Black and White Christianity: Will that discipline prevent a race war?


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
I believe the only thing preventing an all out race war in this country is Black Christianity as observed by Northern White Christian liberals and progressives. Black progress, in general, has been ensconced within that framework. Unfortunately, advocates of equality and increased liberty for Blacks have been stymied by the current protests and violence to the perception of police abuses.

Black rioters and protestors are not likely to be as pious as mainstream Black Christians; and, those who are prone to violence only make up a small minority. But that small minority plays into the hands of White Southerners, Christian or not, who have long feared insurrections and mayhem at the hands of free Blacks.
For them...All Blacks seem representative of what they see and hear in the news. But is that true?
Let's take a gander at the difference in opinions of Whie and Back Christians on race.
Are the questions explained to the poll taker or are they allowed to form their own interpretation of what they mean?
Hi, Asclepias, welcome back! Glad to see you posting again!

I reposted the link and all pertinent information can now be read there. Like most polls, I doubt if the poll takers gave the interviewees a chance to respond independently but its a start, I guess. Won't you join me in dismantling it for better or worse?
I believe the only thing preventing an all out race war in this country is Black Christianity as observed by Northern White Christian liberals and progressives. Black progress, in general, has been ensconced within that framework. Unfortunately, advocates of equality and increased liberty for Blacks have been stymied by the current protests and violence to the perception of police abuses.

Black rioters and protestors are not likely to be as pious as mainstream Black Christians; and, those who are prone to violence only make up a small minority. But that small minority plays into the hands of White Southerners, Christian or not, who have long feared insurrections and mayhem at the hands of free Blacks.
For them...All Blacks seem representative of what they see and hear in the news. But is that true?
Let's take a gander at the difference in opinions of Whie and Back Christians on race.

What stops race wars, and other mass uprisings is in their hearts Americans are too selfish to assume the risk for themselves of launching such efforts. Compared to other cultures we're by far the most selfish living on the planet right now. Ancient Rome is positively benevolent compared to modern day US and Americans. We're just 4% of the population but gobble up 25% of the planet's resources. We throw away 40% of our food. And we go to war to secure more resources for our already gluttonous people.

No country with citizenry like our's is going to ever revolt or stage an armed uprising. People will bitch and moan then go get pizza long before they ever take to the streets.
I believe the only thing preventing an all out race war in this country is Black Christianity as observed by Northern White Christian liberals and progressives. Black progress, in general, has been ensconced within that framework. Unfortunately, advocates of equality and increased liberty for Blacks have been stymied by the current protests and violence to the perception of police abuses.

Black rioters and protestors are not likely to be as pious as mainstream Black Christians; and, those who are prone to violence only make up a small minority. But that small minority plays into the hands of White Southerners, Christian or not, who have long feared insurrections and mayhem at the hands of free Blacks.
For them...All Blacks seem representative of what they see and hear in the news. But is that true?
Let's take a gander at the difference in opinions of Whie and Back Christians on race.

What stops race wars, and other mass uprisings is in their hearts Americans are too selfish to assume the risk for themselves of launching such efforts. Compared to other cultures we're by far the most selfish living on the planet right now. Ancient Rome is positively benevolent compared to modern day US and Americans. We're just 4% of the population but gobble up 25% of the planet's resources. We throw away 40% of our food. And we go to war to secure more resources for our already gluttonous people.

No country with citizenry like our's is going to ever revolt or stage an armed uprising. People will bitch and moan then go get pizza long before they ever take to the streets.

I hope you are right but I am still skeptical. It's hard for me to accept the idea that selfishness and apathy are that ingrained in the national cultural milieu. Obviously, the sporadic protests and rioting occurring after police kill someone doesn't detract from your premise; but, the reported black on black crime and white on white crime rates show there is plenty of misplaced energy out there. Further, we may have been conned onto looking in the wrong direction. The race war has already started without a shot being fired. The medical angle is far more effective, and far less of a risk and has already been tested in other genocide attempts.. I'll post a few links later on to support my narrative.

But that raises a question. Who in the White community would be interested in such a thing and who would benefit most?
Blacks have nothing to gain by a race war and , I think Whites have much to lose. Christianity, didn't really stop the Nazis or the Indian Campaigns so I doubt if it would be a factor here if Blacks were not overwhelmingly Christians, too.
That's just me!
Are the questions explained to the poll taker or are they allowed to form their own interpretation of what they mean?
Hi, Asclepias, welcome back! Glad to see you posting again!

I reposted the link and all pertinent information can now be read there. Like most polls, I doubt if the poll takers gave the interviewees a chance to respond independently but its a start, I guess. Won't you join me in dismantling it for better or worse?
I dont think there will be a race war. If you notice the powers that be are actively trying to push integration via the media. Our generation is a lost cause but the new kids are pretty comfortable with each other.

The question that really caught my attention was the one where they ask if its ok to be separate but equal. Its interesting that whites increased their numbers in the affirmative and Blacks seemed to sniff a return to Jim Crow.
WHAT I am seeing here is that none of the present posters believe that a man like Hitler can ever rise and initiate another holocaust. AM I reading you right?

Also, no one has addressed or picked up on my medical triage angle or worse. Does anyone think that is a valid concern as a clandestine military strategy to curb certain "undesirables." That may be occurring even as we post!
WHAT I am seeing here is that none of the present posters believe that a man like Hitler can ever rise and initiate another holocaust. AM I reading you right?

Also, no one has addressed or picked up on my medical triage angle or worse. Does anyone think that is a valid concern as a clandestine military strategy to curb certain "undesirables." That may be occurring even as we post!
No money to be made in a race war. It wont happen here in the US. Whites are too intermingled with Blacks at this point. The only whites that would participate would be the very die hard racists that were not cowards to their core. Most whites are only mildly to sort of racist.

What you should keep your eye on as far as medical is stuff like the Melanin Conferences they hold every year. Right now Blacks are too valuable and hold the key to the survival of the human race in my estimation.

PASPCR Meeting 2015

"Plenary Session II “Understanding Internal Melanin, Neuromelanin and the Melanosome.” World authority Dr. Luigi Zecca (Italy) accepted our invitation to educate us about the structural and functional properties of neuromelanin, followed by Dr.Tad Sarna (Poland) who is an expert in the biophysics of melanin. Dr. Mickey Marks will update everyone on endosomal sorting and the amyloidogenic properties of the pigment cell protein PMEL. Dr. David Sulzer will update us on dopaminergic pathways in Parkinson’s disease. "
Notice how whites stopped rioting when their incomes became better...........??

did it occur to you that the reason their income got better was because they stopped rioting and went to work?
Most of the rioting was about work...and a couple of race riots, and to kill Jo Smith, hell, I could go on all knight...steal arms to free da slaves....

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