Black Americans getting robbed blind by corner stores, liquor stores and gas stations in their neighborhoods. Where are the Democrats on this?

I’m specifically talking about the inner cities in Buffalo here. Black majority neighborhoods. None of the corner store owners are black. There are Arabs Or Indian.

These are not good capitalists. For all the Republicans in the thread, there is a misunderstanding going on. So the same people who own the corner stores are the same people who owns the marijuana, smoke shops …. These are not good people. Selling these drugs the kids well that’s not cool.
There are thousands of convienance stores all accross this Country in every type of neighborhood that there is who are overcharging customers for everything from bottled water to razor blades. So, what's your point?
I used to work in poor areas and frequented bodegas often.

A. Like any small store, they tend to charge more for items that don’t sell fast. You see that on every area with small stores.

B. Items that move like gas and cigarettes etc. are CHEAPER there

Ya might as we’ll be accurate and clearly the OP has never been on a bodega in his life
You're a socialist and stupid to boot.
Socialist is high praise, and he doesn't actually get there. I believe he is GOP so he is complaining about the store owners which is GOP policy lol and no solution. Jack Kemp of the Bills and enterprise zones was the last good Republican,,,
I’m specifically talking about the inner cities in Buffalo here. Black majority neighborhoods. None of the corner store owners are black. There are Arabs Or Indian.

These are not good capitalists. For all the Republicans in the thread, there is a misunderstanding going on. So the same people who own the corner stores are the same people who owns the marijuana, smoke shops …. These are not good people. Selling these drugs the kids well that’s not cool.
We need a big Democratic landslide and fix. All these black areas are extremely poor and gang ridden. Where is jack kemp The last good Republican- and enterprise zones?
If the folks in those neighborhoods don't like the prices, they have the most power of putting them out of business by not purchasing goods from them.

Simple as that.

No government interference is going to stop convenience stores from charging higher prices.
They charge more for everything, especially in exurban areas.
You are paying for convenience.

Again, no one is forcing anybody to purchase from a particular business.

The OP is nonsense.
I’m specifically talking about the inner cities in Buffalo here. Black majority neighborhoods. None of the corner store owners are black. There are Arabs Or Indian.

These are not good capitalists. For all the Republicans in the thread, there is a misunderstanding going on. So the same people who own the corner stores are the same people who owns the marijuana, smoke shops …. These are not good people. Selling these drugs the kids well that’s not cool.
On the other hand they have costs trying to run these stores in the middle of basically a war zone
If the folks in those neighborhoods don't like the prices, they have the most power of putting them out of business by not purchasing goods from them.

Simple as that.

No government interference is going to stop convenience stores from charging higher prices.
They charge more for everything, especially in exurban areas.
You are paying for convenience.

Again, no one is forcing anybody to purchase from a particular business.

The OP is nonsense.
When they don't have grocery stores it's a problem.
After 40 years of GOP mismanagement, it is time for a Democratic landslide so we can fix some of these problems mainly by taxing the rich again in and investing in cheap college and trainings and enterprise zones. Crats are always trying to do stuff as opposed to the scumbag racist GOP.
You have not had fort years of GOP management. You have forty years of democrats and the GOP exchanging power back and forth

You also have ,massive landslide control of local and state governments in the cities and states with the highest crime and homelessness and poverty.

You are completely full of shit
You have not had fort years of GOP management. You have forty years of democrats and the GOP exchanging power back and forth

You also have ,massive landslide control of local and state governments in the cities and states with the highest crime and homelessness and poverty.

You are completely full of shit
With GOP crap rules like reconciliation and the filibuster, Democrats have passed nothing except Obamacare and infrastructure bill since LBJ while we still have 1980s GOP tax rates the source of this mess.
When they don't have grocery stores it's a problem.
They fucking looted and burned them. The others are pulling out due to shoplifting.
I don't blame any business for not wanting to take the risk.

So higher prices with small stores is what they get.

You are free to open a grocery store there and fill the gap if it concerns you so much. Just prepare to lose your ass. Even Walmart is bailing on a store open only 5 years here due to theft.
…they are probably getting paid off by the corner stores. Right? I mean pretty much something to think about there. These corrupt councilman and mayors of major cities are probably getting paid off by drug dealers and other corrupt people. Certainly is a possibility otherwise why is it so ugly down there?

You see that if you go to any corner store, mostly ran by corrupt Arabs or Indians in black majority neighborhood. I don’t ever see black folks own the stores …

And those corrupt Arabs and Indians, who jack up the prices for poor people, are a disgrace to the Honorable Arab nation and the Indian empire. You see that’s the point that is completely lost on the far left wing racist BLM supporters in this country.

This message is brought to you in a calm, cool and collective manner. Because it’s a Tucker Carlson pointed out today at turning point USA a lot of the stories in the fake news media and CNN are designed to get people angry and infuriated. Like when they say a man can breast-feed or 10-year-old can have a sex change operation or white homeless people are privileged. These are designed to get us upset. But you know what don’t give them what they want.

The only question is, when will this corruption end. When will black majority neighborhoods see corner stores destroyed. ? When will we see healthy grocery markets in black majority neighborhoods. ?

Don’t expect anything from the far left on this. They’re on drugs. They are racist. It’s all about patriotic American’s taking things back. And there’s a lot of positive developments.

When you truly care about your fellow man like so many of us do Republicans and traditional Democrats. And you go through the inner cities and you see the horrendous house conditions , pot holes all over the place the crack dealers … prostitutes. You never see prostitutes in a white majority suburbs walking down the street why is that? Seriously does anybody have an answer to this on the left?

so we need the US government to close down his corner stores level them. We need mass of change in the inner cities. Probably we need to use the US military to fight the drug dealers. Once and for all clean up these crack infested neighborhoods, clean up the heroine infested neighborhoods. Maybe those white and black BLM politicians living in the white suburbs should be forced to live in the inner city for a few weeks …. they probably wouldn’t last 10 hours.

OK fellow Democrats give us some solutions. You keep calling people racist you keep making things up about other people. Meanwhile, our fellow man in the inner city is starving. They want a better life. Bring forward some solutions so we can level these horrendous corner stores they look so bad. We need better housing in the inner cities. Bring some solutions forward
Where are they? They own the stores.
They fucking looted and burned them. The others are pulling out due to shoplifting.
I don't blame any business for not wanting to take the risk.

So higher prices with small stores is what they get.

You are free to open a grocery store there and fill the gap if it concerns you so much. Just prepare to lose your ass. Even Walmart is bailing on a store open only 5 years here due to theft.
We need a Democratic landslide to end this huge giveaway to the rich and invest in cheap education and training for good jobs, a living wage daycare great vacations and infrastructure like every other modern country, brainwashed functional racist moron lol.
We need a Democratic landslide to end this huge giveaway to the rich and invest in cheap education and training for good jobs, a living wage daycare great vacations and infrastructure like every other modern country, brainwashed functional racist moron lol.
Sad that you can never discuss a topic without resorting to your usual lame repetitive insults.
This is Zone 1. Learn to do better.

You got your blue wave in the last election...
Here is the reality of it...
download (11).jpeg
Sad that you can never discuss a topic without resorting to your usual lame repetitive insults.
This is Zone 1. Learn to do better.

You got your blue wave in the last election...
Here is the reality of it...View attachment 804998
Unfortunately two of our 60 Democratic senators were basically Republicans LOL. Need a real landslide it's tough with all the Republican gerrymandering and cheating....
Sad that you can never discuss a topic without resorting to your usual lame repetitive insults.
This is Zone 1. Learn to do better.

You got your blue wave in the last election...
Here is the reality of it...View attachment 804998
My insults are true and political And the GOP Murdoch Etcetera Brainwash is the worst thing to ever happen to American politics. Here's 72% trump fantastic great people but totally misinformed to the point of racism and hatred....politically.
My insults are true and political. Here's 72% trump fantastic great people but totally misinformed to the point of racism and hatred....politically.
Your insults are lame, repetitive and unnecessary and just plain stupid.

Sad you can't argue your points without them.
Blah, the old "price gouging" argument.

If a man prices a item at what he thinks the market will bear and the item sells he has provided a product at a price the product will sell at. Why should he ask less for it?

The reason the product might sell is immaterial. A customer wanted it and was willing to pay the price for it. End of story.
I remember this issue coming up during the coronavirus. Another thing that was a disaster. We should’ve never had the lockdowns. None of that shd ever happened.

I saw people selling items at 20 or 30 times if not more than the original price. So that’s against Christianity and that’s my position on it and it should not be a part of America.

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