Black actor beat up in Chicago called names from guys yelling MAGA

Black actor beat up in Chicago called names from guys yelling MAGA

Empire star Jussie Smollett 'brutally beaten and attacked with bleach' | Metro News

Sources told the publication the men in question asked him: ‘Aren’t you that f****t Empire n*****?’ before beating him, ‘putting a rope around his neck and pouring bleach on him’.

They reportedly screamed: ‘This is MAGA country,’ as they walked away.
e Smollett has been ‘brutally attacked’ by two men in an alleged hate crime.

The Empire actor was reportedly set upon on in the early hours of this morning, as attackers ‘beat him up, put a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him’.

TMZ states the 35-year-old landed in Chicago late last night, and headed to Subway for food at around 2am, when he was approached by two men in ski masks.


This is what Republicans call making America great again. When two white guys can beat up on a minority.

If this is true, it really sucks they should get the maximum sentence for that bullshit.

However, things like this have been faked in the past, and I'd have to wait a bit on this one. It doesn't seem logical to me that two guys just happen to be hanging around at night at two in the morning with a noose and a bottle of bleach, and then just happen upon a movie actor. Still though, it could all be true, neither would really surprise me these days.
Black actor beat up in Chicago called names from guys yelling MAGA

Empire star Jussie Smollett 'brutally beaten and attacked with bleach' | Metro News

Sources told the publication the men in question asked him: ‘Aren’t you that f****t Empire n*****?’ before beating him, ‘putting a rope around his neck and pouring bleach on him’.

They reportedly screamed: ‘This is MAGA country,’ as they walked away.
e Smollett has been ‘brutally attacked’ by two men in an alleged hate crime.

The Empire actor was reportedly set upon on in the early hours of this morning, as attackers ‘beat him up, put a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him’.

TMZ states the 35-year-old landed in Chicago late last night, and headed to Subway for food at around 2am, when he was approached by two men in ski masks.


This is what Republicans call making America great again. When two white guys can beat up on a minority.
99.89% probability fake.
Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, yeah, you are.
Television actor Jussie Smollett was allegedly attacked in Chicago, allegedly by men who proclaimed “This is MAGA Country.”

Smollett’s “MAGA Country” detail was disputed by Chicago police, according to the Daily Beast. But after people noticed the Daily Beast‘s reporting, the Beast pulled that very important detail out of the article altogether — thus erasing history.
BREAKING: 'Daily Beast' ERASES Police Statement Disputing The 'MAGA Country' Claim In Jussie Smollett Story - Big League Politics

Black actor beat up in Chicago called names from guys yelling MAGA

Empire star Jussie Smollett 'brutally beaten and attacked with bleach' | Metro News

Sources told the publication the men in question asked him: ‘Aren’t you that f****t Empire n*****?’ before beating him, ‘putting a rope around his neck and pouring bleach on him’.

They reportedly screamed: ‘This is MAGA country,’ as they walked away.
e Smollett has been ‘brutally attacked’ by two men in an alleged hate crime.

The Empire actor was reportedly set upon on in the early hours of this morning, as attackers ‘beat him up, put a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him’.

TMZ states the 35-year-old landed in Chicago late last night, and headed to Subway for food at around 2am, when he was approached by two men in ski masks.


This is what Republicans call making America great again. When two white guys can beat up on a minority.

It was my understanding that Smollett didn't say they shouted anything about MAGA, but that the first news reports had simply put it in there, and other organizations picked it up and ran with it.
Television actor Jussie Smollett was allegedly attacked in Chicago, allegedly by men who proclaimed “This is MAGA Country.”

Smollett’s “MAGA Country” detail was disputed by Chicago police, according to the Daily Beast. But after people noticed the Daily Beast‘s reporting, the Beast pulled that very important detail out of the article altogether — thus erasing history.
BREAKING: 'Daily Beast' ERASES Police Statement Disputing The 'MAGA Country' Claim In Jussie Smollett Story - Big League Politics

Black actor beat up in Chicago called names from guys yelling MAGA

Empire star Jussie Smollett 'brutally beaten and attacked with bleach' | Metro News

Sources told the publication the men in question asked him: ‘Aren’t you that f****t Empire n*****?’ before beating him, ‘putting a rope around his neck and pouring bleach on him’.

They reportedly screamed: ‘This is MAGA country,’ as they walked away.
e Smollett has been ‘brutally attacked’ by two men in an alleged hate crime.

The Empire actor was reportedly set upon on in the early hours of this morning, as attackers ‘beat him up, put a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him’.

TMZ states the 35-year-old landed in Chicago late last night, and headed to Subway for food at around 2am, when he was approached by two men in ski masks.


This is what Republicans call making America great again. When two white guys can beat up on a minority.

It was my understanding that Smollett didn't say they shouted anything about MAGA, but that the first news reports had simply put it in there, and other organizations picked it up and ran with it.
Of course they did. That is their m.o. And of course the usual suspects followed their lead. How many won’t see the retraction? Most, I’ll bet.
And as many of us expected, the facts are unfolding quite differently from the initial hysteria.




Shifting Stories Cloud Claims of Alleged Hate Crime Attack Targeting 'Empire' Actor Jussie Smollett

I especially liked the part where he was still wearing the noose when the cops showed up 45 minutes after the so called crime was actually committed.
Who the fuck would leave a noose on their neck once they had the opportunity to remove it?

I especially liked the part where he was still wearing the noose when the cops showed up 45 minutes after the so called crime was actually committed.
Who the fuck would leave a noose on their neck once they had the opportunity to remove it?

A Drama Queen minor actor desperate for publicity, perchance?
Well well well...


Well, here's my question. Did he have any actual injuries which were treated by medical personnel? That was my initial impression from earlier stories. And any trained medical personnel who examined him would be able to verify whether or not he was actually attacked.

Can't imagine the cops would do much serious investigating if he said, "Two guys beat the crap out of me!" and there wasn't a mark on him.

Well, here's my question. Did he have any actual injuries which were treated by medical personnel? That was my initial impression from earlier stories. And any trained medical personnel who examined him would be able to verify whether or not he was actually attacked.

Can't imagine the cops would do much serious investigating if he said, "Two guys beat the crap out of me!" and there wasn't a mark on him.

I now have the answer to my question. No ambulance was called, and he "self-transported" to the hospital, something you don't do with the "broken ribs" he's been alleged to have sustained. Further, police dispatch records apparently show that his friend, "Frank", refused EMS services on Smollett's behalf (where the hell did Frank come from?),and "no or minor injury was observed".

I guess that tallies with the fact that CPD does not, in fact, appear to be doing much serious investigating, other than checking videotape that shows no attack at all.

Well, here's my question. Did he have any actual injuries which were treated by medical personnel? That was my initial impression from earlier stories. And any trained medical personnel who examined him would be able to verify whether or not he was actually attacked.

Can't imagine the cops would do much serious investigating if he said, "Two guys beat the crap out of me!" and there wasn't a mark on him.

I now have the answer to my question. No ambulance was called, and he "self-transported" to the hospital, something you don't do with the "broken ribs" he's been alleged to have sustained. Further, police dispatch records apparently show that his friend, "Frank", refused EMS services on Smollett's behalf (where the hell did Frank come from?),and "no or minor injury was observed".

I guess that tallies with the fact that CPD does not, in fact, appear to be doing much serious investigating, other than checking videotape that shows no attack at all.
Chicago Police can’t find any evidence despite cameras all around the area.

Well, here's my question. Did he have any actual injuries which were treated by medical personnel? That was my initial impression from earlier stories. And any trained medical personnel who examined him would be able to verify whether or not he was actually attacked.

Can't imagine the cops would do much serious investigating if he said, "Two guys beat the crap out of me!" and there wasn't a mark on him.

I now have the answer to my question. No ambulance was called, and he "self-transported" to the hospital, something you don't do with the "broken ribs" he's been alleged to have sustained. Further, police dispatch records apparently show that his friend, "Frank", refused EMS services on Smollett's behalf (where the hell did Frank come from?),and "no or minor injury was observed".

I guess that tallies with the fact that CPD does not, in fact, appear to be doing much serious investigating, other than checking videotape that shows no attack at all.
Chicago Police can’t find any evidence despite cameras all around the area.

That's what I hear. And I want to know more about this friend "Frank" who was apparently there right after the alleged attack to refuse EMS services. Where the hell was he during the "attack"? Did he give a witness statement? Who the hell is he?
Black actor beat up in Chicago called names from guys yelling MAGA

Empire star Jussie Smollett 'brutally beaten and attacked with bleach' | Metro News

Sources told the publication the men in question asked him: ‘Aren’t you that f****t Empire n*****?’ before beating him, ‘putting a rope around his neck and pouring bleach on him’.

They reportedly screamed: ‘This is MAGA country,’ as they walked away.
e Smollett has been ‘brutally attacked’ by two men in an alleged hate crime.

The Empire actor was reportedly set upon on in the early hours of this morning, as attackers ‘beat him up, put a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him’.

TMZ states the 35-year-old landed in Chicago late last night, and headed to Subway for food at around 2am, when he was approached by two men in ski masks.


This is what Republicans call making America great again. When two white guys can beat up on a minority.

Poor deanTard, bought another Fake News propaganda lie hook, line, and sinker.


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