting war with long as they don't have to send their kids to do the waring.....

Fuck it! Let's do it. If Obama just loses his shit and launches all our missiles the right won't have any choice but to be happy!

And since us on the left have our government funded Jet Ski's and free condoms we can't complain either! :dunno:
Heads up. It was only a suspension and from what I'm reading now at the Voice of Russia all of this that they are throwing at Putin and Russia is not making a dent.

There was just no way he was going to hand over that naval base to the EU and NATO.

I don't know what our leaders have been smoking thinking that he'd give up the port that has his Black Sea Fleet without a fuss. Fools they are. Big time fools.

They can dream on all they want. But they aren't getting that naval base from Russia.

So what is your suggestion? That we attack Russia? Most on the right are great about suggesting war with long as they don't have to send their kids to do the waring.....

Hell no. I've been pissed off from the beginning that instead of our leaders, Harper, Baird from my conservative government, Obama and Kerry, and Cameron conservative in Britain, started chest thumping and threatening Russia right from the get go instead of working quietly behind the scenes diplomatically.

Now we're in the middle of this huge mess. I think this dogs breakfast could have been avoided and should have been avoided at all costs.

And I've been bipartisan in my slagging. I've been spitting bullets that we are dragged into this over the freaking EU.

I... want to Rock and Roll all night and party everyday! The song by Queen is very apropos right now. Obama couldn't of hit Putin any harder than if he hit him with a drone right between the eyes. Putin loves the limelight and now he has been reduced to rubble!

U.S., other powers kick Russia out of G8 -

The Hague, Netherlands (CNN) -- President Barack Obama and other world leaders have decided to end Russia's role in the group of leading industrialized nations, the White House said Monday...

You're one of those low information types who can't really get much right, ain't ya?

Sorry, but "rock and roll all night, and party every day" was actually done by another group, and it wasn't Queen.

It was KISS............................

[ame=]KISS - Rock 'n Roll all Night (Music Video) - YouTube[/ame]

But.................I'll give you a chance to redeem there a Queen song that can illustrate the point you're trying to make?
I'm waiting for Obama to push Putin onto a comfy chair and poke him with soft cushions.

This gives me pause to think that conservatives understand nothing but brute force.

This is really going to cripple the Russian economy, which is on the ropes to begin with. They've become a one trick pony. And if there is no one buying their oil and they are denied access to the big money could be just as bad as an invasion.

Without the earth shattering Kaboom.

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So, the right wing's little darling has been ostracized from the group of industrialized nations. Obama is the one with influence, not Putin.

This year's G8 summit won't be in Sochi, Russia as planned. And it won't include Russia at all, after the seven other world leaders in the group of industrialized nations decided to give Russia the boot. The seven leaders met at the behest of President Obama, and instead of Sochi, the now G7's summer meeting will happen in Brussels.

In a statement, the G7 explained their reasoning. Surprise! It has to do with Russia's annexation of Crimea:

"International law prohibits the acquisition of part or all of another state's territory through coercion or force. To do so violates the principles upon which the international system is built. We condemn the illegal referendum held in Crimea in violation of Ukraine's constitution. We also strongly condemn Russia's illegal attempt to annex Crimea in contravention of international law and specific international obligations."

The G7 also threatened more sanctions against Russia for the annexation.

Meanwhile, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has already suggested that Russia was kind of over the G8 anyway: "If our Western partners believe the format has exhausted itself, we don't cling to this format. We don't believe it will be a big problem if it doesn't convene," he told Reuters. Lavrov added, "The G8 is an informal club. No one hands out membership cards and no one can be kicked out of it."

The diplomatic spat about Russia's membership in — and the significance of — the G8 came as Ukraine ordered its troops to withdraw from the Crimean peninsula. Russian forces have taken over several Ukrainian military bases in Crimea since the region declared itself to be part of Russia.

This article was originally published at After Kicking Out Russia, the G8 Is Now The G7 - The Wire
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I... want to Rock and Roll all night and party everyday! The song by Queen is very apropos right now. Obama couldn't of hit Putin any harder than if he hit him with a drone right between the eyes. Putin loves the limelight and now he has been reduced to rubble!

U.S., other powers kick Russia out of G8 -

The Hague, Netherlands (CNN) -- President Barack Obama and other world leaders have decided to end Russia's role in the group of leading industrialized nations, the White House said Monday...

Pretty sure that song's by KISS actually. :)
why are obama-bots such silly retardz?

do you lemmings think Putin didnt consider this? obviously he thinks it's worth it. and what has obama's carrot and stick done to stop Iran's march toward nuclear weapons?
why are obama-bots such silly retardz?

do you lemmings think Putin didnt consider this? obviously he thinks it's worth it. and what has obama's carrot and stick done to stop Iran's march toward nuclear weapons?

Sure he considered it.

And he probably considered that the West was so hungry for his oil, they wouldn't go this far.

And he considered wrong.

Putin also has behaved erratically in public.

He may not be playing with a full deck.
why are obama-bots such silly retardz?

do you lemmings think Putin didnt consider this? obviously he thinks it's worth it. and what has obama's carrot and stick done to stop Iran's march toward nuclear weapons?

Sure he considered it.

And he probably considered that the West was so hungry for his oil, they wouldn't go this far.

And he considered wrong.

Putin also has behaved erratically in public.

He may not be playing with a full deck.

yes i'm sure he's ready to withdraw all troops and give back Crimea as soon as his meds kick in

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