Bizaare statements made by the California government


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Bizaare statements made by the California government during the fires.

During these fire incidents , this was the first time, i'm aware of, the city and the state told people 'tough sht, we can't help you.'

They said the fire department can't be everywhere.

They said " if there's a major disaster like an earthquake , don't expect the cavalry to save you"

Then, the chief of police told everyone don't even think of looting houses of people who evacuated, because the police CAN be everywhere.

(some houses got looted)

I heard some people called 911 and said they were trapped in the canyon, the police chief said he didn't hear of any reports like that, but some of the 911 system was down.
Bizaare statements made by the California government during the fires.

During these fire incidents , this was the first time, i'm aware of, the city and the state told people 'tough sht, we can't help you.'

They said the fire department can't be everywhere.

They said " if there's a major disaster like an earthquake , don't expect the cavalry to save you"

Then, the chief of police told everyone don't even think of looting houses of people who evacuated, because the police CAN be everywhere.

(some houses got looted)

I heard some people called 911 and said they were trapped in the canyon, the police chief said he didn't hear of any reports like that, but some of the 911 system was down.

Yep....only in Mexifornia.
The anchor babies that run this shithole usher in millions of wetbacks...these human cockroaches gobble up resources at an alarming rate...then legitimate citizens have to be told...."sorry you're fucked!"
Bizaare statements made by the California government during the fires.

During these fire incidents , this was the first time, i'm aware of, the city and the state told people 'tough sht, we can't help you.'

They said the fire department can't be everywhere.

They said " if there's a major disaster like an earthquake , don't expect the cavalry to save you"

Then, the chief of police told everyone don't even think of looting houses of people who evacuated, because the police CAN be everywhere.

(some houses got looted)

I heard some people called 911 and said they were trapped in the canyon, the police chief said he didn't hear of any reports like that, but some of the 911 system was down.


to another liberal utopia
Bizaare statements made by the California government during the fires.
During these fire incidents , this was the first time, i'm aware of, the city and the state told people 'tough sht, we can't help you.'
They said the fire department can't be everywhere.
They said " if there's a major disaster like an earthquake , don't expect the cavalry to save you"
Then, the chief of police told everyone don't even think of looting houses of people who evacuated, because the police CAN be everywhere.
(some houses got looted)
I heard some people called 911 and said they were trapped in the canyon, the police chief said he didn't hear of any reports like that, but some of the 911 system was down.

Obviously you fail to understand that the Jerry Brownshirts cannot be everywhere protecting the legal, tax-paying California citizens, because they are all tied up giving sanctuary to all of the illegal aliens! :D
Bizaare statements made by the California government during the fires.
During these fire incidents , this was the first time, i'm aware of, the city and the state told people 'tough sht, we can't help you.'
They said the fire department can't be everywhere.
They said " if there's a major disaster like an earthquake , don't expect the cavalry to save you"
Then, the chief of police told everyone don't even think of looting houses of people who evacuated, because the police CAN be everywhere.
(some houses got looted)
I heard some people called 911 and said they were trapped in the canyon, the police chief said he didn't hear of any reports like that, but some of the 911 system was down.

Obviously you fail to understand that the Jerry Brownshirts cannot be everywhere protecting the legal, tax-paying California citizens, because they are all tied up giving sanctuary to all of the illegal aliens! :D

at any rate Californians should not complain

after all this is the government they have insisted on having for years now
Bizaare statements made by the California government during the fires.

During these fire incidents , this was the first time, i'm aware of, the city and the state told people 'tough sht, we can't help you.'

They said the fire department can't be everywhere.

They said " if there's a major disaster like an earthquake , don't expect the cavalry to save you"

Then, the chief of police told everyone don't even think of looting houses of people who evacuated, because the police CAN be everywhere.

(some houses got looted)

I heard some people called 911 and said they were trapped in the canyon, the police chief said he didn't hear of any reports like that, but some of the 911 system was down.
California is our most beautiful state. Unfortunately the politicians who run it, are criminals.

Moonbeam like a good dumb statist, made yet another dumb prediction common of Church of Warmer parishioners. Do they have no shame? They have been wrong for decades, but that doesn't stop them. Moonbeam said get use to wild fires, as it is caused by climate change.

LMFAO...but LWNJs believe it.
It should be noted wildfires are much more severe because government is stupid. Nature routinely started low intensity wildfires that killed off the bugs and burned off the dry dead debris, leaving trees unharmed. Then government decided we should stamp out natures wildfires. This allowed several FEET of dry dead debris to build up. Now when a fire starts it burns so hot with all that fuel it kills everything including the trees.

Some states are now intentionally starting fires to get back to natures method and keep this dead dry fuel from building up.

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