Black Baby Abortions Make Up 2/3rds Of All Abortions Despite Blacks Making Up Only 13% of Population?

That statement is really racist.
My point is that who cares what percentage of women having an abortion are X, Y, or Z race? It is the woman's choice. Unless the OP means to imply that black women are somehow being targeted or victimized by way of abortion, it's irrelevant.
You can tell that Planned Parenthood is as racist as its founder Margaret Sanger since 86% of its abortion facilities are in minority neighborhoods.

polls and more and more black conservatives gaining a voice in the political realm .
Polls, interesting. Let’s look at the exit polls in the last several presidential elections.

2000: Black people voted blue by 81 points. They made up 10% of all votes. Net gain for Democrats: 8,540,000 votes.

2004: Black people voted blue by 77 points. They made up 11% of all votes. Net gain for Democrats: 10,360,000 votes.

2008: Black people voted blue by 91 points. They made up 13% of all votes. Net gain for Democrats: 15,530,000 votes.

2012: Black people voted blue by 87 points. They made up 13% of all votes. Net gain for Democrats: 14,600,000 votes.

2016: Black people voted blue by 80 points. They made up 12% of all votes. Net gain for Democrats: 13,120,000 votes.

2020: Black people voted blue by 75 points. They made up 13% of all votes. Net gain for Democrats: 15,440,000 votes.

There’s a few things happening with the data. I can see a downward trend with how likely black people are to vote blue, which is what you’re bringing up. However, the other side of this equation is the fact that black people are becoming a bigger part of the electorate.

From 2000 to 2020, they have gone from 10% of voters to 13% of voters. That might not seem like much, but it’s huge. For comparison, white people have dropped from 81% to 67% of all voters in this same time span.

Declining rate of Democrat voters but an increasing percentage of all voters. What this means in real numbers is an increasing advantage to Democrats.

Now conservatives want to remove a right that black people use, which will also grow their population more rapidly. You sure you’re ok with adding more black voters?
i have no problem with having more black adults .... i believe blacks are starting to wake up when it comes to the damage the left has caused in the family structure .

So black people are only acceptable inasmuch as they vote the way you want them to.
I heard that 7% of blacks (the females) are responsible for 40% of abortions.
This is the stat Candace Owens stands by.
So black people are only acceptable inasmuch as they vote the way you want them to.
its the left that labels black conservatives as uncle toms ,race traitors and other derogatory terms ... prominent dems do this not just the average dem voter .
So black people are only acceptable inasmuch as they vote the way you want them to.
was Margaret Sanger a racist or not ? and did she achieve her ultimate goal of keeping the black population lower than it would have been without her agenda being implemented ?
I agree.

Those additional black newborns are eventually going to grow up and become black adults. Right? Right. So more black adults.

You good with having more black adults? You don’t seem to want to address this lol.
the answer is obvious since i am against abortion on demand ... the question should be are you ok with having more black adults ?
the answer is obvious since i am against abortion on demand ... the question should be are you ok with having more black adults ?
I have nothing against black people. I’m not constantly complaining about black people like conservatives do. Maybe you guys just haven’t thought this through.

More black adults means more BLM and more Democrat voters.

You guys are constantly complaining about the crime rates of black people and now you’re wanting more of them.
I have nothing against black people. I’m not constantly complaining about black people like conservatives do. Maybe you guys just haven’t thought this through.

More black adults means more BLM and more Democrat voters.

You guys are constantly complaining about the crime rates of black people and now you’re wanting more of them.
cause they ain’t really black if they don’t vote for the party of the klan
I have nothing against black people. I’m not constantly complaining about black people like conservatives do. Maybe you guys just haven’t thought this through.

More black adults means more BLM and more Democrat voters.

You guys are constantly complaining about the crime rates of black people and now you’re wanting more of them.
The game has been played for to long now. It is expensive. I know men and women who are African Americans. And I believe it to be environmental. Because if it is anything else than what is the point? However the spigot of resources will not last forever. There is fractures now because the currency is starting to lose its juice. This is more about where everyone will be when the worst happens. And then the way to handle it will not be the same as it is now.
I have nothing against black people. I’m not constantly complaining about black people like conservatives do. Maybe you guys just haven’t thought this through.

More black adults means more BLM and more Democrat voters.

You guys are constantly complaining about the crime rates of black people and now you’re wanting more of them.
i think its pretty shallow of you to assume that just because someone is black that they will automatically support and do certain things ...

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