Black Baby Abortions Make Up 2/3rds Of All Abortions Despite Blacks Making Up Only 13% of Population?

The facts don’t agree with your feelings.

I posted data that shows you’re wrong.
i am not arguing that they have voted that way in the past. That is a fact. But it’s racist and prejudice to assume a race of people will act a way all the time
no what’s a fact is your prejudice that yoj assume that they will act a certain way all the time based on their race
You’re just being a whiny snowflake because reality doesn’t agree with your feelings.

There is a strong trend with voting patterns of black people, just as there are with voting patterns of other demographics. Those trends are very likely to continue, just as they have in the past. I have data to back this up. I have facts to back this up. You just have your feelings.

This is just common sense. And I didn’t say “all the time”.
You’re just being a whiny snowflake because reality doesn’t agree with your feelings.

There is a strong trend with voting patterns of black people, just as there are with voting patterns of other demographics. Those trends are very likely to continue, just as they have in the past. I have data to back this up. I have facts to back this up. You just have your feelings.

This is just common sense. And I didn’t say “all the time”.
no i just dislike prejudice
Black women can’t afford babies because they’ve grown up in a society of white supremacy.

If reparations were passed, there’d be less abortions
If Maggie Sanger had her way, we wouldn't need "reparation" for those who have never lived under racial oppression, like you want, (precursor to communism) because all negros would be exterminated.
Because centers for disease creation does not exist to render feelings on the quality of black males fathering.

Okay. Meanwhile, a link was provided of a CDC report that provides COLD HARD DATA, and you are pretending it doesn't exist because it's inconsistent with your bigotry.
Okay. Meanwhile, a link was provided of a CDC report that provides COLD HARD DATA, and you are pretending it doesn't exist because it's inconsistent with your bigotry.
No I am rejecting the concept that the CDC is a valid provider of information on how black males do with fathering. You and other loons feel I have no right to do that and am bound by the CDC commentary.
data shows african american males commit a high rate of violent crimes…that’s a fact, it’s prejudice to assume that because of their race

and theg will always do it
No it’s called observing outcomes which you wish to cast as racist
Once again, I didn’t say they will always do it.

That’s your straw man argument because facts don’t agree with your feelings.
that’s what it sounded like you were saying…did you not suggest more blacks would mean more dems?

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