Black Americans getting robbed blind by corner stores, liquor stores and gas stations in their neighborhoods. Where are the Democrats on this?

I know it is Saturday...but you really have to get your drinking under control.....
Surprised at the far left BLM type response. you even got a BLM supporter to agree with your brother. Hope you’re having a nice day.

Due to my spinal cord injury I can’t really drink like I used to. I probably had two drinks in the past three months.
If the folks in those neighborhoods don't like the prices, they have the most power of putting them out of business by not purchasing goods from them.

Simple as that.

No government interference is going to stop convenience stores from charging higher prices.
They charge more for everything, especially in exurban areas.
You are paying for convenience.

Again, no one is forcing anybody to purchase from a particular business.

The OP is nonsense.
I didn’t necessarily talk about government interference. Something has to be done though.

Here’s the issue directly to your point …many of the folks in the inner cities only have a few stores to go to they can’t boycott them or they’re going to starve.

Well, I see these Arab store owners and Indian store owners. Some of them have a few shops in the suburbs and they’re jacking up the prices there too. Same thing with the Thruway stop stores.

But here is probably the most important point. These business owners are not what some of the Republican think they are. These are not hard-working business people who are operating in dangerous areas. These are cutthroats, corrupt people selling drugs to kids. There’s nothing cool about that. That’s not American style capitalism that’s something else.

They are the same people who have the marijuana smoke shops ..that should tell you everything you need to know. And there are huge masses of Arabs, Indians, white folks, black folks, who opposes this….we the American people by and large oppose corruption.

Now it wasn’t like this back in the 1950s in the inner cities. So what’s the argument now what’s the counterpoint to this from Republicans.? What are they going to say because in the 1950s you had inner city stores owned by various types of people, Italians, Puerto Ricans. There were black owned stores. The prices were fair.. Now I should say I’m talking about Buffalo here. I know the history of my city. I can’t speak for other cities, but there’s probably many similarities between the other cities.
They fucking looted and burned them. The others are pulling out due to shoplifting.
I don't blame any business for not wanting to take the risk.

So higher prices with small stores is what they get.

You are free to open a grocery store there and fill the gap if it concerns you so much. Just prepare to lose your ass. Even Walmart is bailing on a store open only 5 years here due to theft.
Is a general misunderstanding going on here. All it takes are a few knuckleheads to give the inner cities a bad name but these areas are filled with hard-working individual from different backgrounds.

Yes, we all remember the BLM riots in 2020. They burned down and looted stores all over the place. They even looted stores in major cities like in New York City. This was kind of away from the inner cities. This was a total rampage. It’s kind of a different topic, but I’m glad you brought it up.

The prices are not high because the store owners are afraid. The prices are high because they know that their customers don’t have a car. Like take for example the projects in downtown Buffalo there’s one store there and they’re selling cigarettes for like $18 a pack Same pack of cigarettes in the suburbs is $11. Everyone gets their Newports for $18 at the store.

Imagine that, by the way, marijuana is being legalized. Marijuana products are cherished by the US government. You’ve got government officials and go ahead and get high. It’s fine. But then the same government officials lambaste cigarette smokers. Cigarettes cause health issues, but they do not cause psychoactive effects like marijuana does. Very interesting situation there. Just another point to show that our country is not what it used to be were very ugly today in many regards

Btw The store in Buffalo although it is in the project is in a secure area, they have security.

And some of these inner city stores everything is behind glass so there’s no way to steal anything. They simply jack up the prices because they know the people are poor. They don’t have cars they can’t go anywhere else …that’s not America. That’s something else that’s not something good it’s something bad. That’s not the United States the founding fathers envisioned.

And you talk about the point about stealing /Looting that’s just another point to show you that our country is not what it used to be. So we have to make some big time changes in this country.
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I didn’t necessarily talk about government interference. Something has to be done though.

Here’s the issue directly to your point …many of the folks in the inner cities only have a few stores to go to they can’t boycott them or they’re going to starve.

Well, I see these Arab store owners and Indian store owners. Some of them have a few shops in the suburbs and they’re jacking up the prices there too. Same thing with the Thruway stop stores.

But here is probably the most important point. These business owners are not what some of the Republican think they are. These are not hard-working business people who are operating in dangerous areas. These are cutthroats, corrupt people selling drugs to kids. There’s nothing cool about that. That’s not American style capitalism that’s something else.

They are the same people who have the marijuana smoke shops ..that should tell you everything you need to know. And there are huge masses of Arabs, Indians, white folks, black folks, who opposes this….we the American people by and large oppose corruption.

Now it wasn’t like this back in the 1950s in the inner cities. So what’s the argument now what’s the counterpoint to this from Republicans.? What are they going to say because in the 1950s you had inner city stores owned by various types of people, Italians, Puerto Ricans. There were black owned stores. The prices were fair.. Now I should say I’m talking about Buffalo here. I know the history of my city. I can’t speak for other cities, but there’s probably many similarities between the other cities.
Store owners are not selling drugs to kids.
Marijuana is subject to the same rules as alcohol and tobacco.
Any store selling any of those to minors will be put out of business.
Store owners are not selling drugs to kids.
Marijuana is subject to the same rules as alcohol and tobacco.
Any store selling any of those to minors will be put out of business.
I can definitely tell you that some of these Arab stores are totally selling to kids. When I was 15, we would go to an Arab store and get alcohol, nobody checked us For Id.
sometimes you gotta get the government involved.

During World War II here in Buffalo, there were some issues where a few factory owners were practicing discrimination against blacks. Also some discrimination against Italian Catholics

This was a problem because it affected the war effort. It was actually disrupting the supply lines to help the allies win ww2.

If we had the woke cancel culture mentality or the greedy selfish mentality that we see today in the US government we would’ve lost in World War II.

FDR sent in the government agents and they took care of the situation. And there was tons of Black people, women who were working at the factories in Buffalo during World War II, working right alongside white people. A lot of Racial harmony there and it was just a few knucklehead who triedto screw it up, but they were crushed rightfully so.

Source for the above see Ww2 in Buffalo by Gretchen Knapp….

There is a separate situation where some union boss try to discriminate against an Italian Americans and the Italian guy just knocked the guy out and that sent a message right there.

Unfortunately, today much of the US government is not what it used to be. It’s not about morals, it’s not about caring for the country. It’s all about the individual. Politicians looking for power and money instead of trying to help the country. So it might be a challenge to imagine. The situation with the government comes in to do the right thing and a fight back against craft store owners because they’re probably on the payroll and they’re getting money from drug dealers from corrupt store owners this is always been the issue throughout human history. The question is which societies can overcome these issues the best
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I can definitely tell you that some of these Arab stores are totally selling to kids. When I was 15, we would go to an Arab store and get alcohol, nobody checked us For Id.
Maybe some do, but according to your media, they do bust them as they do here.

Sell to minors, risk losing your business.

It’s the poverty

For example… what happens to income levels when blighted areas “gentrify”

Yea they go up. A lot

It is left wing policies excusing crime and refusing to prosecute and eliminating bail

The evidence shows the cause and effect proving you dead wrong. Poverty does NOT cause crime crime DRIVES poverty we KNOW this fact and the left wing lives in total denial of it.
With GOP crap rules like reconciliation and the filibuster, Democrats have passed nothing except Obamacare and infrastructure bill since LBJ while we still have 1980s GOP tax rates the source of this mess.
Cutting tax rates caused nothing of the sort sorry it is coddling criminals and enocuraging crime which has caused the problem

It is left wing policies excusing crime and refusing to prosecute and eliminating bail

The evidence shows the cause and effect proving you dead wrong. Poverty does NOT cause crime crime DRIVES poverty we KNOW this fact and the left wing lives in total denial of it.
People have some responsibility for their own neighborhoods. The government cannot do it all.
People have some responsibility for their own neighborhoods. The government cannot do it all.

You mean like this guy !?


One cannot tell citizens that they have some responsibility for their comminity when the local LEFT WING government encourages crime refuses to police crime and forbids citizens from taking responsible action
I remember this issue coming up during the coronavirus. Another thing that was a disaster. We should’ve never had the lockdowns. None of that shd ever happened.

I saw people selling items at 20 or 30 times if not more than the original price. So that’s against Christianity and that’s my position on it and it should not be a part of America.
None of that has anything to do with a free market.....Hell, I saw folks during that period selling "John Wayne grade" toilet paper for $2 a roll but it does not mean I'd buy it.

At least those that did buy could wipe their ass so it worked for them. Not only that but maybe the $2 buck a roll price saved it from being hoarded so more folks could wipe their ass.

Something else you fail at.....The guy selling shit paper for $2 a roll in a time of limited shortage might not be able to replace it unless he pays near $2 a roll. If he does and the shortage ends then he's stuck with wiping his ass with it. Of course you faux "morally superior" people never consider the seller's risks involved.

Me, I'm going to charge what the market will bear and hope it times out right. No shits given what some holy-roller thinks about it.....Wipe your ass with leaves.

You mean like this guy !?

View attachment 805024

One cannot tell citizens that they have some responsibility for their comminity when the local LEFT WING government encourages crime refuses to police crime and forbids citizens from taking responsible action
Trump has brought out the crazies on both sides. Look at the crazies he hired. Look at Boebert, MTG, RFK, Roger Stone etc. Look in the mirror. I don't want to defund the police and I'm pretty mainstream.
The inner city convenience stores are owned by Arabs and Indians because they are the only ones desperate enough to take the risk. The prices they charge reflects the robberies and shoplifting they incur. It used to be the Koreans in these neighborhood stores. Then the Rodney King riots turned the Koreans into rooftop snipers.

These little stores are there because no other store is brave enough. After the Watts riot in 1965, one of the complaints was that racism had made Watts a food desert. There wasn't any major market in the area. Poor people had to take the bus just to go to the grocery.

Vons stepped up and built a huge supercenter. They hired local people bringing jobs and money into the community. It was robbed the first day it opened. If robbing the store and shoplifting with backpacks wasn't bad enough, carjacking became commonplace in the parking lot. Especially of those trying to leave with groceries in the trunk. There were several shootings. Compounding the misery is that attacks on employees increased. It wasn't safe for any of the women to work after dark. Criminals knew when payday was.

In a very short time the supercenter became known as a dangerous place. It took Vons six months from grand opening to close. The hulk of the store still stands. A monument to feel do goodism that didn't work out. Arabs and Indians now cheat the same customers that Koreans cheated 40 years ago.
I will have you know I voted for a man of color, twice.

He just happened to be Orange. :p
If you voted for Herman Cain and Alan Keyes, but not the hybrid meat puppet faggot obozo the bed wetters will still call you a racist.
Trump has brought out the crazies on both sides. Look at the crazies he hired. Look at Boebert, MTG, RFK, Roger Stone etc. Look in the mirror. I don't want to defund the police and I'm pretty mainstream.
Trump is gone and over with.

The problems still persist in the inner cities where the crazies rule and they were not brought out by trump
Trump is gone and over with.

The problems still persist in the inner cities where the crazies rule and they were not brought out by trump
I know. I think people have to take responsibility for their behavior even in the inner cities.
I know. I think people have to take responsibility for their behavior even in the inner cities.
When that behavior is criminal the government needs to enforce the law.

In blue cities they refuse to do so more and more. If another citizen intervenes they are punished as vigilantes

You cant have it both ways

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