Zone1 Black Conservative DEFENDS Bigotry, Immediately Gets Checked


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Mar 11, 2015
Some blacks have chosen to repeat and believe every harmful meme about blacks that can be expressed. Then they cry, whine, and complain about how other blacks call them sellouts. But that is what they are. Here is a prime example.

Right-wing blacks like Tatum only help foster division. The only reason the whites who brag on them do so is because sellouts like Tatum validate what the racist subculture has chosen to believe about blacks. While other blacks oppose these people for the damage they cause, the white racist subculture has decided those opposing the sellouts are the problem. These sellouts are not independent thinkers. A person of color cannot be thinking independently if what they believe reinforces white racist stereotypes of people who look like them. These people do far more harm than good to the black community and general society. Allowing such individuals prominence in the national discourse on race is distasteful. They are only conferred status by the racist subculture to further its agenda.

This is what bothers me about some of these blacks on the right. They live in the same country as the rest of us. They face the same racism, yet they want to preach to people that such racism doesn’t exist or is irrelevant. They act like it is a badge of honor because racists are accepting them as they condemn blacks who oppose their anti-black rhetoric. Right-wing whites quickly push blacks and other nonwhites out to the forefront who they think can advance their beliefs. We see it here all the time and the whites who do it can't understand how we fail to agree with these dumb ass Uncle Toms.

So what do these people present to us as black people that we need to hear? What real positives do they bring to America? How are these people with such attitudes bettering the relations between the races here in America?

Because whites aren't the only people living here and the beliefs and opinions of whites are neither absolute or authoritative. By supporting and promoting Uncle Toms, right wing whites are actively working to maintain the racial division in this country
I agree partly, but sometimes there might be real problems in our own communities, and acknowledging that isnt a sell out or reinforcing white stereotypes it is being realistic, but we should offer some constructive solutions or constructive ideas, not just reinforce negative stereotypes because we are sell outs or get paid to mock our own. If you are honest and critice something about your own people it isnt sell out.

I dont mean black americans in particular, but generally, roma gypsies too, i dont take myself out of the equation. Some Germans hundred years ago stood against the majority of germans by being anti-nazi, right? Have they been sell outs?
LOL, "you ain't black unless you vote democrat" POC's trying to call black conservatives out!

Some blacks have chosen to repeat and believe every harmful meme about blacks that can be expressed. Then they cry, whine, and complain about how other blacks call them sellouts. But that is what they are. Here is a prime example.

Right-wing blacks like Tatum only help foster division. The only reason the whites who brag on them do so is because sellouts like Tatum validate what the racist subculture has chosen to believe about blacks. While other blacks oppose these people for the damage they cause, the white racist subculture has decided those opposing the sellouts are the problem. These sellouts are not independent thinkers. A person of color cannot be thinking independently if what they believe reinforces white racist stereotypes of people who look like them. These people do far more harm than good to the black community and general society. Allowing such individuals prominence in the national discourse on race is distasteful. They are only conferred status by the racist subculture to further its agenda.

This is what bothers me about some of these blacks on the right. They live in the same country as the rest of us. They face the same racism, yet they want to preach to people that such racism doesn’t exist or is irrelevant. They act like it is a badge of honor because racists are accepting them as they condemn blacks who oppose their anti-black rhetoric. Right-wing whites quickly push blacks and other nonwhites out to the forefront who they think can advance their beliefs. We see it here all the time and the whites who do it can't understand how we fail to agree with these dumb ass Uncle Toms.

So what do these people present to us as black people that we need to hear? What real positives do they bring to America? How are these people with such attitudes bettering the relations between the races here in America?

Because whites aren't the only people living here and the beliefs and opinions of whites are neither absolute or authoritative. By supporting and promoting Uncle Toms, right wing whites are actively working to maintain the racial division in this country

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I agree partly, but sometimes there might be real problems in our own communities, and acknowledging that isnt a sell out or reinforcing white stereotypes it is being realistic, but we should offer some constructive solutions or constructive ideas, not just reinforce negative stereotypes because we are sell outs or get paid to mock our own. If you are honest and critice something about your own people it isnt sell out.

I dont mean black americans in particular, but generally, roma gypsies too, i dont take myself out of the equation. Some Germans hundred years ago stood against the majority of germans by being anti-nazi, right? Have they been sell outs?
We can acknowledge that among ourselves until such time a certain whites stop using that to deny the problem white racism has caused.
You ain't black if you support a party run by white supremacists like the Republican Party is now.
I dont know much about this guy, but I liked his video on transgenders, he didnt seemed anti-black to me or a sell out I dont know what else he stands for

I don't really listen to many of the bootleg youtube commentators regardless of color.
Some blacks have chosen to repeat and believe every harmful meme about blacks that can be expressed. Then they cry, whine, and complain about how other blacks call them sellouts. But that is what they are. Here is a prime example.

Right-wing blacks like Tatum only help foster division. The only reason the whites who brag on them do so is because sellouts like Tatum validate what the racist subculture has chosen to believe about blacks. While other blacks oppose these people for the damage they cause, the white racist subculture has decided those opposing the sellouts are the problem. These sellouts are not independent thinkers. A person of color cannot be thinking independently if what they believe reinforces white racist stereotypes of people who look like them. These people do far more harm than good to the black community and general society. Allowing such individuals prominence in the national discourse on race is distasteful. They are only conferred status by the racist subculture to further its agenda.

This is what bothers me about some of these blacks on the right. They live in the same country as the rest of us. They face the same racism, yet they want to preach to people that such racism doesn’t exist or is irrelevant. They act like it is a badge of honor because racists are accepting them as they condemn blacks who oppose their anti-black rhetoric. Right-wing whites quickly push blacks and other nonwhites out to the forefront who they think can advance their beliefs. We see it here all the time and the whites who do it can't understand how we fail to agree with these dumb ass Uncle Toms.

So what do these people present to us as black people that we need to hear? What real positives do they bring to America? How are these people with such attitudes bettering the relations between the races here in America?

Because whites aren't the only people living here and the beliefs and opinions of whites are neither absolute or authoritative. By supporting and promoting Uncle Toms, right wing whites are actively working to maintain the racial division in this country

This Tatum guy is sickening. I sometimes wonder how much money he, Candace Owens and Larry Elder make per year for being White nationalist mouthpieces.
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This Tatum guy is sickening. I sometimes wonder how much money he, Candace Owens and Larry Elder make per year for being White nationalist mouthpieces.
It appears to pay well. But most of us were raised hearing this:

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?

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