Black Cop Shoots Black Man: ‘All White People Are F***ing Devils’?!

A BLACK female policeman shoots a black man after he refuses to drop the weapon he is holding even though ordered to do so numerous times. The female officer claimed he was a threat to officers, failed to comply, and shot the man.

Charlotte's BLACK Police Chief declared the police recovered the weapon at the scene (confirmed by several witnesses), and the shooting was justified.

False reports that the man was unarmed, carrying a book instead, were reported by citizens on social media. Rioting, vandalism, assault, 1 person shot, a CNN reporter attacked, police cars damaged....


Please remind me - WHO is RACIST?

‘All White People Are F***ing Devils’: More Protests Promised After Deadly Charlotte Police Shooting

That's not what happened. Check the video. Guy had broken down on the highway. Unarmed. Hands in the air. Tasered. Then shot.

I hope you are trying to be funny, because that is bullshit.
A BLACK female policeman shoots a black man after he refuses to drop the weapon he is holding even though ordered to do so numerous times. The female officer claimed he was a threat to officers, failed to comply, and shot the man.

Charlotte's BLACK Police Chief declared the police recovered the weapon at the scene (confirmed by several witnesses), and the shooting was justified.

False reports that the man was unarmed, carrying a book instead, were reported by citizens on social media. Rioting, vandalism, assault, 1 person shot, a CNN reporter attacked, police cars damaged....


Please remind me - WHO is RACIST?

‘All White People Are F***ing Devils’: More Protests Promised After Deadly Charlotte Police Shooting

That's not what happened. Check the video. Guy had broken down on the highway. Unarmed. Hands in the air. Tasered. Then shot.

Well, the truth will come out.. but, in the meantime, why are they bitching about white people? The cop was black. Are they this fucking stupid?

It's not about the truth, it's about a bullshit narrative.
I think the death is worse than what one stupid person said....just sayin
The problem is that it isn't just the comment made by 'one stupid person'. Its is one shared by many, driven by false narratives, hatred, and racism. That sentiment is what fueled much of the crime that has and is going on in Charlotte.

I am not arguing that the unnecessary death of a person is not bad. I am just saying this hatred and false narrative is extremely bad as well.

Yes but when it comes to levels. Another shooting is worse than what one person said or you feeling that the opinion is shared by many but acted on by no one.

Action vs inaction.
Playing 'Devil's Advocate', what is worse:

A man holding a weapon being shot after refusing to comply with officers' orders to drop the weapon....

Or the intentional false narrative of 'all whites are the devil' inciting intentional hate-filled assaults, shootings, arson, looting, vandalism, etc in response to the incident.

One occurred because there was little choice while the others were clear choices made. One has been deemed a 'lawful act' while the response was a vast number of intentional crimes in response to a false narrative.

Loss of life, no matter how, is always regrettable...the choice to criminally respond with hatred, destruction, assaults, attacks against innocents who had nothing to do with the incident?
A BLACK female policeman shoots a black man after he refuses to drop the weapon he is holding even though ordered to do so numerous times. The female officer claimed he was a threat to officers, failed to comply, and shot the man.

Charlotte's BLACK Police Chief declared the police recovered the weapon at the scene (confirmed by several witnesses), and the shooting was justified.

False reports that the man was unarmed, carrying a book instead, were reported by citizens on social media. Rioting, vandalism, assault, 1 person shot, a CNN reporter attacked, police cars damaged....


Please remind me - WHO is RACIST?

‘All White People Are F***ing Devils’: More Protests Promised After Deadly Charlotte Police Shooting

Some folks of every arbitrary categorization you subscribe to will undoubtedly turn out to be racist, this was never in question. Some rubes would push the notion, stupidly I might add, that since some members of one group are racist, no members of another group are.
Again, stupid.
Progress will be hard to come by if you have such ''racist malcontents' within the black community immediately 'stirring the pot' after such incidents by injecting false narratives on social media and to the willingly gullible masses.

In this case there is a BLACK officer, not white, engaged in a justifiable shooting of a black man. A black Police Chief holds a press conference, gives the facts of the incident, and local blacks still riot, loot, assault, shoot, commit arson...and blame WHITES!

Most people see the chaos on TV and see the headlines that describe 'another' police shooting of a black man, and they immediately begin railing against the police and whites, assuming it was a white cop.

People have to reject that rush to judgment, find out the details before coming to any conclusions. That isn't happening. There is little trust...and PART of it is due to these false narratives immediately being pushed by ignorant (and / or) race baiters.
Hillary said she needs to talk directly to "white people". WTF?

I didn't shoot anybody. I don't do anything that harms any minorities physically or financially.

Why does she need to talk to me?
Progress will be hard to come by if you have such ''racist malcontents' within the black community immediately 'stirring the pot' after such incidents by injecting false narratives on social media and to the willingly gullible masses.

In this case there is a BLACK officer, not white, engaged in a justifiable shooting of a black man. A black Police Chief holds a press conference, gives the facts of the incident, and local blacks still riot, loot, assault, shoot, commit arson...and blame WHITES!

Most people see the chaos on TV and see the headlines that describe 'another' police shooting of a black man, and they immediately begin railing against the police and whites, assuming it was a white cop.

People have to reject that rush to judgment, find out the details before coming to any conclusions. That isn't happening. There is little trust...and PART of it is due to these false narratives immediately being pushed by ignorant (and / or) race baiters.

A justifiable shooting?
I think the death is worse than what one stupid person said....just sayin
The problem is that it isn't just the comment made by 'one stupid person'. Its is one shared by many, driven by false narratives, hatred, and racism. That sentiment is what fueled much of the crime that has and is going on in Charlotte.

I am not arguing that the unnecessary death of a person is not bad. I am just saying this hatred and false narrative is extremely bad as well.

Yes but when it comes to levels. Another shooting is worse than what one person said or you feeling that the opinion is shared by many but acted on by no one.

Action vs inaction.
Playing 'Devil's Advocate', what is worse:

A man holding a weapon being shot after refusing to comply with officers' orders to drop the weapon....

Or the intentional false narrative of 'all whites are the devil' inciting intentional hate-filled assaults, shootings, arson, looting, vandalism, etc in response to the incident.

One occurred because there was little choice while the others were clear choices made. One has been deemed a 'lawful act' while the response was a vast number of intentional crimes in response to a false narrative.

Loss of life, no matter how, is always regrettable...the choice to criminally respond with hatred, destruction, assaults, attacks against innocents who had nothing to do with the incident?

The false narrative espoused by one person is bad but not worse than the taking of another person's life on any level.

Even the terrorist who made 3 bombs and shot 2 cops was taken alive.
A justifiable shooting?
The police approach an armed man, orders the man to drop his weapon, and he refuses. At this point you have an armed man refusing to comply with the police's orders. In light of all the attacks on police lately, the police take this as a threat, and shoot the man.

The false narrative espoused by one person is bad but not worse than the taking of another person's life on any level.

Even the terrorist who made 3 bombs and shot 2 cops was taken alive.

So you think cops should be trained to risk their lives by shooting people in the leg or the arm? Doesn't work that way. 'Center mass'.

The terrorist who was recently captured - pressure cooker bomber - was shot 7 times. The police were NOT trying to shoot him in the arms and legs. He can thank Allah he is still alive.
A justifiable shooting?
The police approach an armed man, orders the man to drop his weapon, and he refuses. At this point you have an armed man refusing to comply with the police's orders. In light of all the attacks on police lately, the police take this as a threat, and shoot the man.


The man was shot with his hands up.
You are thinking about the OK shooting. THIS guy in Charlotte was carrying a gun and refused to comply with the police's MULTIPLE orders - 'DROP YOUR WEAPON!'

Lesson Learned (or SHOULD BE Learned):
IF you have a weapon and the police tell you to drop the weapon, DROP THE FRIGGGIN' WEAPON!
The false narrative espoused by one person is bad but not worse than the taking of another person's life on any level.

Even the terrorist who made 3 bombs and shot 2 cops was taken alive.

So you think cops should be trained to risk their lives by shooting people in the leg or the arm? Doesn't work that way. 'Center mass'.

The terrorist who was recently captured - pressure cooker bomber - was shot 7 times. The police were NOT trying to shoot him in the arms and legs. He can thank Allah he is still alive.

If it didn't work that way then the terrorist would be dead.
Another once great city being destroyed by Democrats. Remember folks, all of our communities are just one or two Democrats away from becoming Democrat Hellholes. Don't let it happen to your community.
The truth doesn't matter to these folks... it's all about the narrative.

Seeing how it always ends with a shit ton of hoodrats looting all the stores, It would seem a shot black guy is taken as an opportunity for D'Aaron and T'Quanshell to get some new sneakers and a flat screen. Blacks love dead black people. Means new free stuff.
Progress will be hard to come by if you have such ''racist malcontents' within the black community immediately 'stirring the pot' after such incidents by injecting false narratives on social media and to the willingly gullible masses.

In this case there is a BLACK officer, not white, engaged in a justifiable shooting of a black man. A black Police Chief holds a press conference, gives the facts of the incident, and local blacks still riot, loot, assault, shoot, commit arson...and blame WHITES!

Most people see the chaos on TV and see the headlines that describe 'another' police shooting of a black man, and they immediately begin railing against the police and whites, assuming it was a white cop.

People have to reject that rush to judgment, find out the details before coming to any conclusions. That isn't happening. There is little trust...and PART of it is due to these false narratives immediately being pushed by ignorant (and / or) race baiters.

A justifiable shooting?

We don't know yet. If not, then prosecute the hell out of those involved.
A justifiable shooting?
The police approach an armed man, orders the man to drop his weapon, and he refuses. At this point you have an armed man refusing to comply with the police's orders. In light of all the attacks on police lately, the police take this as a threat, and shoot the man.


The man was shot with his hands up.
You are thinking about the OK shooting. THIS guy in Charlotte was carrying a gun and refused to comply with the police's MULTIPLE orders - 'DROP YOUR WEAPON!'

Lesson Learned (or SHOULD BE Learned):
IF you have a weapon and the police tell you to drop the weapon, DROP THE FRIGGGIN' WEAPON!

All based on the word of cops. No evidence
If it didn't work that way then the terrorist would be dead.
So you are claiming that in the middle of a gun battle with the terrorist the cops ALL took time and used due diligence to ONLY target the terrorist's extremities (arms / legs)?

I think the death is worse than what one stupid person said....just sayin
The problem is that it isn't just the comment made by 'one stupid person'. Its is one shared by many, driven by false narratives, hatred, and racism. That sentiment is what fueled much of the crime that has and is going on in Charlotte.

I am not arguing that the unnecessary death of a person is not bad. I am just saying this hatred and false narrative is extremely bad as well.

Yes but when it comes to levels. Another shooting is worse than what one person said or you feeling that the opinion is shared by many but acted on by no one.

Action vs inaction.
Playing 'Devil's Advocate', what is worse:

A man holding a weapon being shot after refusing to comply with officers' orders to drop the weapon....

Or the intentional false narrative of 'all whites are the devil' inciting intentional hate-filled assaults, shootings, arson, looting, vandalism, etc in response to the incident.

One occurred because there was little choice while the others were clear choices made. One has been deemed a 'lawful act' while the response was a vast number of intentional crimes in response to a false narrative.

Loss of life, no matter how, is always regrettable...the choice to criminally respond with hatred, destruction, assaults, attacks against innocents who had nothing to do with the incident?

The false narrative espoused by one person is bad but not worse than the taking of another person's life on any level.

Even the terrorist who made 3 bombs and shot 2 cops was taken alive.

If the guy had a gun and wouldn't drop it when the police told him to, that's on him.

He was not peacefully sitting in his car reading a book and the cops just came up and killed him for no reason.

I fail to see the racist element when a black cop shoots an armed black man who is not complying.
Cops have burn guns to plant for just such emergencies.

even if he did just have a book, like you would cAre? See Tulsa guy.

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