black couple sues appraisal company for low appraisal on home

It seems the scam is on the part of the refinancing companies. That they appraised the building at a much lower price when it was presented by a black family than a white family.

So you take out all your black family photos and have a white friend let the appraiser in, and SUDDENLY, your building is worth $300,000 more?

You know, you racist twats all scream every day that black people should be more like white people, and here you have a couple of professionals, good educations, good jobs, married couple, and they STILL get their house appraised for less?
I guess the appraisal was less due to the area.....Just because you might deem a area as "nice" or "affluent" it's shit-hole surroundings (Murdermore) say otherwise. Maybe the appraiser figured-in the crime rate....As well as it should be figured in.....You know, for transparency.
As we can see from this post, racism and stupidity go hand in hand. 😄
He`s reading from the GOP handbook. (chapter 1, page 3) It`s the `go to` defense for racism. "I just don`t want to be around them" A guy I worked with in a steel mill once told us that he`ll get out of a motel pool if a Black person goes in the water because they have cooties or something. I`m happy to report that he`s been dead for a couple decades.

this is in maryland. is it me or are blacks going around suing for everything and anything?
That's what the victim classes always do. They run to lawyers cash in on their victim hood. We need stronger frivolous lawsuit fines to limit this nonsense.
That's what the victim classes always do. They run to lawyers cash in on their victim hood. We need stronger frivolous lawsuit fines to limit this nonsense.

Easier said than done. If it were up to me, we would have a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you want, but if you lose, you are responsible for all bills of the defendant related to the suit.

So why don't we have something that practical? Because many of our representatives are lawyers, and they're going to take care of their own. Plus if they lose reelection, they may have to return to law themselves.
Two different quotes same place, so stop defending the appraiser!

I'm not defending anybody, but I'm also not supporting the idea it was race unless I see some evidence of it which I have not so far.

I had my places appraised for an equity loan before. The people that come out only do measurements and take pictures. At the end of the day they turn in all their data to the person that actually makes out the appraisal so he or she never met the applicant. Why would this person care what race the applicant is unless they actually lived in the area?

From there it goes to the underwriters. The underwriter may not even live in the state. It's they who are actually lending out the money to the bank for the equity loan. The bank approves or declines the application based on the underwriters decision.
Easier said than done. If it were up to me, we would have a loser pays all law. Sue anybody you want, but if you lose, you are responsible for all bills of the defendant related to the suit.

So why don't we have something that practical? Because many of our representatives are lawyers, and they're going to take care of their own. Plus if they lose reelection, they may have to return to law themselves.
True, having a lawsuit review board for each state would horrify all the victim classes and the lawyers who want to be able to go to court over any damn thing they want.
As judge and jury of this case we also need to know why this couple sought to refinance their home. Was it to secure a lower interest rate, or because of other financial needs, or perhaps a financial crisis? This would have been disclosed during the application process, and prior to the appraisal, and would certainly have affected the whole process.

None of that should be relevent to the appraised value of the house.

And the only possible reason for that is race? What if it's a typo? You do know appraisers go inside the home, don't you? It could be a total wreck in there for all we know.

Again I ask, what advantage could there be for an appraisal company to give such a low quote?

Welfare ray, no matter what happens, the darkies are always to blame.
This was a black couple applying for a equity loan in a white neighborhood. Other than that I agree with you. The worst part about living with blacks is the noise. My lowlife neighbor just rented to an elderly section 8 black couple. They have to be in their 70's and they're still a problem. I told them twice about music being too loud and they only turned it off for that day and evening. A few days later, the same damn thing, so I told them again. Rinse and repeat.

Yesterday I got so pissed off I ran to Best Buy to get powered blue tooth speakers, 60 watts. Next time they pull that shit they're in for a host of Polish polkas. If that don't stop them, I'm back to calling the cops again like I did to all the other section 8 lowlifes that lived there.

Oh, look, Welfare Ray has another set of neighbors he hates. Color me speechless.
If it's true these folks were actually lowballed because they were black, it still could be that it boils down to one racist individual who did the appraising and not the whole company. But this is not to say I necessarily believe that this went down exactly as they claim either.
I'm not defending anybody, but I'm also not supporting the idea it was race unless I see some evidence of it which I have not so far.

I had my places appraised for an equity loan before. The people that come out only do measurements and take pictures.
Some appraisers don't even do that. Others do more than that.

The one appraiser never even went into the house. We just sat on the porch, had a cup of coffee and shot the breeze for a while. Then he simply asked me how much I wanted the house appraised for. That was it.

At another one of my houses, this other appraiser did a thorough job and took copious notes. They checked out every room and examined the furnace and water heater. They went into the attic, the basement and crawlspace to check out all the plumbing and wiring.
If it's true these folks were actually lowballed because they were black, it still could be that it boils down to one racist individual who did the appraising and not the whole company. But this is not to say I necessarily believe that this went down exactly as they claim either.

People don't do illegal things for nothing. People do illegal things to benefit themselves. There is no benefit for an appraiser to discriminate against people because they are black.
People don't do illegal things for nothing. People do illegal things to benefit themselves. There is no benefit for an appraiser to discriminate against people because they are black.

You mean when people commit hate crimes they're actually doing it for money?

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