Black artist / singer Joy Villa wears "Trump" dress to Grammys.

here you go. It took me three minutes to find it:

People Call For Joy Villa To Be KILLED After She Wears Make America Great Again Dress To Grammys

"Liberals Viciously Attack Joy Villa

It was only a matter of time before the hate of some would pour out onto social media. Already people are calling for Joy Villa to be killed for wearing a Make America Great Again Dress."

That is exactly the article/thread I linked for esthermoon several posts back. It was posted yesterday and immediately shot down for the bullshit it is.

Go read the fucking link, and the alleged posts it cites. A grand total of ONE (1) says anything at all about "killing", and it's obviously doing so in satire.

To wit:
"ATTACK!! KILL HER!! THROW HER IN A CAMP…FOR ADULTS!! " -- followed by a string of emoticons too enormous to paste here.

Go ahead --- read it and bring me the evidence.

Or are you going to pretend to be so stupid as to not understand what 'satire' is?
It's ironic what that satire is mocking --- your ilk and it's hate-blanket-strawman mentality.

Read past the headline next time, Dumbass.
some more:
Democrats send Joy Villa death threats for Trump dress
" @Joy_Villa die"

All lies.

Not one snowflake in the history of snowflakes has ever cast a disparaging remark towards a conservative. It's ALL LIES! NEVER HAPPENED!!

Some of us are not going to be able to keep up with this level of childishness.
but we're trying.

I'd go with "leading" in your case.
That is exactly the article/thread I linked for esthermoon several posts back. It was posted yesterday and immediately shot down for the bullshit it is.

Go read the fucking link, and the alleged posts it cites. A grand total of ONE (1) says anything at all about "killing", and it's obviously doing so in satire.

To wit:
"ATTACK!! KILL HER!! THROW HER IN A CAMP…FOR ADULTS!! " -- followed by a string of emoticons too enormous to paste here.

Go ahead --- read it and bring me the evidence.

Or are you going to pretend to be so stupid as to not understand what 'satire' is?
It's ironic what that satire is mocking --- your ilk and it's hate-blanket-strawman mentality.

Read past the headline next time, Dumbass.
some more:
Democrats send Joy Villa death threats for Trump dress
" @Joy_Villa die"

All lies.

Not one snowflake in the history of snowflakes has ever cast a disparaging remark towards a conservative. It's ALL LIES! NEVER HAPPENED!!

Some of us are not going to be able to keep up with this level of childishness.
but we're trying.

I'd go with "leading" in your case.
sometimes people follow me that is correct. The effort to silence the childish behavior of the left is a daily chore. I do what I must.

All lies.

Not one snowflake in the history of snowflakes has ever cast a disparaging remark towards a conservative. It's ALL LIES! NEVER HAPPENED!!

Some of us are not going to be able to keep up with this level of childishness.
but we're trying.

I'd go with "leading" in your case.
sometimes people follow me that is correct. The effort to silence the childish behavior of the left is a daily chore. I do what I must.
Partisanshitheads rejoice.
All lies.

Not one snowflake in the history of snowflakes has ever cast a disparaging remark towards a conservative. It's ALL LIES! NEVER HAPPENED!!

Some of us are not going to be able to keep up with this level of childishness.
but we're trying.

I'd go with "leading" in your case.
sometimes people follow me that is correct. The effort to silence the childish behavior of the left is a daily chore. I do what I must.
Partisanshitheads rejoice.
Oh the cool is that? Go buy her music....I did.
Apparently a lot of people did. Her record sales ranked at #543,202 and skyrocketed to #3 by midnight.

GREAT publicity stunt.

The result?

As of the writing of this article, her album, I Make The Static, is now #1 on Amazon in the ‘Bestsellers’. WHOA! Singer Wears MAGA Dress To Grammy’s – Look At Her ALBUM SALES Today!

I don't watch BS Hollywood award shows. What are the odds the hostess/host/not sure of the Crammies is LGBT, or did that BS end with Obama's tenure?
These things are never anything but industry advertizing, never watch any of them.

I've never understood why anybody watches any "awards" show. Unless you're in that field yourself it's just watching somebody else's wankfest. There's absolutely nothing to be gained from it.

There seem to be a lot of drones glued to the boob tube simply because said tube declares "this is entertaining". Doesn't seem to occur to a lot of folks to take the initiative to decide "no, it's not".

Easy now...Don't go too deep people...I know we all think we're the most intelligent person on earth and everyone else is stupid...especially those who don't see through our eyes...haha. Not everything requires analytics to the Nth degree.
Remember, 115 million people watch the Super Bowl and some people say they'd rather watch the grass grow. THIS JUST IN! Different things excite different people differently....WOW!
People (not just celebrities) will always use their platform as popular, respected humans to pitch an agenda...that's just the way it is. You were taught that as captain of your peewee football team at age six.
The bottom line, lost in analytics is that she is a black 'celebrity', by default she's suppose to be a Liberal and anti Trump...she publically bucked the system to make her point, she went against the grain at the risk of ruining a career in entertainment...TaDa....THATS ALL FOLKS!

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, as if no one understands that attention in this society is all good; all press is good press. Yes, she took such a bold risk.
Actually, she did. Lefties are not known for restraint and civility. She risked the death of her career, and based on the way lefties have come unhinged lately, relentless verbal abuse and maybe even physical attack. Lefties have become dangerous.

Yes of course, lefties.
It's wasn't the right wing that threw a coordinated, planned, funded and violent tantrum when Trump was elected.
Thread moved...haha
I'll never understand how these arbitrary decisions are made. How this isn't considered a political issue when compared to the other 2 million threads in "politics" must be above my pay grade.
Thread moved...haha
I'll never understand how these arbitrary decisions are made. How this isn't considered a political issue when compared to the other 2 million threads in "politics" must be above my pay grade.
I agree. I think they read them and if there isn't any momentum anywhere, it gets discharged as a bad thread.
Here, for the stupid lying snowflakes who claim that JOY VILLA was lying about receiving death threats and personal attacks via TWITTER for the dress she wore last night.

Right on cue, crazy left wing Democrats are sending death threats to singer Joy Villa because she wore a Trump dress to the 2017 Grammys.

@Joy_Villa die

— Le Kévin
(@kevinrizzi) February 12, 2017

Democrats send Joy Villa death threats for Trump dress
@PopCrave @Joy_Villa die

— ️ (@iggyoutsold) February 12, 2017

@Joy_Villa die

— ㅤㅤㅤ (@grigiobey) February 12, 2017

Of course, leftist Democrats weren’t all tweeting death threats towards Joy Villa. Instead, it was just the usual obnoxiously, leftist tirades of profanity and insults.

@General_Katz @UnicornNoodles @speriod @ZonDingah @Joy_Villa me too. You should join the resistance. We could teach you a lot!

— Fuck Trump (@TayrnG) February 13, 2017

This bitch Joy Villa or whatever the fuck tryna get discovered with her fuck ass Trump dress

— J.Lo (@MarcoooBitchess) February 12, 2017

Bye Joy Villa
and your dumbass agenda…fuck you and Trump

— ShamiahMonet (@ShamiahMonet) February 12, 2017

@Joy_Villa girl what the fuck do you be doing to get an invite to the Grammys? You fucking someone?

— Birthday Tmrw!
(@TiaraPerenz) February 12, 2017

Democrats also like to relive their KKK days, wishing Robert Byrd was still leading them in the Senate.

Fuck Donald Trump and fuck that Joy Villa coon ass bitch.

— Freddie (@Benjamin_MCQ) February 12, 2017

@ReignOfApril @Joy_Villa The Coon is strong in this one

— Michael Shepperd (@mashepperd) February 13, 2017

Thank u kind sir for telling me this dumb Uncle Tom braud is named joy villa

— Faith Trill (@dances) February 12, 2017


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During the election her mother, believing she had the Presidency 'in the bag', declared to challenge the election results is to undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests'.

Like mother like daughter....

Chelsea's Praise For The Anti-Trump Performances At The Grammy's Was Worse Than The Actual Show...

"Chelsea Clinton’s favorite part of the Grammy Awards were the political statements.

As Hillary Clinton’s daughter watched the awards show unfold in Los Angeles Sunday night, she praised the artists who made anti-Donald Trump statements from the stage."

Of course she did....


Last week, Nancy Pelosi actually said that people from SAN FRANCISCO DO NOT DISOBEY THE LAW.

Anyone critical of JOY VILLA is a RACIST! (her mom is black...that makes you RACIST!!!!)
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Apparently Joy Villa's dress was inappropriate according to our Liberal friends. But what is appropriate is for some Lefty starlet to walk up on stage in a transparent dress with her tits falling out while she rants about her political beliefs. That's OK because she's saying what they want to hear. That's what it's all about.
Looks like it was specifically designed to be grope-proof.
Was a Clinton there ?

Clinton was never convicted of groping. Trump confessed to it.
That's an interesting way to put it "never convicted" which would indicate that someone was legally accused of committing a crime and had testified in fact at some point. Sort of like stating I never had sexual relations with that women . Trump caught on tape jokingly talking about an act that a women would let him do and you Liberals lose your minds Bill Clinton goes decades "not getting convicted" for the same shit over and over again and your fine with that. I find it clinically fascinating how you Liberals don't realize how fucking hypocritical you are.

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