Black Attorney Caught Stealing Confederate Flags From Confederate Veteran's Graves

We're talking about flags buddy. He should've smeared poop on them. Should people put Nazi flags on the graves of Germans who died in Europe during WW2?
Those were confederate soldiers graves those flags were stolen from. Some blacks did fight in the confederate army. So some were black soldiers i'm sure that had their grave vandalized.

Why do you have to attach a racial component to this? The Confederates were the enemy no mater what their color.
The Germans don't put Nazi flags on Nazi graves and they are all the same race. Race has nothing to do with it. I just think the Black lawyer should have had a Northern White friend to help him remove the flags.
It's not your grave, none of your business what is put on it. My gosh liberals are so fucking stupid. If it's not your property then respect it. Something the feral negros should've thought about in Baltimore before they burned their town down. This is one of the problems we have today, if it doesn't belong to you leave it alone. Should I have the right to burn my neighbors house down if I disagree with him?

Yeah, tell that to the American Indians you feral pink mutant. Don't even TRY to lecture someone on taking what is not yours.
The lawyer probably had some legal angle you misanthropes haven't even thought of. Were the graves in a public cemetery where public funds are used? Were the flags purchased using government funding? That lawyer might have a case... Dumbass!
So in your Tree Dweller world if someone takes something from someone it's then OK to make another wrong?
Guess your baby mamma was too busy getting her fucking hair straightened and dyed 'white-blond' to teach you two wrongs don't make a right asshole.
Like a bannana?
I wouldn't talk too loud about "government funding". The entire negro race in the country has been sucking off the government tit for decades. Not a 'good look' on a fucking negro thug with a gold grill driving a brand new Escalade pimping out ten year old girls.

First of all, you don't know what my race is, I' never said (wisely). But since you hate Black people so much please consider me one too. I'll respond to you in kind .If the "White people " here refuse to reign your pink ass in, then they ought to understand that I am not talking about them when I describe people like you as being Pink mutant albinos.

Who says two wrongs don't make a right? I think the counter to that bullshit is fight fire with fire, byatch! Damn all the sweetness and understanding about two wrongs don't make a right. Fuck you! I guess your carpetbagger daddy didn't give you a right cross the first time you used the word nigga...that was a great disservice.

BTW the negro thug isn't doing anything your Pink heroes didn't do during slavery, including pimping ten year old girls.
BTW, without his Pink clientele there wouldn't be much money pimping ten year old girls!
People weren't enslaved and murdered under a rainbow flag. Being gay harms no one.
. Tell that to AIDS victims.

ALso tell them about the extreme right wing scientists who gave it to them!
Link? I heard it came from negros screwing monkeys in Africa.
Naw, it came from White gay males being injected during the hepatitis B vaccine trials.... Those were the first reported cases!
No respect for the dead at a cemetery, but what do we expect from ape race that has no respect for themselves. This has got to be the most dispicable act I've seen in a while.


Black Attorney Caught Stealing Flags From Confederate Veterans Graves UFP NEWS

I have no respect for anyone who waves a flag of treason against the USA.
Let's be honest. It is not in the negro races' DNA to comprehend the meaning of words such as self respect/honor/integrity/self discipline/valor. Yes there are exceptions. But not many.
The reasons the negro race is imploding on itself worldwide are found in my previous words.

You are not blind so you must be a fool!
People weren't enslaved and murdered under a rainbow flag. Being gay harms no one.
. Tell that to AIDS victims.

ALso tell them about the extreme right wing scientists who gave it to them!
I think you are confusing left wing democrats who purposely gave syphillis to black men and didn't tell them.
That was a program that sailed through GOP and Dem administrations and Congresses for thirty years.
No respect for the dead at a cemetery, but what do we expect from ape race that has no respect for themselves. This has got to be the most dispicable act I've seen in a while.


Black Attorney Caught Stealing Flags From Confederate Veterans Graves UFP NEWS

I have no respect for anyone who waves a flag of treason against the USA.
Fighting for states rights is not treason.

Firing on Ft. Sumter is.
People weren't enslaved and murdered under a rainbow flag. Being gay harms no one.
. Tell that to AIDS victims.

ALso tell them about the extreme right wing scientists who gave it to them!
I think you are confusing left wing democrats who purposely gave syphillis to black men and didn't tell them.

Democrat or Repubican... it matters's the CONSERVATIVE factions in both parties that bear considerable blame. Switching parties doesn't erase racism.
No respect for the dead at a cemetery, but what do we expect from ape race that has no respect for themselves. This has got to be the most dispicable act I've seen in a while.


Black Attorney Caught Stealing Flags From Confederate Veterans Graves UFP NEWS

I have no respect for anyone who waves a flag of treason against the USA.
Fighting for states rights is not treason.
Against the federal government every one of them ratified? Of course it is treason, and to support it today is treason.
People weren't enslaved and murdered under a rainbow flag. Being gay harms no one.
. Tell that to AIDS victims.

ALso tell them about the extreme right wing scientists who gave it to them!
I think you are confusing left wing democrats who purposely gave syphillis to black men and didn't tell them.

Democrat or Repubican... it matters's the CONSERVATIVE factions in both parties that bear considerable blame. Switching parties doesn't erase racism.
What republicans ignore is that it was social conservates who perpetuated racism and segregation before and during the civil rights movements. The south used to be full of socially conservative democrats, those social conservatives are now republicans. And republicans are now the party that proudly identifies with social conservatism.
Steve and AvgGuy are social conservatives

Sixty years ago, they would have been southern democrats.

Now, they would be southern republicans.
People weren't enslaved and murdered under a rainbow flag. Being gay harms no one.
. Tell that to AIDS victims.

ALso tell them about the extreme right wing scientists who gave it to them!
I think you are confusing left wing democrats who purposely gave syphillis to black men and didn't tell them.

Democrat or Repubican... it matters's the CONSERVATIVE factions in both parties that bear considerable blame. Switching parties doesn't erase racism.
The fucking 'Special Needs Race' is failing globally.
Won't be long now b/f there's a REP President/Congress/Senate. Then watch the tree dwellers come crawling on their knees for some more 'free shit'. Ain't going to happen. That's what's got the tree dwellers so excited.
The race whore Sharpton is going to find the IRS and the FBI very 'proactive' in getting paid the millions he owes. BOBO the fucking clown won't be able to help him.
Orange does look good against negro skin Al.
People weren't enslaved and murdered under a rainbow flag. Being gay harms no one.
. Tell that to AIDS victims.

ALso tell them about the extreme right wing scientists who gave it to them!
I think you are confusing left wing democrats who purposely gave syphillis to black men and didn't tell them.

Democrat or Repubican... it matters's the CONSERVATIVE factions in both parties that bear considerable blame. Switching parties doesn't erase racism.
The fucking 'Special Needs Race' is failing globally.
Won't be long now b/f there's a REP President/Congress/Senate. Then watch the tree dwellers come crawling on their knees for some more 'free shit'. Ain't going to happen. That's what's got the tree dwellers so excited.
The race whore Sharpton is going to find the IRS and the FBI very 'proactive' in getting paid the millions he owes. BOBO the fucking clown won't be able to help him.
Orange does look good against negro skin Al.
We have a white chimp out going on.

If the LEO can offer conclusive evidence that the attorney did it, then it is up to the DA to act.
No respect for the dead at a cemetery, but what do we expect from ape race that has no respect for themselves. This has got to be the most dispicable act I've seen in a while.


Black Attorney Caught Stealing Flags From Confederate Veterans Graves UFP NEWS

I have no respect for anyone who waves a flag of treason against the USA.
Fighting for states rights is not treason.
Steve Mcgarret lives 'round here

His threads are causing fear

He's always figgrin'
that blacks are niggrin'

and plotting to end his career

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