Black Americans getting robbed blind by corner stores, liquor stores and gas stations in their neighborhoods. Where are the Democrats on this?

I’m considering all the points made by the Republicans in the thread. They are good ones. I could’ve perhaps written my post better.

The one point remains regardless of what people think about theft. And that is what can be done to get back to a situation where the inner cities are safe. Because it’s always been a few knuckleheads these past few decades ever since the crack epidemic of the 1980s. It takes a few bad people to make a bad image of the whole city.

What can be done to get back to a situation where people in those neighborhoods leave The doors unlocked when they leave their house for work?

Because if one can get back to that situation, it’ll solve a whole bunch of issues.
Honestly, I don't think inner cities will ever get back to leaving their doors unlocked.
There is a small element in society where rules, laws and morals no longer apply. In a sense, that small element has always been there, but cultures previously including our own used to deal with that percentage of people harshly and swiftly.

I wouldn't even keep my doors unlocked in my exurban community 45 miles from two major cities. There's weirdos and meth heads out here too looking for an easy opportunity.

Blame technology, media, fast paced society, drugs, education or lack of, whatever...

People are weirder and crazier than in the '50's, and with a population over 300 million that small percentage adds up to a lot of them.
They are when the richest people in the country are paying the same percentage as you are DUHHH in all taxes. The average billionaire pays 8.2 percent to the federal government. Sounds fair to you morons... Oops brainwashed functional morons. Actually you never hear anything about this, just like you don't hear anything about global warming et cetera et cetera...
They do not pay the same as me in all taxes you ignorant fool. They pay MORE

Fair is strictly subjective so yes it IS FAIR and you CANNOT fucking prove otherwise.
Actually I know more asbout this than you ever will becaudse YOU are the brainwashed moron
They do not pay the same as me in all taxes you ignorant fool. They pay MORE

Fair is strictly subjective so yes it IS FAIR and you CANNOT fucking prove otherwise.
Actually I know more asbout this than you ever will becaudse YOU are the brainwashed moron
they pay the same percentage which is a disaster as everyone knows except for scumbag GOP rich liars and you duped ignoramuses in the base....
After 40 years of GOP mismanagement,
You dummass, show me a time when the GOP has ever been in charge of ANYTHING for 40 years? Or are you trying to lie that the GOP is behind corner store chains as a covert way to rob the black man? :auiqs.jpg:

it is time for a Democratic landslide so we can fix some of these problems
How many democrat landslides do you need before your dummass realizes that the Dems aren't going to fix anything? They never have and they never will because they are the main ones breaking stuff! Wasn't 2018 a democrat landslide? What happened with 2020 and 2022? What bullshit excuse are you going to try to use now?

mainly by taxing the rich again
Yep, no better way to raise everyone up by taking those few successful people actually investing in the economy and bringing them down to YOUR level teaching them that success doesn't pay! :lmao:

in and investing in cheap college and trainings and enterprise zones.
Yep, nothing says "hire me" like a CV showing you went to a cheap college in Harlem. :laughing0301:

Honestly, I don't think inner cities will ever get back to leaving their doors unlocked.
There is a small element in society where rules, laws and morals no longer apply. In a sense, that small element has always been there, but cultures previously including our own used to deal with that percentage of people harshly and swiftly.

I wouldn't even keep my doors unlocked in my exurban community 45 miles from two major cities. There's weirdos and meth heads out here too looking for an easy opportunity.

Blame technology, media, fast paced society, drugs, education or lack of, whatever...

People are weirder and crazier than in the '50's, and with a population over 300 million that small percentage adds up to a lot of them.
Yes yes, it's only a coincidence the middle class has gone to hell the last 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else... You two just keep on **** and moaning about how everything's going to hell and it's all the fault of the blacks LOL. Poverty causes crime and cheap education and training and living wage end poverty just like in every other modern country...yygh karumba...
You dummass, show me a time when the GOP has ever been in charge of ANYTHING for 40 years? Or are you trying to lie that the GOP is behind corner store chains as a covert way to rob the black man? :auiqs.jpg:

How many democrat landslides do you need before your dummass realizes that the Dems aren't going to fix anything? They never have and they never will because they are the main ones breaking stuff! Wasn't 2018 a democrat landslide? What happened with 2020 and 2022? What bullshit excuse are you going to try to use now?

Yep, no better way to raise everyone up by taking those few successful people actually investing in the economy and bringing them down to YOUR level teaching them that success doesn't pay! :lmao:

Yep, nothing says "hire me" like a CV showing you went to a cheap college in Harlem. :laughing0301:

that's a landslide. 60 votes in the Senate and not Mancin and Sistema dumbbells. The GOP has been in charge of the top tax rate for 40 years ignoramus. Kennedy changed the top rate from 90 to 70, Reagan seventy to fifty and had success but he went out the door making it 28% a disaster. It's gotten back up to 37% or something with a ton of loopholes but that is certainly not the Democratic idea.... Too bad you fools are absolutely clueless about everything except for idiot conspiracies..... With the GOP reconciliation and filibuster rules, you need fifty-one votes to cut taxes and 60 to raise taxes. You wanna talk about rigged....
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The GOP has been in charge of the top tax rate for 40 years ignoramus.
Right, so the GOP controls the tax laws even when the democrats control that House, dummass?

Too bad you fools are absolutely clueless about everything except for idiot conspiracies.....
Whereas you are just clueless. The democrats control the WH and both houses of congress yet just still cannot find a way to lower your taxes! :auiqs.jpg:

Wow, you just cannot write better comedy!
…they are probably getting paid off by the corner stores. Right? I mean pretty much something to think about there. These corrupt councilman and mayors of major cities are probably getting paid off by drug dealers and other corrupt people. Certainly is a possibility otherwise why is it so ugly down there?

You see that if you go to any corner store, mostly ran by corrupt Arabs or Indians in black majority neighborhood. I don’t ever see black folks own the stores …

And those corrupt Arabs and Indians, who jack up the prices for poor people, are a disgrace to the Honorable Arab nation and the Indian empire. You see that’s the point that is completely lost on the far left wing racist BLM supporters in this country.

This message is brought to you in a calm, cool and collective manner. Because it’s a Tucker Carlson pointed out today at turning point USA a lot of the stories in the fake news media and CNN are designed to get people angry and infuriated. Like when they say a man can breast-feed or 10-year-old can have a sex change operation or white homeless people are privileged. These are designed to get us upset. But you know what don’t give them what they want.

The only question is, when will this corruption end. When will black majority neighborhoods see corner stores destroyed. ? When will we see healthy grocery markets in black majority neighborhoods. ?

Don’t expect anything from the far left on this. They’re on drugs. They are racist. It’s all about patriotic American’s taking things back. And there’s a lot of positive developments.

When you truly care about your fellow man like so many of us do Republicans and traditional Democrats. And you go through the inner cities and you see the horrendous house conditions , pot holes all over the place the crack dealers … prostitutes. You never see prostitutes in a white majority suburbs walking down the street why is that? Seriously does anybody have an answer to this on the left?

so we need the US government to close down his corner stores level them. We need mass of change in the inner cities. Probably we need to use the US military to fight the drug dealers. Once and for all clean up these crack infested neighborhoods, clean up the heroine infested neighborhoods. Maybe those white and black BLM politicians living in the white suburbs should be forced to live in the inner city for a few weeks …. they probably wouldn’t last 10 hours.

OK fellow Democrats give us some solutions. You keep calling eyhracist you keep making things up about other people. Meanwhile, our fellow man in the inner city is starving. They want a better life. Bring forward some solutions so we can level these horrendous corner stores they look so bad. We need better housing in the inner cities. Bring some solutions forward
I live in the Detroit area. Every store in the city is run by Arabs , Albanians and a tiny few by Hindus as they run motels.

Overcharging ???? Who Are You Kidding ??? They get 20-30% "Slippage" (theft) and many are so brazen that they just walk in, grab some Cheetos or ding dongs and walk out the door with no fear; many of them don't even realize that they HAVE TO PAY ( Detroit Schools to blame). So the shop owners charge a premium for rampant losses and the exorbitant insurance they must pay by operating in war zones.

War Zone pay : The Natives are LUCKY that anybody would attempt to open a store in these dangerous areas. Arabs, Albanians and Pakis are battle hardened and know about VIOLENCE AND WAR and ALL OF THEM PACK AK47's under the counter. If a shooting happens, the body disappears and the inept police do nothing.
…they are probably getting paid off by the corner stores. Right? I mean pretty much something to think about there. These corrupt councilman and mayors of major cities are probably getting paid off by drug dealers and other corrupt people. Certainly is a possibility otherwise why is it so ugly down there?

You see that if you go to any corner store, mostly ran by corrupt Arabs or Indians in black majority neighborhood. I don’t ever see black folks own the stores …

And those corrupt Arabs and Indians, who jack up the prices for poor people, are a disgrace to the Honorable Arab nation and the Indian empire. You see that’s the point that is completely lost on the far left wing racist BLM supporters in this country.

This message is brought to you in a calm, cool and collective manner. Because it’s a Tucker Carlson pointed out today at turning point USA a lot of the stories in the fake news media and CNN are designed to get people angry and infuriated. Like when they say a man can breast-feed or 10-year-old can have a sex change operation or white homeless people are privileged. These are designed to get us upset. But you know what don’t give them what they want.

The only question is, when will this corruption end. When will black majority neighborhoods see corner stores destroyed. ? When will we see healthy grocery markets in black majority neighborhoods. ?

Don’t expect anything from the far left on this. They’re on drugs. They are racist. It’s all about patriotic American’s taking things back. And there’s a lot of positive developments.

When you truly care about your fellow man like so many of us do Republicans and traditional Democrats. And you go through the inner cities and you see the horrendous house conditions , pot holes all over the place the crack dealers … prostitutes. You never see prostitutes in a white majority suburbs walking down the street why is that? Seriously does anybody have an answer to this on the left?

so we need the US government to close down his corner stores level them. We need mass of change in the inner cities. Probably we need to use the US military to fight the drug dealers. Once and for all clean up these crack infested neighborhoods, clean up the heroine infested neighborhoods. Maybe those white and black BLM politicians living in the white suburbs should be forced to live in the inner city for a few weeks …. they probably wouldn’t last 10 hours.

OK fellow Democrats give us some solutions. You keep calling people racist you keep making things up about other people. Meanwhile, our fellow man in the inner city is starving. They want a better life. Bring forward some solutions so we can level these horrendous corner stores they look so bad. We need better housing in the inner cities. Bring some solutions forward
You want government to interfere w small businesses now? Make up your mind, shithead.
they pay the same percentage which is a disaster as everyone knows except for scumbag GOP rich liars and you duped ignoramuses in the base....
Wrong they pay more.

They pay more in taxes that only they are require to pay.

Either way it is not a disaster. You simply a fool . Allowing people , ANY people, to keep the money they earn harms NO ONE
I live in the Detroit area. Every store in the city is run by Arabs , Albanians and a tiny few by Hindus as they run motels.

Overcharging ???? Who Are You Kidding ??? They get 20-30% "Slippage" (theft) and many are so brazen that they just walk in, grab some Cheetos or ding dongs and walk out the door with no fear; many of them don't even realize that they HAVE TO PAY ( Detroit Schools to blame). So the shop owners charge a premium for rampant losses and the exorbitant insurance they must pay by operating in war zones.

War Zone pay : The Natives are LUCKY that anybody would attempt to open a store in these dangerous areas. Arabs, Albanians and Pakis are battle hardened and know about VIOLENCE AND WAR and ALL OF THEM PACK AK47's under the counter. If a shooting happens, the body disappears and the inept police do nothing.
I just deleted my last post.. too many typos

But the issue goes both ways. There are bad store owners, and bad customers. And some of these people you’re talking about in Detroit probably also own smoke shops so that doesn’t really make them good people.

We can ask ourselves why are people stealing in the inner cities when they are people living in dirt? Poor countries would never even think of stealing. I think it’s quite obvious that religion is not as important today in America, as it was in the past when our country was better. You have the media, Hollywood celebrities, all telling Black people that this is a racist evil country, and saying all white people, including homeless white people are privileged. ..

And some fault lies with the US government. They’re not doing a good enough job. They allow maniacs to destroy statues of men who built the civilized world. All of these great white people of history having their statues destroyed.

Why doesn’t some blm rioter destroy a statue of Malcolm X because he was once a pimp, ruthless drug dealer, who beat the hell out of people?

This graffiti all over our street and buildings. The architecture is ugly in the country today.

The main stream media puts out race propaganda. It’s meant to give people angry and riled up.

The social atmosphere in America is problematic. There’s a lot of really bad subcultures that we just did not have any. American passed in the middle class was stronger.

The social atmosphere in America is problematic. There’s a lot of really bad sub cultures that we did not have in the American past.

I know this much maybe you agree every one of the far left wingers in this thread don’t have any viable solutions. It’s easy for them from the position of privilege to just call people racist, and Pat themselves on the back for that, let them waves a Ukrainian flag the LGBT flag or BLM flag. The white pro blm democrats don’t know about struggle in this country.
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Right, so the GOP controls the tax laws even when the democrats control that House, dummass?

Whereas you are just clueless. The democrats control the WH and both houses of congress yet just still cannot find a way to lower your taxes! :auiqs.jpg:

Wow, you just cannot write better comedy!
We're talking about getting the rich to pay their fair share along with big oil et cetera and the whole stinking GOP led savage capitalist mess. The worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness by far anywhere in the modern world and the only modern country without a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations...... And you guys spend pages complaining about the races who dare to operate tiny stores in war zones- short sighted much? lol. Democrats have cut Obamacare costs and drug costs And got you through the worst pandemic reaction in the world, the GOP not getting vaccinated. Your party is a lying disgrace... dupe.

Try real news
I’m considering all the points made by the Republicans in the thread. They are good ones. I could’ve perhaps written my post better.

The one point remains regardless of what people think about theft. And that is what can be done to get back to a situation where the inner cities are safe. Because it’s always been a few knuckleheads these past few decades ever since the crack epidemic of the 1980s. It takes a few bad people to make a bad image of the whole city.

What can be done to get back to a situation where people in those neighborhoods leave The doors unlocked when they leave their house for work?

Because if one can get back to that situation, it’ll solve a whole bunch of issues.

It's pretty damn simple if knuckleheads can't abide by the rules of society, you remove them from it. Jail, prison or the grave, I really don't care which.

I live in the Detroit area. Every store in the city is run by Arabs , Albanians and a tiny few by Hindus as they run motels.

Overcharging ???? Who Are You Kidding ??? They get 20-30% "Slippage" (theft) and many are so brazen that they just walk in, grab some Cheetos or ding dongs and walk out the door with no fear; many of them don't even realize that they HAVE TO PAY ( Detroit Schools to blame). So the shop owners charge a premium for rampant losses and the exorbitant insurance they must pay by operating in war zones.

War Zone pay : The Natives are LUCKY that anybody would attempt to open a store in these dangerous areas. Arabs, Albanians and Pakis are battle hardened and know about VIOLENCE AND WAR and ALL OF THEM PACK AK47's under the counter. If a shooting happens, the body disappears and the inept police do nothing.
I’ll add one thing here. I saw a white homeless guy steal a bunch of stuff from tops, grocery market and then put it into a cart.

He then hauled the cart over to the closest corner store ran by Arabs so he can sell it to that Arab store and get crack money for it. That’s Blatant corruption by the store owner right there.

Now, such an episode is something that literally does not exist in the suburbs. It’s the degradation of the streets, the degradation of society. This is what you call massive dysfunction going on in the inner cities that simply does not exist in the suburbs.

But it goes back to one point. This didn’t happen back in the 1950s. It has nothing to do with racism or blacks being held down. The statistics have been shown to all of us the white middle-class, and the black middle class was stronger in the 1950s compared to today. Black men and white men were stronger in the 1950s compared to today. You know what this is this is called paying respect to those white Americans and black Americans of the 1950s because I think that those people had a lot for us to look up to.
It's pretty damn simple if knuckleheads can't abide by the rules of society, you remove them from it. Jail, prison or the grave, I really don't care which.

I agree with that. I will add that. I think that the government has a lot of work to do.

As petro implied, it’s going to be an uphill battle

Now what makes it even more of a challenge is the race division propaganda that mostly left-wing Democrats but also some Republicans like Mitt Romney engage in. Kinzinger and Liz Cheney as well
All convenience stores mark up prices higher than supermarkets. They have to because they’re buying and selling stuff in smaller quantities. That’s the business model. Everyone knows a loaf of bread is going to cost more at the gas station than at Walmart.

As for there not being a supermarket in poor neighborhoods, we’ll, that’s not the convenience store owner’s fault.
We're talking about getting the rich to pay their fair share

Sorry, Frank, but the "rich" are not like that slob at the end of the bar sitting with you needing to pay their fair share. More taxes from the rich just means an even greater and more bloated and useless federal government even more fat on more public tax dollars! Far better is letting the rich keep their money so they can reinvest more of it in capital growth, corporate expansion, and technological and economic expansion in new development, business, technologies and industries giving people more new good jobs.

Taxing the rich even more just kills economies and does nothing but grow even bigger useless government that just pisses it away on either itself more and/or more senseless waste in its own private special interests.
I agree with that. I will add that. I think that the government has a lot of work to do.

As petro implied, it’s going to be an uphill battle

Now what makes it even more of a challenge is the race division propaganda that mostly left-wing Democrats but also some Republicans like Mitt Romney engage in. Kinzinger and Liz Cheney as well

Actually all it will take is the local DAs enforcing the laws and local governments backing the local police. But since the mayors and DAs are bought and paid for by Soros, I don't see that happening.


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