Black Americans getting robbed blind by corner stores, liquor stores and gas stations in their neighborhoods. Where are the Democrats on this?

All convenience stores mark up prices higher than supermarkets. They have to because they’re buying and selling stuff in smaller quantities. That’s the business model. Everyone knows a loaf of bread is going to cost more at the gas station than at Walmart.

As for there not being a supermarket in poor neighborhoods, we’ll, that’s not the convenience store owner’s fault.
All good in Fair. One question remains why were there healthy grocery markets in the inner cities in the 1950s but not now today?
Actually all it will take is the local DAs enforcing the laws and local governments backing the local police. But since the mayors and DAs are bought and paid for by Soros, I don't see that happening.

And here in Buffalo, we have a left-wing DA he’s not doing a good job.
All good in Fair. One question remains why were there healthy grocery markets in the inner cities in the 1950s but not now today?
Black people did not feel entitled. I lived in a black neighborhood in New York. I moved from San Francisco to Oakland. Never had a bit of trouble. When I came back to California in 1965 I moved to Compton. A nice little city in those days. Then came black grievance mongers like Jesse Jackson and AL Sharpton. Shakedown artists, they fed black violence to demand white guilt.

In the 80s is when the big change came. Colombian drug cartels opened a pipeline to Los Angeles to spread crack cocaine. Distribution rights caused the very bloody Blood-Crip wars.

Black leadership blamed the CIA. Da white man gonna keep you down. Don't act white. Crime is street cred.
You might want to check who are running those shitholes, from dog catcher all the way through mayor. Hint commie, it ain't the GOP.

we live by GOP NATIONAL tax rates and policies for the last 40 years and we have gotten the worst inequality poverty homelessness and upward mobility ever anywhere by far, And of course the blacks do the worst by far . Blaming the dog catcher is the height of stupidity. Ooops brainwashed functional stupidity....
Sorry, Frank, but the "rich" are not like that slob at the end of the bar sitting with you needing to pay their fair share. More taxes from the rich just means an even greater and more bloated and useless federal government even more fat on more public tax dollars! Far better is letting the rich keep their money so they can reinvest more of it in capital growth, corporate expansion, and technological and economic expansion in new development, business, technologies and industries giving people more new good jobs.

Taxing the rich even more just kills economies and does nothing but grow even bigger useless government that just pisses it away on either itself more and/or more senseless waste in its own private special interests.
Trickle down is a disaster except for the rich, change the damn channel, dupe.
we live by GOP NATIONAL tax rates and policies for the last 40 years and we have gotten the worst inequality poverty homelessness and upward mobility ever anywhere by far, And of course the blacks do the worst by far . Blaming the dog catcher is the height of stupidity. Ooops brainwashed functional stupidity....
Are you really that stupid?

noone was blaming the dog catcher.

The fact is ALL government at the state and local level is democrat in the states and cities where homelessness and upward mobility is the WORST

You willfully lie and ignore the FACT that crime is excused , out of control and horrific in dem cities.. Drugs and homlessness is worse in those same cities. Your constant whining about GOP is a lie since they have ntio been in control for forty years.

Your side is a massive failure
…they are probably getting paid off by the corner stores. Right? I mean pretty much something to think about there. These corrupt councilman and mayors of major cities are probably getting paid off by drug dealers and other corrupt people. Certainly is a possibility otherwise why is it so ugly down there?

You see that if you go to any corner store, mostly ran by corrupt Arabs or Indians in black majority neighborhood. I don’t ever see black folks own the stores …

And those corrupt Arabs and Indians, who jack up the prices for poor people, are a disgrace to the Honorable Arab nation and the Indian empire. You see that’s the point that is completely lost on the far left wing racist BLM supporters in this country.

This message is brought to you in a calm, cool and collective manner. Because it’s a Tucker Carlson pointed out today at turning point USA a lot of the stories in the fake news media and CNN are designed to get people angry and infuriated. Like when they say a man can breast-feed or 10-year-old can have a sex change operation or white homeless people are privileged. These are designed to get us upset. But you know what don’t give them what they want.

The only question is, when will this corruption end. When will black majority neighborhoods see corner stores destroyed. ? When will we see healthy grocery markets in black majority neighborhoods. ?

Don’t expect anything from the far left on this. They’re on drugs. They are racist. It’s all about patriotic American’s taking things back. And there’s a lot of positive developments.

When you truly care about your fellow man like so many of us do Republicans and traditional Democrats. And you go through the inner cities and you see the horrendous house conditions , pot holes all over the place the crack dealers … prostitutes. You never see prostitutes in a white majority suburbs walking down the street why is that? Seriously does anybody have an answer to this on the left?

so we need the US government to close down his corner stores level them. We need mass of change in the inner cities. Probably we need to use the US military to fight the drug dealers. Once and for all clean up these crack infested neighborhoods, clean up the heroine infested neighborhoods. Maybe those white and black BLM politicians living in the white suburbs should be forced to live in the inner city for a few weeks …. they probably wouldn’t last 10 hours.

OK fellow Democrats give us some solutions. You keep calling people racist you keep making things up about other people. Meanwhile, our fellow man in the inner city is starving. They want a better life. Bring forward some solutions so we can level these horrendous corner stores they look so bad. We need better housing in the inner cities. Bring some solutions forward
Lol what does your dumb ass wanna do about it? Free market economy. Either you have it or ya don't. I went to purchase minnows the other day. I ask for four scoops. This bitch says 25 dollars and puts 28 minnows in my bucket. I told her to keep them and walked out. I am now the proud owner of minnows net.
we live by GOP NATIONAL tax rates and policies for the last 40 years and we have gotten the worst inequality poverty homelessness and upward mobility ever anywhere by far, And of course the blacks do the worst by far . Blaming the dog catcher is the height of stupidity. Ooops brainwashed functional stupidity....

Perhaps you should tell your commie brethren to stop importing impoverished people. But that has nothing to do with the conditions in commie shitholes where theft of up to $1,000 is virtually legal. You can't have an equitable society ran that way. But stop blaming the GOP for your commie ignorance and policies where illegals are given priority over Americans.

Perhaps you should tell your commie brethren to stop importing impoverished people. But that has nothing to do with the conditions in commie shitholes where theft of up to $1,000 is virtually legal. You can't have an equitable society ran that way. But stop blaming the GOP for your commie ignorance and policies where illegals are given priority over Americans.

The world that Biden/BLM supporter live in is unthinkable. Try being a wealthy, black man or white man walking down the street of an inner city with a Rolex on. There’s a High likelyhood you’re gonna get robbed.

No way such a robbery would ever occur in the suburbs. Just doesn’t work like that and that is what is so wrong with our country. The politicians have failed us
The world that Biden/BLM supporter live in is unthinkable. Try being a wealthy, black man or white man walking down the street of an inner city with a Rolex on. There’s a High likelyhood you’re gonna get robbed.

No way such a robbery would ever occur in the suburbs. Just doesn’t work like that and that is what is so wrong with our country. The politicians have failed us

The local politicians have failed us, local policing isn't the feds job. And what's really sad is it's all intentional.

The world that Biden/BLM supporter live in is unthinkable. Try being a wealthy, black man or white man walking down the street of an inner city with a Rolex on. There’s a High likelyhood you’re gonna get robbed.

No way such a robbery would ever occur in the suburbs. Just doesn’t work like that and that is what is so wrong with our country. The politicians have failed us
The GOP causes poverty. Poverty causes crime.... I know, a tax cut for the rich!
Perhaps you should tell your commie brethren to stop importing impoverished people. But that has nothing to do with the conditions in commie shitholes where theft of up to $1,000 is virtually legal. You can't have an equitable society ran that way. But stop blaming the GOP for your commie ignorance and policies where illegals are given priority over Americans.

BS. Sorry about the American policy of giving asylum to people who deserve it. People are coming from Latin American countries the GOP has destroyed with sanctions or nowadays Russians. Sorry about the American way, change the channel and try reality.
Right. Because they HAVE something to trickle down, whereas trickle up is a total joke as the poor have nothing to trickle at all.
It doesn't trickle down, that's the problem- they just buy bigger yachts Bigger mansions and more classic cars, dupe. That's why you tax the rich, make college and training cheap and get good jobs to the poor like in every other modern country for crying out loud,,,,
It doesn't trickle down, that's the problem- they just buy bigger yachts Bigger mansions and more classic cars, dupe. That's why you tax the rich, make college and training cheap and get good jobs to the poor like in every other modern country for crying out loud,,,,

Of course it trickles down, otherwise, how do you think they make millions, expand and grow business and attract good people? Besides, nothing can trickle up, so trickle down is the only thing left. Taxing the rich does nothing to expand the economy as the government hasn't ever created one business, one job in its entire life--- other than working for the government by growing GOVERNMENT even bigger instead!
The GOP causes poverty. Poverty causes crime.... I know, a tax cut for the rich!
Poverty is not a cause of crime.

It is the other way around . Crime drive poverty.

Pobverty is increasing in all red states worse than blue states proving you are full of shit
There are thousands of convienance stores all accross this Country in every type of neighborhood that there is who are overcharging customers for everything from bottled water to razor blades. So, what's your point?
His point?

The same thing the russian trolls have been trying to do since discontent in the electorate. This guy is a spectacular failure in that aspect.

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